CSI Beta & International Awards Procedure
Sep 1 / Review the following guidelines for award:CSI International link to awards criteria
Awards Training Package for chapters
Additionally, the CSI Awards Committee has prepared four PowerPoint training packages to help chapters create and submit outstanding chapter awards programs and nominations.
The four packages can be found at csi-net.org >Chapters > Chapter Powerpoint Training Modules (
Part 1: Soliciting and Selecting Individual Award Recipients
Part 2: Submitting Awards to CSI International
Part 3: The Chapter Awards Ceremony
Part 4: Strategies for a Successful Awards Program
Sep 15 / Send announcement for nominations to the listserv & faculty (webmaster can help with header)
See sample at
Sep 23 / Send a reminder with link to the full announcement
Oct 1 / Nominations due – collect the list of names and notify the nominees that they have been nominated and/or identify who will lead the chapter awards package submission. Sample email below:
Congratulations, You have been nominated for the Outstanding Doctoral Student CSI award!
One nominee will be selected from the CSI Beta chapter to be considered for the CSI International award. If you wish to be considered for this award, there are certain things we need from you by October 20th. Please submit the following materials in Word or pdf files and email them to :
- No more than three signed letters of support (printed on letterhead or if letterhead is not available in Word/pdf format full name and contact information should appear at the bottom of the letter)
- Copy of Current vita
- Supplementary evidence
- The attached worksheet (see Appendix 1)
Attached to this e-mail, there is a worksheet that you should submit with your other nomination materials. This worksheet is to ensure that you have provided all of the necessary information to be considered for selection. It can also be used as a guide for those who will be writing your letters of recommendations so they know what to include.
If you do not wish to be considered for this award, please notify us of that as well.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
CSI Awards Committee Leaders
Oct 4 / Start recruiting awards committee reviewers and schedule a date in early November to meet, review packages and vote on the Beta award winners/International nominees. Reviewers should include the Chapter Faculty Advisor, Awards Committee Chair(s) and other reviewers who have NOT been nominated or will not be submitting a package.
Oct 22 / Nominations packages due. Collect all materials from nominees via email and compile them for the review meeting.
Oct 25 / Prepare for the meeting. Prepare rating sheets using objective awards criteria from each award.
See samples in Appendix 2 and adjust the criteria to fit each award. The objective ratings should be used as a starting point for the decisions, but should not comprise the sole basis for selection.
Nov 1-5 / Conduct awards review meeting. Review the necessity for maintaining confidentiality (rating forms should be shredded after meeting) and make final decisions about award winners.
Nov 5 / Notify Beta Award winners. Sample email below:
The CSI Beta Chapter Awards Committee has selected you as the recipient for the Outstanding Service to the Chapter Award! We will be submitting your packet to CSI International so you can be considered for the International award. Your packet will be complete and ready to send onto CSI International once Dr. Smith completes a nomination letter and we submit the online nomination form. To complete this nomination form, I just need the following information from you:
- Your CSI Member ID #
- Your Current Address
- Your Current Phone #
Nov 6 / Notify the listserv of Beta Award winners & update the website. Sample email below:
Hello Counselor Ed!
On behalf of the CSI Awards Committee I would like to announce and congratulate the 2010 CSI Beta Chapter Award recipients:
- Outstanding Entry Level Student - Name
- Outstanding Doctoral Level Student - Name
- Outstanding Service to Chapter - Name
Also, a special thanks to those who participated in the selection of the award recipients, and to all other nominees who submitted award packets!
CSI Awards Committee Chairs
Nov 10 / Write nomination letters for the International nominees (they should come from the Chapter Faculty Advisor but may be drafted by the awards committee chairs)
Nov 10 / Remind potential CSI Fellows/Interns to submit their package online independently.
Nov 15 / Compile packages of Beta winners according to International guidelines and submit in pdf.
Nov 20 / Submit all final individual and chapter International awards packages prior to Thanksgiving to avoid technical problems over the holidays.
Nov 25 / Notify the CSI webmaster and department Admissions Coordinator to add the award winners to the CSI and CE websites.
Dec 1 / International due date for all awards
Dec 2 / Send all awards committee participants a thank you email for their participation in the selection of recipients and preparation of the packages for submission.
Jan 5 / Review budget and verify the money available for the Conference Grants. Vote on expenditure of funds for grants.
Jan 15 / Announce the conference grant application deadline. Sample email below:
2010 First-time Conference Grant application deadline Feb 15th
We are pleased to announce two 2011 Conference Grants that will be awarded on or before March 1, 2010. For student CSI members who are attending a national, regional or state conference, please review the attached guidelines and submit your application by 5pm on Monday, February 15, 2010. Grants may be used toward conference registration fees within one year of award. Preference will be given to first-time conference participants.
Contact the CSI Beta Awards Committee Co-Chairs at if you have questions.
See previous conference grant announcement at Update and post the new one with link for the guidelines and application.
Feb 15 / Convene the selection committee meeting to select recipients. Use the ranking forms provided in the online Awards files (sample in Appendix 3).
Feb 16 / Notify Beta Conference Grant recipients. Formal acceptance and rejection letters provided in the online Awards files. Sample email below:
Thank you for submitting your application for the 2011 Conference Grant. We are pleased to notify you that you have been selected as a grant recipient.
A committee of three members conducted a blind-review of each applicant’s statement and rated them based on the strength in each of the areas covered (i.e., how you believe attending this conference will impact you, your professional development, the Department of Counselor Education, and/or Chi Sigma Iota).
You will be awarded up to $200 to attend the American Counseling Association Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on March 18 – March 22, 2010. You must submit a paid conference registration receipt to receive reimbursement and funds must be applied to the conference within one year.
As a recipient of the Conference Grant, you will be expected to share your conference experiences with other CSI and department members in the CSI Beta Chapter Bulletin newsletter and at the CSI general membership meeting or other agreed upon venue subsequent to the conference.
We realize that professional service and participation at professional conferences are highly encouraged for counseling professionals and therefore Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter is pleased to offer funds to support first-time participation in this ACA-related conference.
We look forward to your continued active participation in Chi Sigma Iota Beta Chapter and appreciate you participating in this year’s first-time national conference grant process.
CSI Beta Awards Committee Chairs
Feb 17 / Notify the listserv of Beta grant recipients & update the website. Sample email below:
On behalf of the CSI Awards Committee I would like to announce and congratulate the 2010 CSI Beta Conference Grant recipients:
- Name, conference, dates of conference
- Name, conference, dates of conference
Also, a special thanks to those who participated in the selection of the grant recipients, and to all other nominees who submitted grant applications!
CSI Awards Committee Chairs
Mar 1 / Order and update awards (get CSI approval for expenditure of funds – approx $120):
- Order certificates/plaques for the main awards to hand out at the Awards & Initiation Ceremony (approx $20-30 each)
- Order plaque or gavel for outgoing President
- Take the plates off the awards in the Counselor Education and have them engraved with the new recipients according to the previous winners
- Add the recipients names to the documents for those listed on paper (President should have the current Word documents).
Mar 15 / Write and submit newsletter article highlighting the awards & grant recipients for the year.
Apr 1 / Help facilitate the awards section of the Awards & Initiation Ceremony
Appendix 1
Worksheet for Outstanding Doctoral Student:
Raters will review the following information in the nomination packages. Please include this worksheet when submitting your nomination materials.
Name of Nominee:
Grade point average:
Extra-curricular activities:
Briefly explain how you feel you have contributed to the CSI Beta Chapter (service to the chapter)
Briefly explain how you feel you have to contributed to the profession as a whole (service to the profession)
Briefly discuss your professional work experience
Along with the this worksheet, please include the following in your awards packet
- A current vita
- No more than 3 letters of support
- Supplementary evidence
Appendix 2
Sample Rating form for Outstanding Entry-Level Student
Please rank each applicant on your impression and the strength of their statement (on the following pages):
Nominee: / Rater:Nomination Criteria / Weak / Fair / Neutral / Good / Strong
Grade Point Average (3.5 or better)
Extra-curricular activities
Service to chapter
Service to the profession
Evidence of excellence
Professional work experience
Letters of support
Supplementary evidence
Overall General Impression
Total for Each Column
Multiplied by Weighted Factor / x1 / x2 / x3 / x4 / x5
Weighted Total for Each Column
Sum of all Columns
Sample Rating form for Outstanding Doctoral Student
Please rank each applicant on your impression and the strength of their statement (on the following pages):
Nominee: / Rater:Nomination Criteria / Weak / Fair / Neutral / Good / Strong
Grade Point Average (3.5 or better)
Extra-curricular activities
Service to chapter
Service to the profession
Evidence of excellence
Professional credentials
Letters of support
Supplementary evidence
Overall General Impression
Total for Each Column
Multiplied by Weighted Factor / x1 / x2 / x3 / x4 / x5
Weighted Total for Each Column
Sum of all Columns
Appendix 3
Sample Conference Grant Selection Committee Rating Form
Thank you for participating as part of the Selection Committee for the 2010 conference grants. To ensure fairness for all applicants, we are conducting a “blind review” where you are judging the merits of the statement based on the strength of their responses. Please review the following applications and make an objective assessment for each of the participants. The following criteria are offered to help guide you.
General Requirements
- To be eligible, applicants must be attending an ACA-related conference.
- Applicants must be current students in good standing with the Counselor Education program and an active member of CSI Beta Chapter (annual dues paid or lifetime member ).
- Those awarded the Conference Grant are expected to share their conference experiences with other CSI and department members in the CSI Beta Chapter Bulletin newsletter and at the CSI general membership meeting or other agreed upon venue subsequent to the conference.
Statement of Desired Impact
Applicants were asked to submit the following: In 500 words or less, please describe how you believe attending this conference will impact you, your professional development, the Department of Counselor Education, and/or Chi Sigma Iota.
Please rank each applicant on your impression and the strength of their application and statement. Put a “1” in the column for each category, and then follow the directions on the table to get a final total. If you have questions, please feel free to ask.
Example Rating form:
Applicant: / Weak / Fair / Neutral / Good / StrongImpact on Self / 1
Professional Development / 1
Department of Counselor Education / 1
Chi Sigma Iota / 1
Overall General Impression / 1
Total for Each Column / 1 / 3 / 1
Multiplied by Weighted Factor / x1 / x2 / x3 / x4 / x5
Weighted Total for Each Column / 3 / 12 / 5
Bonus: If first-time conference participant, add 5
Sum of all Columns + Bonus / 20