From the Pastor….
September can feel like a time of new beginnings. Labor Day serves for many as an end to the summer season and the beginning of fall. The children and youth of Frewsburg are wrapping up their summer breaks as we are nearing the beginning of the school year. The month comes with new schedules and new activities, practices and routines. Soon they will be boarding yellow buses for the first time in months and going to new classes with new teachers furnished with new school supplies. Even the Buffalo Bills are ready to kick off their season this month, and the anticipation for a new football season to begin is high. Right now, all the teams are equal in the standings.
At the same time, the church program year begins in this month, with the summer schedule ending. This transition starts with God’s Work Our Hands Sunday on September 11, where we are celebrating first responders, those whose vocation puts them in dangerous situations and frequently in harm’s way. Then on Rally Day September 18, we are starting a new year of Christian education for all ages with confirmation, Sunday School, Adult Bible studies and all sorts of activities to sharpen our understanding of God’s word and deepen our faith. It can seem like one more thing to fill our calendars or an obligation to be met in the middle of busy lives or limited energy. But I invite you to prayerfully reconsider these hours that we spend together as God’s people as the bedrock of each week. Make Sunday worship and daily prayer and Bible reading a priority and part of your day and your week.
Fall is a time for us to find routines that will last months at a time. Fall is a time for us to rediscover or reapply ourselves to our vocations whether we are young or old. Not just for teachers and students, or for firefighters and police officers. Vocations are not just spiritual or churchy things either, for pastors or Sunday school teachers and church volunteers, but for all of us who seek to live faithful lives loving our neighbor. We all have vocations, every baptized Christian and these are the ways we serve God and each other. Some vocations, like teacher or EMT are paid and some, like parent or spouse, are unpaid. These vocations are ways in which we love and serve those around us. Regular worship, prayer, fellowship and study sustain us when our schedules are filled and our bodies grow weary. They give us the strength to fight temptations, to work joyfully and the hope to endure pain and sadness. We are in constant need of the gospel, the good news that you are loved by God and forgiven because of faith in Christ. We constantly need to be reminded that we are precious children of God who have a real impact on the lives of those around us. We need to hear that loving our neighbors as ourselves matters, and that God delights when we do so! New beginnings are exciting times to discover what God is doing in our lives and in the world through Christians faithfully fulfilling their vocations.
-Pastor Phil
ZION/NOIZ is published monthly by Zion Lutheran Church, 45 Falconer St., PO Box 543, Frewsburg, NY 14738
(716) 569-5495
email address:
Pastor Phil’s email address:
Worship service 10:00 am / Sunday school 11:15
Preschool Monday-Thursday / 9:00-11:15 am
The Rev. Phillip Roushey – (585) 490-4236 cell
(716) 922-4098 home
Wendy Norrod – Office Secretary
Dan Carlson – Treasurer
Dennis Petzold – Organist & Choir Director
Nicole Garland – Preschool Director / 569-9200
Congregational Council:
Larry Gauger Shelby Surrena Sherry Rogers
Michelle Pitts Gary Wells Denise Harvey
Dennis Williams Dennis Trostle Troy Pitts
Rally Day
Sunday School kicks off this year on September 18th at 11:15. This first day of Sunday school will have stories, snacks and games with a few surprises! You won't want to miss it!
So, join us as we learn how to
And kids – be sure to bring your backpacks to worship that day, as there will be a Backpack Blessing.
College Addresses
If any member of your family is going away to college this fall, PLEASE let the church office know their new address. You may either call the office @ 569-5495, drop the information off at the church, or email it to us at .
Tea & Scripture
A new monthly Bible study is beginning this September. Our first meeting will be September 19th from 7:00-9:00. We will try to meet monthly on the 3rd Monday throughout the school year. This Bible study is geared towards women in their 20s, 30s and 40s who are looking for a time of fellowship, prayer and to dig into scripture (and drink tea or coffee). If you need child care during the study, please let me know. If you are interested or have questions, or know of someone who might like to join us, please feel free to contact me by email or phone: or 585-749-5152.
Please join us on a very busy September 18th for a First Communion ceremony during worship service. A group of young men and ladies will be receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time that day.
Please note-
On September 17th, this group will meet with Pastor Phil at 9:00 AM to learn about what Holy Communion is and why it is so sacred. They will also be making bread with Debbie Cable that morning that we will use in our services to come. Thank you Debbie & Pastor for helping the children that day!
Just a reminder to those who signed up to be greeters during the month of September:
Sept. 4 – Roger and Sandy Sadowski
11 – Wendell and Diane Berg
18 – Jon and Dona Anderson
25 – Roger and Sandy Sadowski
Steward of the Month
For the month of September, the Stewardship committee would like to recognize a faithful steward, Audrey Gatgen. Since arriving in Frewsburg with her husband, John,approximately 50 years ago, Audrey has expressed her thanks to God for His saving Grace by the use of her time and talents while at Zion.
Upon arrival in Frewsburg Audrey and John specifically visited multiple churches searching for the music program, especially the choir, which most fully praised the Lord in song. Obviously, they chose Zion as meeting that criteria. Shortly after joining Zion, Audrey became a member of the choir, where she added her soprano voice in singing praises to God and musicallyleading the congregation through the order of worship.
However, Audrey was not content to remain in one niche of the congregation. She has demonstrated leadership by previously serving two separate terms on church council. At one time she organized preparations for funeral luncheons. More recently she continues to coordinate the annual scheduling of offering counters for each Sunday.
What is inspiring about Audrey's faith as demonstrated by her stewardship is her dedication to God's work. Although shecoordinates the counters, she puts herself on the schedule. In spiteof enduring a long and arduous recovery from surgery, Audrey is on the 2016 schedule, most recently serving as counter during August.
May God continue to bless Audrey andour congregation with herpresence, as we strive to carry out our mission, as He would have us do.
The Stewardship Committee
The Sunday school is in need of a DVD player. If you would like to donate one, please see Megan Rodgers. Thanks!
Birthdays for September
Happy Birthday to all those born in September! If your birthday is not included, it is because we do not have the information. Let us know so that we can be sure and include you in the future.
Linda Carlson 9/01
Kathy Burch 9/04
Stephen Carlson 9/04
Tom Swanson 9/06
Kathy Ekstrom 9/10
Jennifer Lindholme 9/12
Shannon Gilevski 9/13
Ashlee Johnson 9/13
Dennis Trostle 9/14
Anelia Pitts 9/15
Donna Ekstrom 9/16
Bonnie Ryberg 9/16
McKenzie Rhodes 9/17
Cordeila Rodgers 9/17
Elayna Pitts 9/18
Sandy Fletcher 9/20
Jacob Rhodes 9/20
Shannon Tonger 9/20
Abby McCreary 9/22
Sarah DeLong 9/25
Max Soule 9/26
Corinna McCreary 9/27
Healthy Bones
The Healthy Bones Exercise Program will start up again here at Zion with an informational and sign up meeting to be held on Thursday, September 8th at 1:15 PM and classes will start on Thursday, September 15th. The classes will meet from 1:15-2:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 10 weeks. This strength-training curriculum is designed specifically for midlife and older women and has been proven to help to increase strength, bone density, balance, and energy and help you to look and feel better! Come and check it out.
Nursery Schedule
We love seeing our children in worship. However, if needed, nursery care is provided throughout the service for children of non-school age.
Nursery staff for September:
Sept. 4 – Carolyn Lundberg
11 – Megan Rodgers
18 – Shannon Constantino
25 – Jen Tuller
Cordelia Rodgers, Tim Haskell, Sam Rogers, Chuck Stohlberg, Grant, Sasha Van Kirk, Ralph Cardone, Milton McIntyre, Barbara Macholz Grimaldi, Karen Nielson, RoseMary Carvella, Pastor Becca Ehrlich, Payton Simmons, Mary Brink, Scott Stearns, Kiana, Pastor John Klatt, Dwight Swanson, Jan Slowinski, Flora Hite, Bruce Clark, Bruce Swanson, Narda Gatgen, Pam Aldrige, Rowan, Dan Stockwell, Michelle and Noah, Pam Goldych, Verna Mathews
Pastor Kate Warn – in Rwanda, East Africa
All members of the military including:
Matt Dickerson, Dakota Anderson, Randy Sherrick,
Matt Rowley, Nathan Rogers, Breanna Oltman
Joyful Noise
A new music class is starting at Zion this Fall! Joyful Noise is a "mommy and me" music class for babies and toddlers and their caregiver (can be grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, mom or dad). We will follow the school calendar meeting on Fridays from 10:00-11:00 AM. Our first class will be on September 9th in the nursery. This is a free music class for kids ages 6 months to 3 (siblings may attend). For more information and to sign up, please contact Rachel at 716-922-4098 or Please let your friends and neighbors know about this exciting new class.
God’s work. Our hands. Sunday
September 11th
This day is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) – one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor.
This year’s God’s work. Our hands. Sunday also marks the 15-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States. Zion will be holding a picnic and carnival that day to honor area first responders, both firefighters and law enforcement personnel. They will be formally recognized during worship and then the picnic and carnival are from 11:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Please plan on attending and show your support for these wonderful men and women. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex so we know how many to plan for.
2nd Annual Youth Talent Show
Sunday, Sept. 25
1pm - 4pm
Gateway Center
31 Water St., Jamestown
Come join youth from throughout the Southwestern Conference as they compete for prizes in our 2nd Annual Talent Show. Enjoy two hours of fun times with unlimited laser tag, video games, and recreation room activities beforehand. Admission: $5. Snack bar will be open and is reasonably priced. If you are competing in the talent portion please register your act at
Zion Lutheran Preschool
The place where learning is FUN
* Accepting Fall Enrollments
* Flexible Class Days: Monday-Thursday
* Reasonable Rates
* Ages: 2 ½ - 5 year olds
* We accept DSS vouchers
Starting date – September 7th
Contact: Nicole Garland or Jennifer Tuller @569-9200
New Directory
We are updating our directory, which will include photos as well.
Through the talents of Rachel Roushey we will be taking the photos and creating the directory ourselves – at no cost to you and your photo will be e-mailed to you.
Please check your current directory listing to make sure that we have all of your most current contact information. Please update any changes in the red pew pad, or call the church office.
The following dates are still left to take the photos:
· Sunday - September 4th 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM
· Saturday - September 10th 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM
· Wednesday - September 14th 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Additional times will be added as necessary. Please call Rachel at (716) 922-4098 to schedule an appointment.
Thank you so much for our wedding present! The box was full of great things that we will definitely be using now and in the future!
Mr. and Mrs. Morgante
Thank you for making the Class of 2016 after grad party an unforgettable night!
Cassi Saulle – Class of 2016 FCS
(Zion donated $15 0 towards the expenses of the after grad party.)
Thank you so much for the beautiful flower arrangement. I appreciate your kindness, thoughts and prayers.
Thank you,
Michelle Collins
Dear Zion family,
The caring and support expressed to me/us by presence, cards, and prayers has been just amazing – thank you all so much! (flowers and food too) Mom is better now, and though a bit difficult for her family, the love shown us all has been such a blessing! God Bless you all,
The Family of Carol Johnson
(Cindy Waid’s mom)
Dear Zion family (and Social Ministry),
We wanted to give a heartfelt thank you to all those who sent cards, condolences, thoughts and prayers to our family after Troy’s dad’s passing. The thoughtfulness was overwhelming! We thank you too for a lovely service and meal afterward. Friends and family felt Zion’s love!
Troy and Michelle Pitts
and the family of Tom Pitts, Sr.
Operation Christmas Child
It’s time to start thinking about Operation Christmas Child. Once again we will be participating in this program. Our goal is to send even more boxes this year.
Suggested Gifts
Necessities: underwear, socks, T-shirts, combs/hairbrushes, toothbrush/toothpaste, soap, washcloths, deodorant, nail clippers