Homework Menu
March/ April #1
Directions: Please choose one homework assignment from the following menu each evening. Extra homework can be completed, but is NOT REQUIRED. Any activities that are in a shaded box have a worksheet that will be needed in order to complete the assignment. Please COLOR each block selected.
Spelling, Phonics, & Handwriting / Math & Technology / Reading & Writing / Science, the Arts & DiscoveryKite Flying Fun!
Complete this sheet to practice homophones and synonyms. (2 sided) / Solid Figures
Practice solid figures by completing the worksheet. / Raz-Kids!
Spend some time on Raz-Kids tonight! Read as many books as you can and take your quizzes with accuracy. / Science Time!
Complete one of the science experiments. Write what you did and your observations in our journal.
Rainbow Words!
Practice this week’s spelling list in FANCY COLORS! Use all of the colors of the rainbow to write your words! / Mega-math!
EVERY lesson has a few Mega-math games that help re-teach or extend the work we did at school. Directions @ bottom of HW Menu page. / Good Fit Books
Read a Good Fit Book from your home library and write about in your journal. Be sure to highlight the characters, setting, and any problems and solutions! / Music Critic!
Listen to one of your favorite songs. Then write down some of the lyrics. What do you think they mean?
Complete the “Tweet” noun search sheet. Be sure to read all sentences to a grown up and highlight or circle all nouns in each sentence. / XTRA Math!
How are those math facts coming along? Spend some time on XtraMath tonight practicing. If you feel good about facts, do Frontrow.com instead! / Rhyming Poem!
Try to write a rhyming poem about a subject of your choice. Set your goal for at least 5-8 lines. / Weather!
Keep track of the weather for the week. Is the weather spring-like? What should the weather be like? Write about your weather tracking in your journal.
Hidden Picture
Create a spring scene and then “hide” your spelling words in the picture. See if a grown up can find them all! / Money, Money
Want to get some extra practice with money? Complete the money test and have a grown up grade it. Go over any questions you missed by fixing them in your journal. (2 sided) / How Tweet It Is!
Read the passage about what it’s like to be a bird. Then answer the comprehension questions on the back of the passage. (2 sided) / Current Event!
Have an adult help you read an article online or in the newspaper. Write at least 4 sentences about it. Place the article in your journal.