Recruitment Activities
And Materials
Step 1 Develop recruitment activities that will increase your program enrollment.
Step 2 Have FFA officers create newsletters and/or brochures to be distributed to potential FFA members.
Step 3 Host activities at your school site and other schools in your district to promote the FFA Organization.
Step 4 Provide a sample of the recruitment materials developed in this section of your program.
Idea’s Discuss possibilities with other programs. You will find that there are many successful activities and ideas that do not take much effort.
Note The samples provided will get you well on your way!
Agriculture Orientation Survey
Our high school agriculture program is conducting a survey of students to determine public perceptions and attitudes about agriculture and careers. Your answers will help us to shape the future direction of the agricultural program. Please assist us by providing the information requested below. All answers you provide will remain confidential.
Name Home Phone
Street Town/City State Zip
Age Grade 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th
Do you live in the city in a town in the country on a farm?
Do you plan to continue your education past high school? Yes No
Activities and Hobbies
Check which of the following activities are of interest to you (check all that apply):
sports music travel
contests hunting/fishing camping
motorcycles public speaking mechanics
hiking photography fairs
livestock exhibition computers science
art animals drama
clothes/fashions crafts boating
Career Interests
Check which of the following career areas are of interest to you (check all that apply):
broadcasting newspaper/magazine editor marketing
forestry computer programming engineering
auto mechanics electronics crop production
livestock production public relations ranching
graphic design/commercial art government service scientific research
landscaping horticulture sales
health services chemistry accounting
teaching banking botany/plant science
natural resource management military machine repair/serv.
Travel and tourism performing arts
Check which of the following agricultural subjects ore of interest to you (check all that apply):
mechanics horticulture animal science
animal production crop science crop production
business management marketing floriculture
computers electrification outdoor recreation
soil science communications sales and service
forestry natural resource management woodworking
Would you say the nation’s agricultural economy is excellent good fair poor?
Have you heard about the FFA before this presentation? Yes No
If so, from whom? Friends teacher counselor parents brothers/sisters
FFA Member Other
Would you like more information on FFA and high school agriculture? Yes
Your Sophomore Year Plan
Agricultural Business
4 Year University Jr. College/Vocational Ed.
English 10 / English 10Alg IB (State) or
Geometry (U.C.) / Math
Foreign Language / Foreign Language
Ag Biology / Ag Science II
World History / World History
P.E. / P.E.
Agriculture Business / Choose an Elective
Agricultural Mechanics
4 Year University Jr. College/Vocational Ed.
English 10 / English 10Alg IB (State) or
Geometry (U.C.) / Math
Foreign Language / Foreign Language
Ag Biology / Ag Science II
World History / World History
P.E. / P.E.
Intro to Welding / Intro to Welding
Career Paths and Course Planning Guide
Your Sophomore Year Plan
Agricultural Science
4 Year University Jr. College/Vocational Ed.
English 10 / English 10Alg IB (State) or
Geometry (U.C.) / Math
Foreign Language / Foreign Language
Ag Biology / Ag Science II
World History / World History
P.E. / P.E.
Choose an Elective / Choose an Elective
Ornamental Horticulture
4 Year University Jr. College/Vocational Ed.
English 10 / English 10Alg IB (State) or
Geometry (U.C.) / Math
Foreign Language / Foreign Language
Ag Biology / Ag Science II
World History / World History
P.E. / P.E.
Choose an Elective / Choose an Elective
Career Paths and Course Planning Guide