Sustainable Development Fund projects supported in 2003/2004

Ref. No / Project / Applicant / Description / Grant /
BA.20 / Whitlingham Country Park - Visitor and Education Centre / Whitlingham Charitable Trust / Part funding of a new, resource conserving, Visitor Centre promoting sustainable development, sustainable tourism and sustainable building technologies. / £50,000
BA.21 / Filby Broadshore Enhancement / Filby Parish Council / Part funding of a boardwalk that will provide access to the Broad for those with mobility problems, protect the broadshore, and allow reedbed and other wildlife habitat to regenerate. / £8,000
BA.22 / Broadsword 2 / The Broads Society / Sustainable management of river and dyke banks by volunteers to encourage reed growth, prevent bank erosion, improve navigation and protect wildlife. / £1,000
BA.23 / Broadshear 2 / The Broads Society / Sustainable pollarding, coppicing and removal of trees and bushes beside the River Waveney to encourage reed growth, prevent bank erosion, improve navigation and protect wildlife. / £9,000
BA.24 / Broad Edge Protection, Malthouse Broad / Ranworth Estate / Sustainable restoration of the broad edge along the south side of Malthouse Broad and re-establishment of the reed fringe. / £12,515
BA.27 / White Admiral / Nancy Oldfield Trust / Part funding of a new, specially equipped, electric boat to meet demand for the year-round boating activities that the Nancy Oldfield Trust provides for people of all ages who are disabled or disadvantaged. / £20,000
BA.28 / Waste Not Want Not / Pakefield Primary School / National Curriculum-based day courses on waste minimisation and sustainable citizenship for 65 schoolchildren at Key Stages 1 and 2. / £670
BA.29 / Community Shredder / Filby in Bloom / 50% funding of a shredder/chipper that will be used to process green waste as part of Filby’s award winning, sustainable, community composting scheme. / £984
BA.30 / Solar Panel Project / Woods Dyke Boatyard / Provision of solar panels that will trickle charge the batteries of nine conventionally powered hire craft throughout the year. / £2,575
BA.31 / Promotion of Try Sailing 2 / Try Sailing / Further promotion of a new Broads-based sailing instruction venture (advertising, brochures and maintenance of the Try Sailing website). / £375
BA.32 / Wildlife Boat Trips / Ludham Bridge Services / Provision of ‘induction loop’ audio system in the electric launch used for wildlife trips. (LBS’s clientele tends to be elderly and hard of hearing. The loop will result in a much quieter boat). / £750
BA.33 / E-Bike Project / Ludham Bridge Services / Purchase of two electric bikes to supplement existing Broads bike hire business and make cycling available to those with impaired mobility. / £750
BA.34 / Learning for Sustainability training for teachers / Norfolk Environmental Education Service / Provision of in-service LfS2 training for 10 teachers from Broads schools (one day’s training at How Hill plus provision of supply cover for one of the trainers and all of the teachers). / £4,257
BA.35 / Boats for a Sustainable Future -The EcoBoat Project: Phases 1 & 2 - Research / Norfolk and Suffolk Boatbuilders Association / Detailed research work, much of it carried out by Newcastle University that will “encourage thought, discussion and action on sustainable boat building and sustainable boat operations in the Broads area”. / £14,787
BA.36 / Broads Reed and Sedge Harvesting Rejuvenation 2 / Broads Reed and Sedge Cutters Association / Part funding of a 5 year programme to rejuvenate the Broadland reed/sedge cutting industry and promote sustainable management of the Broads landscape. (Phase 2 includes provision of storage facilities, purchase of specialist equipment, training of new recruits and funding for a Co-ordinator and website). / £35,786
BA.37 / Rubbish Monster 1 / Nutmeg Puppet Company / Development and production of a puppet show promoting sustainable lifestyles, waste minimisation etc.) and presentation of this via workshops and shows in 15 local schools and 20 additional shows for families visiting the Broads in August 2004. / £10,000
BA.38 / Go Electric! / The Broads Society / A project to promote electric boating in the Broads (leaflets, mailshots and on water demonstrations) and provide 25% funding for 8 private boat conversions. / £18,000