Rowan County Early College Academy


DUE DATE: January 15th to the Guidance Office

Goals and Objectives

To combine high school and college in a rigorous, supportive environment that enables students to graduate from Rowan County Senior High School with an Associate’s Degree from MCTC or 60 hours toward a degree from MSU and the tools for postsecondary success.

Prerequisites (Courses and EOC’s not required for application process, but are required prior to participation in the program.)

MathAlgebra I (8th Grade)Algebra IIGeometryPre-Calculus

Language ArtsEnglish IEnglish II

ScienceIntro to ScienceBiology

Social StudiesSocial StudiesUS History

Foreign LanguageForeign Language IForeign Language II

Health/PEPhysical EducationHealth

HAVPA Credit: ______

Additional Requirements: AllEnd of Course Assessments and attain benchmarks on ACT of ENGLISH: 18, MATH: 22, and READING 20.

Policies and Procedures

Academy students will be subject to all of the applicable policies and procedures of the Rowan County Board of Education, Morehead State University and Maysville Community and Technical College.

Students in the Academy can continue to participate in any co/extra-curricular activity offered at the high school as their schedule permits.

Application Process

The application packet may be found on the Rowan County Schools’ web site and must be completed and turned in to the Guidance Office by January 15th.

Tuition, Books and Fees

Tuition at each institution is at a discounted rate; however, all tuition, books and other fees associated with the program are the responsibility of the student and parents.

Rowan County Early College Academy

Policies and Procedures

Policies & Procedures

Academy students will be subject to all of the applicable policies and procedures of the Rowan County Board of Education, Morehead State University and Maysville Community and Technical College.

Daily Schedule

The start and end times of the Academy will be 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. respectively.When students aren't in class, the students are expected to attend: study sessions, opportunities for mentorships, service learning, and independent study.


Academy students will be subject to all of the applicable policies and procedures of the Rowan County Board of Education.


Breakfast and lunch will be available to Academy students at Rowan County Senior High school cafeteria on the school’s operating schedule.

Participation in Co/Extra-Curricular Activities

Students of the Academy can continue to participate in any co/extra-curricular activity offered at the high school.

Student Drug Testing

All student drug testing policies of the Rowan County Schools will remain in effect for students enrolled in the Academy.

Inclement Weather

The Academy will follow the same weather schedule as the college or university that the student attends.

Tuition, Books and Fees

Tuition at each institution is at a discounted rate; however, all tuition, books and other fees associated with the program are the responsibility of the student and parents.

  1. Mary Jo Young scholarship – up to $840/2 classes
  2. MSU offers 1 tuition free for 3 paid (HH income)

MSU Estimated Costs to Participate: 2 year program: $8000 tuition only

Books: Estimate $1000 per year

MCTCS Estimated Costs to Participate: 2 year program: $5000 tuition only

Books: Estimate $1000 per year

Rowan County Schools

Early College Academy

Application for Admission

Student Contact Information:
Student Name: ______/ ______/ ______
Last / First / Middle Initial

Application for: MSU 60 hours in ARTS ____ or60 hours in SCIENCE ____

MCTC Associates Degree in ARTS ____ or Associates Degree in Science ____

Date of Birth: ______/______/______Current Grade Level: ______

Mailing Address: ______


Student Telephone #’s: (1) ______(2) ______


Student’s Email Address: ______

Parents / Legal Guardians Contact Information:

Father/Legal Guardian’s Name: ______


Mailing Address: ______


Telephone #’s: (1) ______(2) ______(3) ______


Email Address: ______

Mother/Legal Guardian’s Name: ______


Mailing Address: ______


Telephone #’s: (1) ______(2) ______(3) ______


Email Address: ______

The Rowan County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, or disability in employment,

RCECA Application


Co/Extra-curricular Activities: List the extra-curricular activities in which you are or have participated in 8th through 10th grades.

Activity / School Grade Leadership Role






Community Service: List any volunteer community service in 8th through 10th grades with the amount of time for each service event.

Activity / Time / Frequency / Length of Time
(example: 15 hrs) / (example: weekly) / (example: 1 year)

Honors and Awards: List honors or awards received in 8th through 10th grades.

Honor or Award / Grade / Individual or Group Award









The Rowan County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, or disability in employment,


Marvin Moore, Superintendent

121 East Second Street

Morehead, Kentucky 40351

Telephone (606) 784-8928

Fax (606) 783-0010


Date: ___/___/___

To Whom It May Concern:

As parent/guardian of ______whose birthday Complete Name (First, Middle, Last)

is _____/_____/_____, I authorize and approve the release of information concerning my child from and

between the following schools:

Rowan County Schools

Maysville Community Technical College

Morehead State University

This information shall specifically include:

_____ Medical records as are necessary for admission and student welfare;

_____ Cumulative records, including attendance records, grades, and other appropriate information as

deemed applicable for educational purposes.

My signature below constitutes notice to me that this information will be disclosed only to school personnel who have a legitimate educational interest in my child. I understand that I may inspect this information and/or the records if I so choose.

Signature: ______

Date: ______

Address: ______


The Rowan County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, or disability in employment,

Rowan County Early College Academy

Student / Parent Contract

Academic Standards

  1. Acceptable student academic standing shall be a minimum GPA of 3.0 each semester.
  2. Any student whose GPA is less than the required minimum shall be placed on academic probation for the duration of the following semester.
  3. A second academic probation shall result in dismissal from the Academy.

Academic Probation

  1. An assistance conference will be held for any student who does not maintain the minimum GPA. If deemed necessary by the staff of the Academy, the College/University Academic Advisor and the parent(s) or guardian of the students may be asked to attend.
  1. An academic improvement plan designed to assist the student in improving his or her grade point average will be developed, implemented and monitored during the probationary period.
  2. Failure to comply with the academic improvement plan may result in removal from the Academy.
  3. Any second semester senior on academic probation and whose GPA is less than the required mini-mum for the second semester will not receive the Academy seal on his or her high school graduation diploma.

Disciplinary Probation and Removal from the Academy

  1. Any student receiving a disciplinary referral shall be placed on disciplinary probation.
  2. Any student may be removed from the Academy for multiple disciplinary referrals or for a single sufficiently serious behavior issue, failure to comply with the attendance policy or academic


  1. Any student deemed truant will be removed from the Academy.
  2. A committee of high school and college/university advisors will meet to determine repercussions for any RCECA student requiring action for academic deficiency or disciplinary action.

Recognizing that enrollment and attendance in the Academy is a privilege and not a right, we, the under-signed, have read, fully understand, support and agree that the expectations set forth in this document serve as the requirements for participating in the Rowan County Early College Academy.

If accepted this applicant will be transported to the Academy by the following method:

______Transported via school bus to Rowan County Senior High

______Transported by parent or guardian.

______Student driver.

______/ ______
Student Signature / Date
______/ ______
Parent/Guardian Signature / Date

The Rowan County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, religion, marital status, sex, or disability in employment,

Rowan County Early College Academy

Proposed Course Sequence for High School Graduation


Associates Degree in the Arts (MCTC)

Associates Degree in the Sciences (MCTC)

Rowan County Early College Academy

Proposed Course Sequence for High School Graduation


60 hours toward Bachelor’s of the Arts (MSU)

60 hours toward Bachelor’s of Science (MSU)

RCECA Application

Applicant: ______

  • Are you applying for GATTON ACADEMY as well? YES or NO
  • Are you applying for CRAFT ACADEMY as well?YES or NO
  • If applying and are accepted to CRAFT or GATTON,

will you attend that program rather than RCECA? YES or NO


Grade Point Average based on weighted 4.0 scale (Minimum of 3.0 required to apply).


Attendance Percentage 8th Grade Attendance Percentage 9th Grade Attendance Percentage 10th Grade

End Of Course Assessments: ______E2 ______B _____A2 _____USH

ACT Benchmark: _____English (18)_____Math (22) _____Reading (20)

Courses still needed to complete prior to participation:



Has this applicant had any disciplinary referrals deemed serious enough to disqualify them from the Academy?


______/ ______
Signature of School Administrator / Date