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Humor Creative Essay Rubric

4-Excellent / 3-Good Job / 2-Needs Improvement / 1-Incomplete
Introduction / Opens the essay in a clear and humorous way. Anecdote is fully developed, articulate, and creative. Reader gets a clear sense of the importance and the effect of the story. Strong reader interest. / Opens the essay in a clear and humorous way. Anecdote is fully developed and articulate. Reader gets a clear sense of the importance and the effect of the story. / Anecdote is only superficially developed. It could be more articulate or creative. Reader gets some sense of the importance and the effect of the story. / Anecdote is not fully developed. It is not particularly articulate or creative. Reader gets little sense of the importance and the effect of the story.
Comedic Devices and Analysis Paragraphs / Author discusses several SPECIFIC comedic devices. He/she analyzes WHY these devices were funny. Examples are clear, relevant, and thorough. Reader clearly understands the author’s personal taste. / Author discusses several SPECIFIC comedic devices. He/she analyzes WHY these devices were funny. Examples are clear and relevant but not always thorough. Reader understands the author’s personal taste. / Author only superficially references comedic devices. He/she rarely analyzes WHY these devices were funny. Examples are clear but not always relevant or thorough. Reader struggles to understand the author’s personal taste. / Author does not discuss both comedic devices and the analysis of these devices. Paper lacks content. Reader does not understand the author’s personal taste.
Personal Reflection / Personal reflection is honest and articulate. Author insightfully categorizes humor in an intelligent, analytical way. Mature thinking! / Personal reflection is honest and clear. Author categorizes humor in an intelligent, analytical way. Good job. / Personal reflection is honest, but not always clear. Author attempts to categorize humor in an analytical way, but the presentation is superficial or confusing. Needs further reflection. / Personal reflection is missing or poorly done. Author does not categorize humor, thereby neglecting to reflect on how personal taste connects with the genre.
Conclusion / Insightfully connects the author’s personal taste to the “genre” of comedy in a clear and humorous way. Well done. / Connects the author’s personal taste to the “genre” of comedy in a clear and humorous way. Good job. / Superficially connects the author’s personal taste to the “genre” of comedy. Needs work. / Does not connect the author’s personal taste to the “genre” of comedy. Directions were disregarded.
Mechanics / No errors. Great job. Even the dialogue is punctuated correctly. / Minor errors. Well Done. / A few too many errors here. These were noticeable immediately and interrupted reader enjoyment. / Eek! What a mess! Seriously…how can you pass this in?