• Prepare tenses table and using tenses rules frame sentences on any 5 verbs.
  • Learn & write 3 forms of verb.
  • Write a paragraph on the following topics-

-The most memorable Day in my life

-Importance of Discipline

-My first day in school

  • Prepare self composed poem on the following topics-



-Universal Brotherhood

-Social Problems

  • Dictionary work-
  • Search 5 difficult words each from alphabets A to Z write their meanings and make sentences on them.
  • Read a novel or story book and write a review on it.
  • Learn and write question answers of lesson 1to3.
  • Practice 30 pages of cursive writing.

Note- Do all the homework on A4 size sheet.


Section A

  1. Sukhdev, a farmer, had a son and a daughter. He decided to divide his property among his children. He gave of the property to his son and to his daughter, and rest to a charitable trust.
  1. Whose share was more, son’s or daughter’s?
  2. What do you feel about Sukhdev’sdecision ?which values are exhibited here?
  1. Rohit donated of his monthly income to a non-governmental organization (NGO) working for the education of the girl child, spent of his salary on food, on rent and on other expenses. He is left with Rs.9000.
  1. Find Rohit’s monthly salary.
  2. What values of Rohit are depicted here?
  3. Why is the education, specially for girls, important?

Section B

  1. Answer the following questions:
  1. Write all rational numbers whose absolute value is
  2. Find the reciprocal of .
  3. What should be added to to get ?
  4. Subtract from the sum of and 2.
  5. Find the value of 1+.
  6. How will you write in the standard form?
  1. How many rational numbers are there between two rational numbers?
  2. Express as a rational; number with denominator 40.
  1. Find x:
  1. Compare the following pair of rational numbers:
  1. Verify the following:
  1. with x=y=.
  2. -1 = x-1 y-1 with x= and y= .

section C

  1. Make a colorful chart/ project on properties of rational numbers. (Eg. Addition, subtraction etc of rational numbers)


  • Learn Ques/Ans of all the chapters done in the class.
  • Write a poem on “Importance of Plants” on A4 sheet. Paste or draw pictures also.
  • Find out the names of ten substances which we use in our daily life and classify them as acid, base or salt.
  • Draw Human Digestive system or Digestive system of ruminants and a view of buccal cavity or nutrition in amoeba on A4 size sheet.


1.Learn &write the work done in class.

Prepare a project about the topic : Democracy and Equality.

(a)Collecting different News about Democracy.

(b)Pictures of Marginal groups.

(c)News about women empowerment.

(d) Fundamental Rights and Freedom.

The project should be hand written and well pasted.


  • ikB&1 ds iz’u&2 dksmRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • ikB&2 lsgesaD;kf’k{kkfeyrhgS\ mRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • laKk dh ifjHkk”kk o mldsHksnksadsukeA4 ‘khVijfy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • ikB&2 ds iz’u&4 dksmRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • uqDrkokys 10’kCn ikB&3 esalspqudjmRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kn djsaA
  • vki viuhxfeZ;ksa dh NqV~fV;ksaesaviuslxs&lacaf/k;ksads ?kjx,AogkWadsviusvuqHkodks vuqPNsn :Ikesa 80 ls 100 ‘kCnksafyf[k,A


  • ikB&1 ds iz’u&3 dksmRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • laLd`ro.kZekykdsoxkZsadksmRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • ikB&1 dh dforkdkfp= A4 ‘khVijcuk,rFkkmldsuhpsikWap

okD; laLd`resafyf[k,A

  • ikB&2 ds iz’u&4 dksmRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk ;kndjsaA
  • fy[k~ vkSj [kkn~ /kkrq:Ikdksy`V~ ]y³~ ydkjesa mRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksa

rFkk ;kndjsaA

  • ,d lsrhl rd laLd`resa la[;k,WamRrjiqfLrdkesafy[ksarFkk


  • rn~ ‘kCn:IkdksiqafYyaxesaA4 ‘khVij ‘ksiesafy[ksarFkk



  • महात्माहंसराजजीकाचित्रबनाकरउनकाजीवनपरिचयलिखो।
  • धर्मके 10 लक्षणलिखोऔरयादकरो।
  • आर्यसमाजकेतीसरेसेछठेनियमतकलिखो व यादकरो।


  • Open your school website and create a Home page of school website on A4 sheet.
  • Make a collage of different computer generations on A4 Sheet.
  • Make a list of tools of scratch animation and their uses.


Make a magazine holder using waste material from home.