P & C Announcement

We are pleased to announce the new executive for 2013

President: Belinda Brill

Vice President: Jayne Lawlor

Treasurer: Jo Leis

Secretary: Yvette Ellis

We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thankyou to Drew Ardrey who has resigned after 3 years as President and to all of last year’s executive and P&C members for their continuous support.

P&C Meetings are always held the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the school hall after parade, new members are always welcome to come along and join us for a coffee.

We appreciate not everyone can attend our meetings, if you would like to be kept upto date, you can still receive a copy of our minutes to do this then please go to the school office and complete a P&C Membership application and Code of Conduct form, all minutes are automatically emailed out to our P&C members.

We value your feedback:

If you have any school concerns, questions, suggestions or fundraising ideas that you would like raised at the P&C meeting then this must be put in writing and addressed to the P&C, all correspondence is formally addressed at the next meeting. Please email us at or drop your letter into the school office, thank you.

Upcoming events:

This Friday 22nd March – Movie night. Please join us for some fun in the school hall, 6.30pm start. Movie is ‘Hop’ rated G which is Easter themed. Tickets are $3.00 each per adult/child or $15.00 for a family pass (6 members) includes popcorn! You can pre-purchase tickets from the school office or buy on the night; bring bean bags etc. to sit on. We will have hot chips, chicken nuggets, party sausage rolls, icecreams, drinks etc. to purchase.

Term 2

Sunshine Fair - Friday 19th April. Preparations are well under way and you should be receiving fair newsletters. Please talk to your class teacher as they are looking for volunteers to assist with stall set up on the day and hourly slots to assist on the stall. Raffle tickets and fair armband slips have gone home to all classes; if you have not received yours please let the school office know immediately.

Home baking boxes/containers will be sent home the first Monday we return after the holidays (15th April) this stall is always popular so we encourage as many students as possible to enter the home baking contest to win some great prizes!

We wish you all a safe holiday and Happy Easter! Woombye State School P&C Association