Mira Sulastri
STKIP Siliwangi Bandung
The objective of this research entitled “ The Teacher’s Method in Teaching Recount Writing” was to find out whether or not teaching Recount Writing. The teachers and students may face some problems in the teaching and learning of recount writing. This study attempt to inverstigate the method of direct method on students writing recount ability. The research was conducted at the seventh grade. In this research used one teacher from all the english teacher in SMPN 8 Cimahi method in teaching recount writing. The istrument used in this research was observation, and interview. The sample of this research 24 students of the seventh grade students of SMPN 8 Cimahi. The data collected by giving interview and observation to the English teacher . it also meant that The Teacher’s in Teaching Recount Writing of english teacher at SMPN 8 Cimahi was effective to writing ability.
Keywords : writing ability, direct method
English is the first foreign language in Indonesia, so it needs to be learnby every student. It is introduced in school and college. In Indonesia, English is considered as the most important foreign language. Accordingto Malinowski (cited in Aduwa-Ogeigbaen 2010). It is, therefore, taught as a compulsory subject in junior secondary school, senior secondary school, and higher learning institutions. For most students it is not easy to learn English. They must pay attention in order to master it. It is taught to promote four language skills namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. One of four skills that are used frequently besides the speaking skill is writing. Writing is a kind of expression media and a means of communication. That is why writing is very essential to be learned by student to make good relationship with other people. Teaching English in Indonesia is focused on the ability of the student’s communication. The communication can be oral and written forms. The learners should be capable of developing the four language skills. People need communication besides using spoken language in the form conversation. People also use written language.Written language is used in the publication such as book, newspaper, magazine, and literary works. Teaching English puts genre as the main tool in language learning. The arrangement of curriculum is based on the genre. There are many kinds of genre namely: anecdote, description, discussion, explanation, exposition,narrative, news item, procedure, recount, report, and review. Learning writing skill is relatively the same as learning other subject. The teachers use several methods for varying audience in teaching writing skill. But there are some of the expert who reveals their opinion about good teaching and learning in the classroom. Dimitrios (2002).
- The definition of Teaching
Teaching may be defined from many points of view. Teaching is a process to give a guidance to the students to reach the goals. Teaching is media for learning process including behavior of individual changes through pre-planned. Mintarsih, mimin (2013). “Teaching is an activity that is usually connected to education”(Brown, 1995:7). In fact, the process of teaching itself is not only limited in the scope of education program. The teaching is an activity which is formed directly by human beings on human beings. It means that teaching process does not only happen in the classroom but also happen in daily life. From the definition above,can be seen that many strategies and tactics which can be used in teaching. The teacher must have strategy for teaching and must decide what goals it would be best teach.anda teacher mustmakeeachlessonmore interestingso that studentshave more spirit.
- Methodology of Teaching
1). Approach of teaching . According to brown (2001: 14) an approach defines assumption or a theory which is related to the learning of language. The level at which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified. It also includes ways to apply these assumptions and beliefs to language teaching.
2) Method of Teaching . Method is an overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a selected approach. The level at which theory is put into practice and at which choices are made about the particular skills to be taught, the content to be taught and the order in which the content will be presented. It is the plan for organizing the presentation of language material.
3). Technique of Teaching. Technique is the specific activities manifested in the classroom that are consistent waith amethod and therefore in harmony with an approach as well. The level at which classroom procedures are described. This includes practices and behaviors that operate in teaching a language according to a particular method. Anthony in Brown (2001:14)
- Media of Teaching Writing
According to Sibeng (2010) media is certain thing, which has some characteristics distributing message and stimulating mind, feeling, and students’ desire to motivate themselves in the process of learning. The using of media creatively will enable students to learn better and increase their performing in keeping which a achieved goal.
- Process of Writing
Focusing on language errors improves neither grammatical accuracy nor writing fluency and they suggest instead that paying attention to what the student say will show an improvement in writing. Students need a sense of meaning and how what they write can be connected to the world outside of the classroom. Hale (2011) explains what each stage of the writing process involves. First, prewriting, this covers everything to do before starting rough draft. As a minimum, prewriting means coming up with an idea. Second is writing, at this stage, don’t think about word-count, grammar, spelling and punctuation.
- Recount Writing
Pardiyono (cited on Sibeng, 2010) Recount is a text telling the reader what happened. It retells a past event and begins by telling the reader who was involved, what happened, where this even took place and when it happened. According Derewianka (cited on Sibeng, 2010) purpose of writing a recount is to list and describe past experiences by retelling events in the order in which they happened. To achieve its purpose, the text will move through a different set of stages. First, an orientation letting the reader knows who is involved, where, when, etc. second, the retelling of a series of events in chronological sequence.
- Example of Recount Writing
Example of recount in a diary
Monday 11/1/04
Dear Mooza,
Today I was so tired because I had to do a lot of homework.
Boring, boring, boring…..
- Teaching Recount Writing
According to Abdurrahman (cited on Sibeng 2010), there are kinds of method in teaching learning process, grammar translation method, direct method, audio lingual method, silent way, suggestopdia community language learning, and total physical response method. After he was analyzing the techniques of each method, there are four methods that can be used to teach writing. That is grammar translation method, direct method, audio lingual method, community language lerning.
- Research Method
In this research, the researcher used descritive-qualitative method. The term qualitative research Kirk and Miller (1986:9). At first rooted in qualitative as opposed to quantitative observation.
- Instrument
Soy (1995) identified at least six sources of evidence in case studies. “They are: documents, interviews, direct observation, participant observations, and physical artifacts”. The data in this research were gathered through two research instruments; observation and interview.
- Observations
In this research observation was be used for watching or view activities writing skill especially for recount writing in the classroom related to the using of method and to clarify and suppose the data from interview. Observation was be help for four times when the recount writing lesson is being taught. In each times of the observation was be recorded and analyzed descriptively.
- Interview
In this research the interview just for the teacher. It is conductive to get information about the method that applied by the teacher in teaching recount writing and find out the problems encountered by the teacher when teaching recount writing.
- Research Site and Participants Subjects
participant of this study is one of the English teachers SMPN 8 Cimahi VII grade. She is graduated from English education program. And involves the students at VII grade, there are twenty fourth students as participant in this research.
- Data collecting Technique
Technique of collecting data in this research using qualitative data. The qualitative consist of observation. In order to know the teacher method teaching recount writing from observation, and interview. The data in this research wasbe gathered through two research instruments: The first is observation. It is to view classroom activities related to process of writing skills especially for recount writing and to get data what methods are used by the teachers. And the second is interview. It is conducted to get information about the method that applied by the teacher in teaching recount writing and find out the problems encountered by the teacher related to the using of method itself.
Data from interview and observations was be analyzed qualitative. Each will be recorded, and interpreted descriptively. There are five steps taken in analyzing the data. The first read and review the data from interview and observations. The second write notes related to the reviewed data. The thirdidentifying theme within the interview notes or field observations that related to the research questions as mentioned. The fourth is making interpretations on the analysis data. The last is making conclusion of the research.
- Result and Discussion
This chapter presents the research ressult and discussions. The research result describe the result of investigation that had taken from classroom observation and interview that conducted with the teacher. The obtained data are presented based on the research questions. It covers the research results about the methods that are applied by the teacher in teaching recount writing for VII grade student at SMPN 8 Cimahi as well as the problems encountered by the teacher when teaching recount writing.
- Result
- A classroom Activities
The first observation The teacher stars the class by saying Assalamualikum to the students then she said hello to them. After that the teacher was checking attendant list of the students one by one. Materials at the first day of teaching recount were about the meaning of recount. Purpose of writing recount and what kinds of tense that writing.
The second observation the teacher teaching technique was almost the same with the first day. The resources of material were taken from teacher’s handbook. Media applied by the teacher at the second day in teaching recount was the handbook that was still the same as first meeting.
The third observations The teacher gave the factual example in order that students were able to learn on their comprehension. The teacher gave the drill and exercise to make students comprehend the materials. The material adapted from the basic knowledge of students and it is connected to the students’ context and personal experience of students, it is biography. Learning process was still same with the first and second meeting, teacher oriented in classroom activity. Some students did not pay attention to the teacher. To get student’s attention and to see how students work, teacher moved around and made eye contact.
The fourth observation the teacher explained again the material from the first meeting till the third meeting, and then she gave the students some of question all about recount writing. Teacher explained why students wrote recount. At the last day of teaching recount, teacher evaluated the students’ comprehensions in writing recount. She did evaluation with some following steps. Firstly, she asked students to make a list of all the place and people they saw during their holidays, and then they were asked to swap their list with friends. Secondly, she asked students to draw or write as many words as they can think. Thirdly, students were ordered to count from number one till four, meanwhile every student just had one number. Fourthly, she asked to make group randomly based on their numbers. Finally, Teacher asks students to use the words from their talk with their partner and write about the place or person in their experiences.
- Discussion
- The Method Applied
To answer the first question the data gathered from the observation can be drawn as follows:
On the first meeting observation, the teacher introducing the materials of recount using direct method, since her teaching process of recount relevant with characteristics of learning technique in direct method. They are: the teacher asked students pronunciations; she led students to know about the grammatical and tenses in recount by questions and answer exercises.On the second and third meeting, most of the times in teaching process were used by the teacher were same with the first time. She still taught the lesson based on the direct method. At the last day of teaching recount, the method that the teacher used in teaching recount is facilitating for student in learning. The process teaching and learning was oriented to students because of using discussion approach. Moreover, the teacher could invite students to be active in discussion.
- The Problem Encountered
a)Observation Result
Based on the observation result the teacher encountered some problems when teaching recount writing. The first, the teacher was not able to adapt to an unanticipated situation. So, some students did not pay attention to the teacher. To solve this problem the teacher moved around the class and made an eye contact with students, and good students were awarded and teacher gave motivation to the other students.
The second problem was time management in learning process. The student could not remember and generalize the new information or easy forget. This condition made the teacher fount out the difficulties in teaching the material. The teacher should repeat the explanation for several times. The teacher needed longer time in presenting material. So, there was less error perception in learning process.To solve this problem, the teacher gave student home work in every meeting.
The last Problem was the resources the material. The resources of material were taken from the handbook that students have but not complete. To solve this problem the teacher gave the materials which adapted and applied from the basic knowledge of students and it is connected to the students’ context and personal experience of students. The teacher also made the hand out for the students.
- Interview to The Teachers
The research give questions to teachers about method the teacher teaching recount writing about prepare before teaching recoun writing, and the teacher before teaching were that preparation was prepared Rpp or lesson plan, the teacher take example about recount writing was diary. Since the diary of an event which had experienced by them self. Beside the diary, usually another example of the recount writing was biography. The teacher in that the media that used to teach the recoun writing were text book, handout which made before, and the dictionary, the teacher in the school around. For example, she gave the students assigment to write the recount writing with the topic” at the school”. Applied that method the teacher states was the student in SMPN 8 Cimahi had lack motivation to learn English. So, she used discussion method to increase student’s motivation and to assist fount out the new vocabulary. How to apply that the method? The teacher answered that she applied that method speech on front of class to explain the material recount writing, this is lecture method. And then for discussion method, she make some of the group them. But the teacher have problems encountered when teaching recount writing. Based on teacher’s statement, each of the students had different reason to like English material, and most of them didin’t like English because it is very difficult when they were thinking the words, pronounce, and arrange the sentence, grammar and meaning of the words. The teacher to solve these problems the teacher always gave the studeents stimulus to motivate them by giving an example of recount writing such as diary and biography. And she asked to the students about their experience in writing diary neither in Indonesia or in English. Then, she was explaining all about the recount writing. But the students does the like the method. Based on the teacher’s statement in teaching recount writing the students more liked the discussion methhod. Since the student could be added their vocabularies and finished the assigment quickly. Is teaching recount writing using that the method effective for students? The teacher answered was in teaching recount writing that the students could be found more vocabularies and used past tense in recount writing, especially for diary and biography.