List 1
- Inalienable (adj) unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor
- Juncture (n) a particular point in time
- Interdependent (adj) (of two or more things) dependent on each other
- Apathy (n) lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
- Complacent (adj) showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements
- Fervent (adj) having or displaying a passionate intensity
- Earnest (adj) serious in intention, purpose, or effort
- Desolation (n) a state of complete emptiness or destruction
- Valiant (adj) possessing or showing courage or determination
- Hapless (adj) (especially of a person) unfortunate; doomed
List 2
- Noxious (adj) harmful, poisonous, or very unpleasant
- Eldritch (adj) weird and sinister; eerie
- Embody (v) to represent something in a clear and obvious way
- Obscure (adj) not discovered or known about; uncertain
- Indigenous (adj) produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment
- Scintillating (adj) sparkling or shining brightly
- Putrid (adj) (of organic matter) decaying or rotting and emitting an unpleasant smell
- Clandestine (adj) kept secret or done secretively
- Depravity (n) moral corruption; wickedness
- Myopic (adj) lacking tolerance or understanding; short-sighted or narrow-minded
List 3
- Behemoth (n) a huge or monstrous creature
- Panacea (n) a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
- Vagary (n) an unexpected and unexplainable change in a situation or someone’s behavior
- Arbitrary (adj) based on random choice or a whim, rather than and reason or system
- Archaic (adj) very old or old-fashioned
- Omnipotent (adj) (of a deity) having unlimited power, able to do anything
- Lucrative (adj) producing a great deal of profit
- Paradigm (n) a typical example or pattern of something; a model
- Parameter (n) a rule or limit that controls what something is or how something should be done
- Precipitous (adj) dangerously high or steep
List 4
- Recapitulate (v) summarize and state again the main points of
- Reciprocal (adj) given, felt, or done in return
- Subjugate (v) bring under domination or control, especially by conquest
- Xenophobe (n) someone who is afraid of what is foreign, especially of people of foreign origin
- Vehement (adj) showing strong feeling; passionate or intense
- Usurp (v) take a position of power or importance illegally or by force
- Supercilious (adj) behaving or looking as though one thinks they are superior to others
- Antipathy (n) a deep-seated feeling of dislike or hatred
- Garner (v) gather or collect (especially information or approval)
- Impasse (n) a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of a disagreement
List 5
- Mar (v) impair the appearance of; disfigure
- Abdicate (v) to give up one’s seat of power
- Condone (v) accept and allow behavior this is considered morally wrong or offensive
- Tirade (n) a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
- Meticulous (adj) showing great attention to detail; careful and precise
- Listless (adj) lacking energy or enthusiasm
- Embellish (v) make something more interesting or entertaining by adding extra details, especially ones that are not true
- Grovel (v) to treat someone with too much respect in order to gain approval or favor
- Intrepid (adj) fearless; adventurous
- Inundate (v) overwhelm someone with things or people to be dealt with
List 6
- Sportive (adj) playful and light-hearted
- Anomaly (n) something that strays from what is standard, normal, or expected
- Droll (adj) curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement
- Unequivocal (adj) leaving no doubt; unambiguous
- Zenith (n) the highest point
- Curmudgeon (n) a bad-tempered, grumpy person
- Replete (adj) filled or well-supplied with something
- Plethora (n) a large or excessive amount of something
- Lament (v) mourn (a person’s loss or death)
- Lampoon (v) publicly criticize someone or something by using ridicule or sarcasm