Table 1. Outline of MBAT

Session / Session content / Assignment
1 / 1.Discussion of Depression,
2.Introduction to Daily Monitoring / Complete Daily Monitoring Form
2 / 1.Daily Monitoring: Review Assignment
2.Troubleshooting / Complete Daily Monitoring Form
3 / 1.Daily Monitoring: Review Assignment
2.Brainstorm with the client / Complete Daily Monitoring Form
4 / 1.Daily Monitoring: Review Assignment
2.Introduction to Pleasant Activities Form
3.Introduction to Activity Schedule Form / 1.Complete Pleasant Activities Form
2.Complete Activity Schedule Form
5 / 1.Activity Schedule:Review Assignment
2.Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning for the Upcoming Week / 1.Modify Activity Schedule Form
2.Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning for the Upcoming Week
6 / 1.Activity Modification:Review Assignment
2.Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning: Review Assignment
3.Common barriers discussion / 1.Daily Monitoring with Activity 2.Planning for the Upcoming Week
7 / 1. Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning: Review Assignment
2. Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning for the Upcoming Week
3.Experience Sharing / 1.Daily Monitoring with Activity 2.Planning for the Upcoming Week
8 / 1. Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning: Review Assignment
2. Daily Monitoring with Activity Planning for the Upcoming Week
3. Prepare for Termination / 1.Daily Monitoring with Activity 2.Planning for the Upcoming Week

Table 2. Characteristics of participants (n=80, baseline)

Characteristics / Total
(n=80) / Intervention group
(n=40) / Control group
(n=40) / T value
/X2 value / P value
Age,y / 0.117 / 0.907
Mean(SD) / 71.90(3.801) / 71.95(3.922) / 71.85(3.725)
Sex,n(%) / 0.052 / 1.000
Male / 33(41.3) / 17(42.5) / 16(40.0)
Female / 47(58.8) / 23(57.5) / 24(60.0)
Education,n (%) / 5.333 / 0.055
No schooling completed / 75(93.8) / 35(87.5) / 40(100)
Elementary school / 5(6.3) / 5(12.5) / ---
Middle school / --- / --- / ---
High school or above / --- / --- / ---
Economic support / / / /
<500 RMB per month / 80(100) / 40(100) / 40(100)
500-1000 RMB per month / --- / --- / ---
>1000 RMB per month / --- / --- / ---
Visit frequency by children / 0.053 / 1.000
1 month / --- / --- / ---
1- 6 months
≥ 6 months / 31(38.8) / 15(37.5) / 16(40)
≥ 6 months / 49(61.3) / 25(62.5) / 24(60)
Historyof psychological counseling and psychological education / 0.000 / 1.000
Yes / 2(2.5) / 1(2..5) / 1(2..5)
No / 78(97.5) / 39(39.5) / 39(39.5)
Needs of psychological counseling and psychological education / / / /
Yes / 80(100) / 40(100) / 40(100)
No / --- / --- / ---
GDS score / 0.571 / 0.569
Mean(SD) / 15.96(1.753) / 16.08(1.859) / 15.85(1.657)
BAI score / 0.799 / 0.426
Mean(SD) / 50.51(6.000) / 51.05(6.563) / 49.98(5.409)
OHQ score / -0.645 / 0.521
Mean(SD) / 67.11(8.112) / 66.53(8.388) / 67.70(7.888)

Independent t-test ; * p < 0.05

Table 3. Comparision of GDS score among the intervention group and control group after MBAT

Group / Pre MBAT
Mean(SD) / Immediately
Mean(SD) / T value / P value / Immediately
Mean(SD) / 3 months post MBAT
Mean(SD) / T value / P value
Intervention group
n=37 / 16.14(1.888) / 13.97(3.444) / 5.622 / 0.000* / 13.97(3.444) / 13.95(4.314) / 0.110 / 0.913
Control group
n=36 / 15.78(1.476) / 15.83(1.577) / -0.495 / 0.624 / 15.83(1.577)) / 15.89(2.148) / -0.255 / 0.800

Paried t-test ;* p < 0.05

Table 4. Comparision of GDS, BAI and OHQ scoresdifferences between immediately after the MBAT and before MBAT in two groups

Value / Intervention group
n=37 / Control group
n=36 / T value / P value
GDS / 2.16(2.339) / -0.06(0.674) / -5.535 / 0.000*
BAI / 3.65(4.218) / 0.00(1.352) / -5.004 / 0.000*
OHQ / -6.76(4.542) / 0.86(3.658) / -7.902 / 0.000*

Independent t-test ; * p < 0.05

Table 5. Comparision of the remission rate of depression among the intervention groupat post-intervention, and at 3 months follow up

Group / Immediately post-MBAT / 3 months post MBAT
GDS<11(n) / Remission rate
(%) / GDS<11(n) / Remission rate
(%) / X2 value
(McNemar test) / P value
Intervention group
n=37 / 11 / 29.7 / 10 / 27.0 / 37 / 1.000
Control group
n-36 / 0 / 0.0 / 0 / 0.0 / 36 / 1.000
X2 value
(chi-square test) / 12.602 / 11.274
P value / 0.000* / 0.001*

Chi-square test and McNemar test ; * p < 0.05

Table 6. Comparision of BAI score among the intervention group and control group after MBAT

Group / Pre MBAT
Mean(SD) / Immediately
Mean(SD) / T value / P value / Immediately
Mean(SD) / 3 months post MBAT
Mean(SD) / T value / P value
Intervention group
n=37 / 50.86(6.330) / 47.22(6.897) / 5.262 / 0.000* / 47.22(6.897) / 46.70(6.658) / 3.071 / 0.004
Control group
n=36 / 50.22(5.372) / 50.22(5.607) / 0.000 / 1.000 / 50.22(5.607) / 50.36(5.713) / -0.896 / 0.377

Paried t-test ;* p < 0.05

Table 7. Comparison of OHQ score among the intervention group and control group after MBAT

Group / Pre MBAT
Mean(SD) / Immediately
Mean(SD) / T value / P value / Immediately
Mean(SD) / 3 months post MBAT
Mean(SD) / T value / P value
Intervention group
n=37 / 66.73(8.630) / 73.49(7.574) / -9.048 / 0.000* / 73.49(7.574) / 74.27(7.911) / -2.653 / 0.012
Control group
n=36 / 68.03(7.803) / 67.17(7.105) / 1.412 / 0.167 / 67.17(7.105) / 66.86(7.235) / 1.339 / 0.189

Paried t-test ;* p < 0.05