Technology Education – East Aurora Middle School 6th – 8th GradeMrs. Dutton
Curriculum Overview – Basic Electricity & Electronics
Students will be introduced to a simple circuit and define circuit essentials. Students will apply new knowledge about basic electronic components and will build projects related to energy and controlling power.
Key Learning:
- Demonstrate proper lab safety.
- Explain electricity and the flow of electrons.
- Define energy.
- Explain static electricity and industrial applications.
- List four circuit essentials.
- Give examples of conductors and insulators relative to the periodic table of elements.
- Define and explain voltage, current, and resistance.
- Decode a resistor.
- Use Ohm’s Law and calculate basic math (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
- Convert ordinary numbers to powers of 10.
- Draw a schematic for a simple circuit.
- Distinguish between and open and closed circuit.
- Use a multi-meter to measure voltage and resistance.
- Describe direction of current flow.
- Define continuity.
- Identify basic electronic tools.
- Construct an electronic soldering kit.
- Trouble shoot circuit projects.
- Define watts.
- Calculate wattage in a circuit.
- Determine the cost of an appliance using power formula.
- Define horsepower and mechanical energy.
Essential Knowledge:
Closed circuit requirements for a simple circuit
Ohm’s Law
Total resistance formula
Power formula
Proper soldering techniques
Resistor coding
Schematic drawing
Multi-meter instructions
Powers of 10 conversions
Mathematics calculations
Essential Skills:
Use of soldering equipment
Use of multi-meter
Safe use of technology lab
Build simple circuits
Draw electronic schematics
Solve for V, I, R
Assessment Tools:
Color Wheel
“Resistor Codes” handout
“Powers of 10” handout
“Ohm’s Law and Circuit Essentials” handout
“Kit worksheet” handout (3)
Soldering quiz
Time: 3 weeks
Week 1:Introduce energy, work, and electricity production. “What is Electricity”
Practice base 10 numbers “Powers of 10” handout
Discuss static electricity with demos and “static electricity” handout
What is a resistor? Resistor coding - handout
Circuit essentials – group work building simple circuits using bulbs, wire,
buzzers, and a power source
Week 2:Using a meter to measure resistors, mini group work
Using a meter to measure voltage, mini group work
“Ohm’s Law and Circuit Essentials” handout, practice solving for missing
Schematic symbols and sketching electronic circuits, mini group work
Week 3: Soldering tools and identification
Demo proper soldering techniques, tinning, keeping the tip clean
Pass out kits – review components and instructions
Lab/work periods using “Kit Worksheet” handout and instructions