ESE 405Project
Fall 2009
Assigned Date: October 12, 2009
Due Date: December 2. There will be group presentations in class.
Throughout the semester, we will study various issuesregarding the quality in processes. The process in the context of this class is any type of production mechanism that results in certain outputs. The outputs can be manufactured goods, services, intellectual properties or even brand value.
Thus far in class, we learned about the basic concepts behind the quality and what quality means in the modern processes, different types of random variables that might be useful in modeling the processes, and different types of tests to verify the correctness of probabilistic models. In another words, we now have the tools to delve into the quality control and improvement in the processes.
Instead of assigning specific topics for your projects, you are free to choose any topic in this project. There are many publications and conferences. All these should be valuable resources for you.
Here are the steps you will take to proceed.
- In class, we will form groups. I believe the optimal number is 3 in a group, but I will accommodate slightly more or less. I discourage you for working alone in this project. Partners can give you valuable insights and perspectives.
- Your group will meet outside the class as soon as possible, and spend sufficient time to identify a topic. When choosing a topic, you should consider the availability of data and information describing the process and your familiarity with it.
- Your group should decide on the strategy. Will you rely on the publically available information? Will you contact someone who is familiar with or working on the process? Is the process lacking quality? If so, how would you improve the quality?
- You should clearly divide the responsibilities among the members of the group. Be considerate, but also be fair.
At the end of your study, your group will submit one report authored by all members together. The report should be no more than 20 pages (font size 11 or larger, double spaced) and should be self contained and understood by persons not familiar with the topic. If you make any assumptions, specify what they are.
For Extra Credit: Most likely, you will not be able to control the “process” you will analyze – you are most likely to rely on the data that are available and observe the quality aspects. To apply the control, you might consider developing a mathematical model of the control – that is the relationship between various inputs and observed outputs. You may consider using data fit techniques or simulations to develop the model. Once you have the model, you can apply your control scheme to the model and see how the quality improves.
This should be fun. You can also take this experience to your next job, venture, or goal in your life.