International Exhibition of Flowers and Landscape Design
27-29 April 2011
Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
Exhibition Company “Astana-Expo” (Kazakhstan, Astana)
Company “Greenex” (Russia, Moscow)
Company name: |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
TIN:|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|S/account:|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| Bank______
Responsible for carrying out of exhibition:|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
Inscription on frame panel: |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|
Price for participationprice 1 m2 sq. m. total
Closed equipped area (min. 6 sq. m) / 200 EURO / x / =Includes wall panels, carpet, 2 spot lamps, 1 table, 2 chairs,
bin, plug socket, inscription on frame panel (15 symbols)
Closed unequipped area (min. 9 sq. m) / 170 EURO / x / =
Price includes exhibition space rental, general advertising of exhibition, night watch, aisle cleaning
REGISTRATION FEE / 200EUROIncludes: placing of information aboutparticipant in official catalogue of exhibition, 1 copy of catalogue, 2 badges, participation on events, holding during the exhibition, 2 invitation tickets on evening reception.
ADDITIONAL SERVICES FROM FOLLOWING LIST / ______Placing of advertisement in official catalogue of exhibition:
А5 color cover – 380EURO / А5 black-and-white – 140 EURO
А5 color – 230 EURO / 1/2 А5 color – 130 EURO
- Completion and signing of present application is a guarantee of willingness of company to pay sum for participation in exhibition in full.
- Participant can’t cancel present contract – application.
- Documents, passed through fax connection, are considered to be legal. Following representation of originals is obligatory.
Organizer Exhibitor
LLC «Greenex» (company name)______
Sign ______Sign ______
Stamp place Stamp place
Exhibition Sections:- Flowers & Floriculture
- Plants and nurseries
- Landscape architecture and design
- Garden & Leisure
- Flora and flower sales
- Organizer of exhibition engages to render services, including in price of participation.
- Organizer is not responsible for mistakes or omissions in materials, given by Exhibitor, for placing in catalogue of exhibition.
- Exposition plan of exhibition hall is formed in process of receipt of applications. The priority in granting an exhibition area is defined by its size and date of payment. Organizations, which have rendered financial and technical support in preparation of exhibition, take advantage at definition of location of stand.
- At will of Exhibitor its stand can be completed by the additional equipment and is designed under individual scheme applied by contract-application.
- The exhibitor of the exhibition, who has signed contract-application, is obliged to observe conditions and rules stated in given document. Any changes must be made in written form.
- Exhibitor must use given in rent area only according with subject of exhibition and has no right to transfer it to third person or give in a sublease without written approval of Organizer.
- Exhibitor has no right to place exhibits before full payment of all charges stipulated in contract-application
- During exhibition Exhibitor engages to make adjustment of mutual payments with Organizer.
- Exhibitor engages to observe all regulations of exhibition and must have representative who is present at pavilion during all term of exhibition.
- Exhibitor is not authorized to remove its exhibits till the official finishing of exhibition.
- Organizer is not responsible for losses, damages and delays, which have resulted from force-majeur circumstances (war, civil disorders, earthquakes, strikes, etc.), complicating or breaking carrying out of exhibition.
- Any firm can correspondingly participate in exhibition, which includes placing of information in size of 600 symbols (10 – 12 lines) in official catalogue of exhibition, distribution of advertising products, participation in business program, receiving of catalogue.
For guaranteed participation in exhibition it’s necessary:
- Send to organizer contract-application and information for catalogue (company info, main area of business) in size not more than 600 symbols (10 lines) not later than 1March 2011
- Make an initial payment amounted to 30% of the total cost of participation in the exhibition within 3 days of invoice received, pay the remaining part of the sum due by 14 March 2011.
- In case of full payment 4 months before the beginning of exhibition there is a discount of 15% of price of area, 3 months before there is a discount 10% of price of area.
- All payments for participation in exhibition are made according to account, which has been written out according to the contract-application.
- Unpaid at maturity contact – application is considered to be invalid.
- Exhibition booth spaces which are not occupied by the Lessee 24 hours before the opening of the exhibition automatically pass into Organizer's disposition. In this case no refund is processed to the Exhibitor.
- For any cancellations made by the Exhibitor 30 days before the opening of the exhibition will be refunded 50% of the cost of space booked. No monies will be refunded for cancellations received less than 30 days before the opening of the exhibition.
Montage of exhibition 24th – 25th of April, 2011.
Visit of participants 26th of April, 2011.
Exhibition working days 27th – 29th of April, 2011.
Dismantling of exhibition 30th of April, 2011.
Exhibition company “Greenex”115093,Moscow, B.Serpukhovskaya street 44, office 19
Tel.: + 7495 221 12 51; +7915185 79 03