Hill City Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
September 11, 2014
The Board of Directors of the Hill City Area Chamber of Commerce met on Thursday, September 11th, 2014 at noon at the Economic Development office. The following members were present:Judy Harper,Rhonda Goddard, Colleen Hardiek, Ty Hockman, Ross Bugbee, Lindsay Bryantand Jim Logback. Kirk Schweitzer, Executive Director of GCED and Diana Crouch, Executive Director of Chamberwerealso present.
Board members absent were, Jennifer Windholz, Fred Keener, Mary Goddard and Belinda Griffin.
The meeting was called to order by Judy Harper. Judy noted Kirk Schweitzer asked to be added to the agenda. A motion was made to approve the agenda and the agenda was approved 7-0.
The minutes of the August 14th, 2014 meeting were approved as presented.
Treasurer, Lindsay Bryantpresented a report on receipts and expenditures. After review the treasurer’s report was moved and seconded. Motion passed unanimously.
COMMUNICATIONS: Diana noted she had received a thank you card from August’s Monthly Luncheon speaker, Vicki Hubin.
Diana also noted she had received several letters from 5th graders requesting information on Graham County.
GCED Report:Kirk made a brief introduction of two new GCED projects:
Kansas PRIDE Program–Kansas PRIDE supports community development efforts by providing a structure to mobilize local organizations and governments as they address quality of life issues.
Housing Assessment Tool - The purpose of conducting a “housing assessment” to help local communities identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and priorities before allocating resources to implement strategies or tasks that will address those priorities.
HCACOC Report:
Diana reported the summer “Shop Local” Bingo promotion received zero entries. Judy asked for future ideas to make this event successful next summer.
Diana reported the 2014 Fall Hunting Guide was in print and she was receiving payments for the ads. She noted the magazines will be distributed around Graham County when she receives them.
Diana noted the City-wide Garage Sale event had fewer signups this fall versus the spring event.
Diana discussed having giveaways for the grade school on Halloween again this year. It was agreed to do this event again.
New Projects:
Lighting in the Park: There was a brief discussion on getting an early start on the event and possible areas of improvements.
Announcements & Dates to Remember:
- Monthly Chamber luncheon meeting, Thursday, October 2nd, 2014 – Speaker will be Jim Hickel, Superintendent of USD #281–Remington’s Bar & Grill.
- The next regular Chamber Board meeting will be held on Thursday, October 9th, 2014 at noon at the GCED office.