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Alberta Association for Spiritual Care / Association albertaine de soins spirituels


Article 1Name & Constitutional Basepg 2

Article 2Defining & Interpreting the Bylawspg 2

2.1 Definitionspg 2

2.1.2 Terms specific to CASC/ACSSpg 3

2.1.3 Terms specific to AASC/AASSpg 5

Article 3Membershippg 6

Article 4Officerspg 7

Article 5Board of Directorspg 7

Article 6Duties of Directorspg 8

Article 7Meetingspg 11

Article 8Borrowing Powerspg 12

Article 9Grievances, Appeals and Complaintspg 12

Article 10Amendmentspg 12

Article 11Dissolving the Societypg 13

Appendix ITerms of Referencepg 14

Alberta Association for Spiritual Care / Association albertaine de soins spirituels



1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Alberta Association for Spiritual Care/Association albertaine de soins spirituels or AASC/AASS,referred to hereinafter as “the Society”.

1.2 AASC/AASSis established under the authority of and according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituels or CASC/ACSS.

1.3 This document comprises the Bylaws of AASC/AASS. These Bylaws regulate the transaction of business and affairs of AASC/AASS, and are reviewed triennially.

1.4 These Bylaws will be subject to revision in keeping with changes in the Bylaws of CASC/ACSS.


2.1 Definitions

In these Bylaws, the following words have these meanings.

2.1.1 General definitions Act means the Societies Act R.S.A. 2000, Chapter S-14 as amended, or any statute substituted for it. Annual General Meeting means the Annual General Meetingof Members as described in Article 7.1. Bylaws mean the Bylaws of this Society as amended. Extraordinary Business Meeting means a Special Meeting of the membership of AASC/AASS as described in Article 7.2. Member means an individual who is a member in good standing of CASC/ACSS and hence a member of AASC/AASS. Officer means an elected Director of AASC/AASS, as described in Article 4.. Program of Supervised Pastoral Education (SPE) (see Article means an educational curriculum that complies with CASC/ACSS Accreditation and Certification Standards for SPE. Retired Member or Member Emeritus means one who has ceased to earn remuneration from spiritual care and counselling activities and has ceased to utilize her/his certification as a Specialist and/or Teaching Supervisor. Society means the Alberta Association for Spiritual Care/Association albertaine de soins spirituels. Special Resolution means: a resolution passed at a general meeting of which not less than 21 days’ notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution has been duly given, and by the vote of not less than 75% of those members who, if entitled to do so, vote in person or by proxy, a resolution proposed and passed as a special resolution at a general meeting of which less than 21 days’ notice has been given, if all the members entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting so agree, or a resolution consented to in writing by all the members who would have been entitled at a general meeting to vote on the resolution in person or, where proxies are permitted, by proxy. Spiritual Care means the professional relationship established with a client that provides a framework for ongoing assessment and inter-professional interventions that help meet the wellness needs and goals of the client [adapted from Competencies for Spiritual Care and Counselling Specialist, 2011 as described in Article] Student means one who is registered in an approved or accredited program of SPE. Voting Member means a Member entitled to vote at the meetings of the Society, as described in Article 7.1.8.

2.1.2 Terms specific to CASC/ASCC Advanced SPE means the supervised education that follows Basic SPE (see Article, to which a student is admitted following a formal consultation and conditional on having a Teaching Supervisor willing to supervise the student’s further SPE. Basic SPE means the first level of SPE, consisting of at least 800 hours of education supervised by a Teaching Supervisor in a CASC/ACSS approved Program of SPE. Board of Directors means the elected Board which governs the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituels (CASC/ACSS) nationally. Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituels or CASC/ACSS means the national professional body by which the professions of spiritual care and counselling in Canada are regulated – including educational requirements, accreditation of educational centres, professional certification of members, specifications for professional competencies and scopes of practice, accountability for ethical conduct, peer review, etc. CASC/ACSS Bylaws means the Bylaws of the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituels. Certification means the professional authorization of a CASC/ACSS Member by the Education Standards Commission (ESC) and Board of Directors of CASC/ACSS to identify as either a Specialist or Teaching Supervisor (as described in Articles and respectively). Certified Member means a CASC/ACSS member who is authorized through Certification to use the professional designation of Specialist and/or Teaching Supervisor. Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) means a type of SPE characterized by the integration of clinical and theoretical learning about spiritual care in various contexts including institutions and faith communities. Competencies for Spiritual Care and Counselling Specialists means the list of core competencies for Certified Members approved by the CASC/ACSS Board of Directors as adopted in 2011 and subsequently revised.These competencies provide the means to assess ability levels and identify scopes of practice in spiritual care and counselling. Education Standards Commission (ESC) means the national body which develops, oversees and revises the Education Standards of CASC/ACSS and is responsible for the admitting, certifying and accrediting actions of CASC/ACSS. National Association means Canadian Association for Spiritual Care/Association canadienne de soins spirituels or CASC/ACSS. National Ethics Committee means the national body which furthers both implementation of and education concerning the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of CASC/ACSS. National Office means either the registered business office of CASC/ACSS, or the business of the CASC/ACSS staff and volunteer officers. National Nominating Committee means any committee co-opted by the Vice President of CASC/ACSS to assist in preparing a slate of nominees for vacant positions to be presented to the Annual General Meeting of CASC/ACSS. Pastoral Counselling Education (PCE) means a type of SPE characterized by the integration of clinical and theoretical learning about spiritually integrated psychotherapy practicein various contexts including institutions, clinics, counselling centres, and faith communities. Peer Review is a process required of Certified Members every five (5) years in which there is collegial and reflective assessment of the CASC/ACSS member’s spiritual care practice, professional and ethical accountability, professional development, and self-care. Peer review is required to maintain Certification. Professional Practice Commission (PPC) means the national body which develops, oversees and revises the Professional Practice Standards of CASC/ACSS and is responsible for implementing Competencies for Spiritual Care and Counselling Specialists (see Article, clarifying scopes of practice, and promoting the professional identity and practice of CASC/ACSS Members. Provisional Teaching Supervisor means a category of SPE Student into which a Specialist seeking Certification as a Teaching Supervisor is admitted following a formal consultation and conditional on having a SPE Teaching Supervisor willing to supervise the student’s learning the arts and skills of SPE supervision. Specialist means a category of CASC/ACSS Certification that is granted after successful completion of two or more programs of Advanced SPE, the equivalent of one (1) year of professional practice following SPE, and formal assessment of documented and demonstrated competency in keeping with CASC/ACSS Certification Standards and the Competencies for Spiritual Care and Counselling Specialist. Student Membership means the aggregate of those who are involved in SPE programs of learning at the time of the Annual General Meeting of the Society. Supervised Pastoral Education (SPE) means the specialized learning of SpiritualCare and Counselling Competencies, within CASC/ACSS approved or accredited programs of CPE or PCE. SPE is informed by the academic disciplines of faith traditions and behavioral sciences, and is characterized by experiential learning methods that promote the integration of theoretical and clinical knowledge with skills in reflective practice. Teaching Supervisor means a category of CASC/ACSS Certification that is granted to Specialists who have successfully completed two or more programs of Supervisory SPE, accrued at least 400 hours ofexperience in autonomous supervisory functioning, and completed formal assessment of documented and demonstrated competency in the arts and skills of SPE supervision in keeping with CASC/ACSS Certification Standards. CASC/ACSS certifies Teaching Supervisors to teach CPE and/orPCE.

2.1.3 Terms specific to AASC/AASS Board of Directors means the elected Officers and appointed Members-at- Large of AASC/AASS as described in Article 5. and in Article 6. Nominating Committee Chair means the elected Officer who arranges for the preparation of nominations to vacant positions on the Board of Directors, as described in Article 6.5. Regional Admitting Chair (RAC) means the elected Officer responsible for arranging consultations for applicants to Advanced SPE and Supervisory SPE, as described in Article 6.6. Regional Ethics Chair means the elected Officer who is responsible to arrange for ethics education for Members, and who deals with ethics complaints, as described in Article 6.8. Regional Professional Practice Chair means the elected Officer who represents the Alberta region on the Professional Practice Commission of CASC/ACSS and who oversees the Peer Review Process for AASC/AASS members as described in Article 6.7.

2.2 Interpretation

The following rules of interpretation must be applied in interpreting these Bylaws:

2.2.1 Singular and Plural: words indicating the singular number also include the plural, and vice-versa.

2.2.2 Corporation: words indicating persons also include corporations.

2.2.3 Headings are for convenience only. They do not affect the interpretation of these Bylaws.

2.2.4 Liberal Interpretation: these Bylaws must be interpreted broadly and generously.


3.1 Members of the Alberta Association for Spiritual Care/Association albertaine de soins spirituels are those members in good standing of CASC/ACSS who reside in Alberta. As such, the following conditions of membership apply:

3.1.1 Membership in the Society is limited to persons whose application has been accepted by, and who pay the required fees to, the CASC/ACSS National Office.

3.1.2 Membership is open to all persons, without discrimination based on race, origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, or physical disability.

3.1.3 Membership may be withdrawn for cause by action of the AASC/AASS Board of Directors.

3.1.4 Non-payment of CASC/ACSS annual membership fees (unpaid three months after the renewal deadline) will be understood as an indicator of cessation of membership.

3.2 All Members commit to adherence to the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of CASC/ACSS.


4.1 Officers of the Society shall include a Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Nominating Committee Chair, Regional Admitting Chair, Regional Professional Practice Chair, and Regional Ethics Chair.

4.2 Officers, with the exception of the Chair and Vice-Chair, are elected for a term of two (2) years at the Annual General Meeting of the Society and are eligible for re-election to a second term.

4.3 Officers may be removed from office for cause at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary Business Meeting of Members, if a resolution is passed by three-quarters (3/4) of the Members present at the meeting that he/she be removed from office.

4.4 The term for the Chair is one (1) year as Chair-elect, two (2) years as Chair and one (1) year as Past-Chair.

4.5 The Vice-Chair (who is either Chair-elect or Past-Chair) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Society. At no time shall there be both a Chair-elect and Past-Chair.

4.6 Officers shall be Certified Members of CASC/ACSS. Exceptions will be considered by the AASC/AASS membership at time of election. An uncertified Officer shall be limited to a single term of office unless certification is achieved during that term.

4.7 The Membership or the Board of Directors of the Society may decide, from time to time, to elect Co-Chairs for any of the committees of the region.

4.8 Officers shall assume the duties generally associated with their office as described in Article 6. and other duties as assigned by the Membership in business meetings.

4.9 Officers of the Society are not permitted to purchase property or borrow money on behalf of the Society.

4.10 Officers of the Society are not protected for acts of fraud, dishonesty, and bad faith.


5.1 The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers (named in Article 4.1.) and up to four (4) appointed Members-at-Large, as described in Article 6.9..

5.2 The Board of Directors shall act on behalf of the Society between Annual General Meetings to manage the affairs of the Society, with decisions subject to ratification at the next Annual General Meeting.

5.3 No member of the Board of Directors shall receive remuneration for his/her services on behalf of the Society.

5.4 Positions on the Board of Directors shall be automatically vacated if:

5.4.1 an Officer has resigned his/her office by delivering a written resignation to the Secretary of the Society, giving thirty (30) days’ notice;

5.4.2 he/she is found by a court to be of unsound mind;

5.4.3 by force of law, he/she is declared bankrupt;

5.4.4 at an Extraordinary Business Meeting of Members or at an Annual General Meeting, a resolution is passed by three-quarters (3/4) of the Members present at the meeting that he/she be removed from office;

5.4.5 he/she, either before or after becoming an Officer, has been convicted of an offense punishable by more than one year's imprisonment;

5.4.6 he/she, after an investigation or an appeal taken therefrom, pursuant to the Bylaws of CASC/ACSS, is subject to an order of probation, suspension or dismissal;

5.4.7 provided that, if any vacancy shall occur for any reason in this paragraph contained, the Board of Directors by majority vote, may, by appointment, fill the vacancy with a Member of the Society.

5.5 The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint special committees with terms of reference appropriate to the task assigned.

5.6 The Board of Directors will make available by regular mail or by electronic mail copies of Society Minutes and Financial Records to Members upon request.


6.1 Chair

6.1.1 The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary Business Meetings.

6.1.2 The Chair shall have authority to call meetings of the Board of Directors.

6.1.3 The Chair shall be the signing authority for all legal documents of the Society.

6.1.4 The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Society.

6.1.5 The Chair shall, as required, perform other duties customary for a presiding officer.

6.2 Vice-Chair

6.2.1 The Vice-Chair shall be either the Chair-Elect or the Past-Chair.

6.2.2 The Vice-Chair shall, when necessary, assume the duties of the Chair.

6.3 Secretary

6.3.1 The Secretary shall record all Minutes of the Annual General Meetings, Board of Directors meetings and any Extraordinary Business Meetings.

6.3.2 The Secretary shall distribute the Minutes of Meetings of the Board of Directors to each member of the Board of Directors.

6.3.3 The Secretary shall maintain an orderly record of the activity of the Society.

6.3.4 The Secretary shall deal with correspondence as instructed by the Board of Directors.

6.3.5 The Secretary shall maintain membership records and membership contact information in accordance with CASC/ACSS’s Privacy Policy.(When that policy contradicts the laws of Alberta, the laws of Alberta shall be given precedence).

6.3.6 The Secretary shall have custody and use of the seal of the Society.

6.4 Treasurer

6.4.1 The Treasurer shall keep records of financial transactions, maintain accounts in the name of the Society and report to the Board of Directors as determined by it.

6.4.2 The mailing address of the Treasurer shall be deemed to be the legal address for the Society.

6.4.3 Any two of the Treasurer, Chair, Vice-chair or Secretaryshall act as signatory for the finances of the Society.

6.4.4 The Treasurer shall request, receive and administer funds assigned to the Society by the National Office of CASC/ACSS, acting under the direction of the AASC/AASS Board of Directors.

6.4.5 The Treasurer shall also administer such other funds as may be donated to the Society or raised through regional projects or events.

6.4.6 The Treasurer shall prepare an annual audited financial statement and a budget for the ensuing year, to be submitted to the membership at the Annual General Meeting.

6.4.7 A third-party Reviewer of Accounts, not associated with AASC/AASS, shall be appointed by the membership at the Annual General Meeting each year to review the Society’s financial records. The Treasurer will arrange for this review to be done by a certified accounting professional every two (2) years or when a new Treasurer assumes office.

6.4.8 The fiscal year end of the Society shall be August 31 each year.

6.5 Nominating Committee Chair

6.5.1 The Nominating Committee Chair shall be the Regional Representative to any National Nominations Committee that may be formed.

6.5.2 The Nominating Committee Chair shall arrange for the preparation of nominations to vacant positions on the Board of Directors. Nominations may also be presented from the floor of the Annual General Meeting for any vacant position. Elections shall be determined by majority vote by ballot.

6.5.3 The Nominating Committee Chair may form a Regional Nominating Committee, with up to three Members, that is representative of the diversities within the Society (i.e. PCE, CPE, Specialist, Supervisor, students, geographical mix, etc.). The mandate of this committee is to ensure diversity of membership among nominees for Board of Directors and Officer positions.

6.6 Regional Admitting Chair

6.6.1 The Regional Admitting Chair shall be the Regional Representative on the Education Standards Commission of CASC/ACSS and report regularly to the Commission.