Woodland Park Academy, PSA
2083 E. Grand Blanc Road, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439
Proposed Board Minutes
Public Hearing -
2016-2017 Final Operating Budgets and
2017-2018 Preliminary Operating Budgets
Annual Business and Regular Board Meeting
Woodland Park Academy Board of Directors
June 15, 2017
2083 E. Grand Blanc Road
Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439
Telephone: (810) 695-4710 Facsimile: (810) 695-1658
E-mail Address: Website:
Public Hearing -
2016-2017 Final Operating Budgets and
2017-2018 Preliminary Operating Budgets
Annual Business and Regular Board Meeting
Woodland Park Academy Board of Directors
Date:June 15, 2017
Time:6:00 p.m. Public Hearing
Time:6:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting
Location:Upper Grades Science Lab
2083 E. Grand Blanc Road
Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439
MINUTES◙ Proposed Approved
Meeting Type:◙Annual ◙Public Hearing ◙ Regular Special
Public Hearing –
Final 2016-2017 Operating Budgets
Preliminary 2017-2018 Operating Budgets
The Public Hearing was opened at 6:00 p.m. for the purpose of presentation of the overview of the proposed Budgets and for allowing general public comment regarding the Final 2016-2017 Operating Budgets and the Preliminary 2017-2018 Operating Budgets as mandated by the Department of Education, State of Michigan and contractual obligation with Central Michigan University. Paper copies of the Budgets were available for review. No public comments or questions were asked. The hearing was closed at 6:10 p.m.
A copy of the meeting minutes is available for public inspection at Woodland Park Academy, 2083 E. Grand Blanc Road, within 8 business days for proposed minutes and within 5 business days of approval for approved minutes.
The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Public Law 101-336, 42 USC § 12101 et seq or any successor law. Should you require specific accommodation(s) please contact Academy at (810) 695-4710 prior to the meeting.
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Annual Business and Regular Board Meeting Minutes – Proposed
Thursday, June 15, 2017
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Annual Business and Regular Board Meeting
I.Call to Order
Acting President Peters called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II.Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Board Member Attendance:
, President Present Absent
Susan Peters, Acting President◙ Present Absent
, Secretary Present Absent
Ken Kander, Treasurer ◙ Present Absent
Jeff Fivecoate, Trustee◙ Present Absent
Other Attendees:
Laurie Franklin, RN, BSN, Board Recording Secretary
Jeremy Brown, Academy Director
Amanda Martin, Curriculum Director
Rebekah Silkworth, Business Services, GISD
Kirsten Knag, Business Services, GISD
Bill Gesaman, CMU-CSO (6:50 pm)
III.Approval of Agenda
Acting President Peters made a motion to approve the agenda as amended; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
IV.Approval of Board Minutes
Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting, May 18, 2017
K. Kander made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting, May 18, 2017, as amended; seconded by S. Peters. Motion carried (3-0).
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V.Board Communication
A discussion was held regarding the communication received from CMU with their findings and recommendations regarding the recent EPR that was conducted.
Acting President Peters made a motion to accept the resignation of Board member Hudson Green effective June 6, 2017; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
VI.Public General Comments (limited to 3 minutes per speaker)
No comments were made by members of the public at this time.
VII.Administrators’ Reports
A.Jeremy Brown, Academy Director
Student count is 402 as of today.
The gymnasium lights have all been replaced with brighter and more efficient lights.
The DVR has been repaired and several cameras have been replaced for the surveillance system. A discussion was held.
Teacher evaluations are being finalized and completed for submission by the required deadline.
The School Improvement Plan is also being finalized and completed in accordance with the guidelines for submission.
The Master Schedule and grading system will be reviewed and updated over the summer by Mr. Brown and Mrs. Martin.
B.Amanda Martin, Curriculum Director
The Annual School Survey was sent out to parents, staff and students, with 160 parents, all students and 80-90% of the staff completing it. The
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Board was provided with an electronic copy of the report for their review and file. The MDE AdVance Ed online survey was used and it is anonymous. Mrs. Martin provided an overview of the findings and results of the survey. A discussion was held.
C.Academic and Behavior Data
The Board was provided an electronic copy of the Academic Report and Behavior data for their review and file. The main goal was to increase student college readiness as measured by NWEA by 10% in Math and Reading between fall and spring. The Math score showed an overall positive of 4.3% and the Reading score showed an overall negative of 4%. The additional goal of reducing the number of major office disciplinary referrals was also 10%, and the score was 9.6%.
D.Future Actions
The curriculum for the English Language Arts and for Science will be revised and updated.
Instructional leadership will be enhanced and include professional development; observations; realignment of the Master Schedule; and revising the report card and grading system.
The use of technology will be increased across the various platforms.
New and/or different lunch options will be explored.
There will be a continuation and enhancement of Character Education and Focusing on Positive.
Continue work on identifying opportunities and available funding to improve staff compensation.
E.End of the Year Activities and Events:
Dance, band and strings performances
Awards Day
Kindergarten and 8th grade graduations
7th grade Field Day
8th grade Clap Out
Dismissal crew – teachers dressed up
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VIII.Business Services Report
Kirstin Knag, Business Services representative from the GISD, provided electronic copies of the monthly financial reports to the Board. Ms. Knag gave an overview of the bills payables and the financial statements for the months of May and June 2017. A discussion was held. K. Kander made a motion to approve the bills payables and financial statements for the months of May and June 2017, as presented; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
Discussion was held regarding the Uniform Administrative requirements for Federal awards. K. Kander made a motion to elect to delay/defer implementing the Cost Principal & Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, 2 CFR Part 200.317 to 200.326 (UG) procurement requirements until July 1, 2018; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
IX.Board President’s Report
Discussion was held regarding the need to fill the two vacant Board member positions. Further discussion was also held on election of officers in the interim.
Acting President Peters will be attending the Roundtable meeting for Board Presidents hosted by CMU on Tuesday, June 20th.
X. New Business
A.Approval of Board Operating Resolutions
- Uniform Budgeting and Accounting Timeline Resolution
- Designation of Account Signatories Resolution
- Designation of Independent Audit Firm Resolution
- Homeless Children Liaison Resolution
v. Freedom of Information Act Coordinator Resolution
vi. Local Newspaper Resolution
vii.Civil Rights Representative Resolution
- Designation of Title IX Representative Resolution
- Designation of Legal Counsel Resolution
- Designation of CAO
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Annual Business and Regular Board Meeting Minutes – Proposed
Thursday, June 15, 2017
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Electronic copies of the Board Operating Resolutions were provided to the Board for their review and approval. Acting President S. Peters appointed Jeff Fivecoate as Acting Secretary. K. Kander made a motion to approve the Operating Resolutions as presented; seconded by S. Peters. Motion carried by roll call vote, with all members present voting in the affirmative (3-0). The approved Operating Resolutions are attached to these minutes.
B.Food Services Contract Renewal
The Board was provided with electronic copies of the contract for their review and approval. There will be a 2.3% increase for next year ($1.33 to $1.36 and $2.48 to $2.53). Acting President Peters made a motion to approve the contract as presented; seconded by K. Kander. Motion carried (3-0).
C.Approval of the Final 2016-2017 Operating Budgets and the Preliminary 2017-2018 Operating Budgets
The Board was given electronic copies of the budgets for their review and approval. Ms. Knag provided an overview of the Final 2016-2017 General Fund and Food Service Budgets and the proposed 2017-2018 General Fund and Food Service Budgets. Discussion was held.
K. Kander made a motion to approve the 2016-2017 Final General Fund and Food Service Budgets as presented; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried by roll call vote with all members present voting in the affirmative (3-0).
K. Kander made a motion to approve the 2017-2018 Preliminary General Fund and Food Service Budgets as presented; seconded by S. Peters. . Motion carried by roll call vote with all members present voting in the affirmative (3-0).
D.Administrators’ Contract Approval
Administrators’ contracts expire 6/30/17. Discussion was held regarding contract term lengths: Mr. Brown and Mrs. Martin’s contract term lengths will be 7/1/17 to 6/30/19. The new contracts also include a 2.7% increase in salary. Mr. Brown’s time off will be increased to 7 days. K. Kander
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made a motion to approve the contracts as amended, pending CMU approval; seconded by S. Peters. Motion carried by roll call vote with all members present voting in the affirmative (3-0).
E.Midwest School Services Contract Renewal
A discussion was held regarding the Midwest School Services contract and pending approval from CMU. CMU approved the contract as written. K. Kander made a motion to approve the contract as presented and approved by CMU; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried by roll call vote, with all members present voting in the affirmative (3-0).
XI.Old Business
A discussion was held regarding technology and the need to update Chrome Books and teacher laptops.
XII.CMU-CSO Representative Report
Mr. Gesaman stated he would provide the Board with a list of law firms for them to review in their search for legal representation for the School.
Mr. Gesaman apologized for being late as there was a power outage that delayed his travels.
Mr. Gesaman spoke on the importance of the EPR report for the CMU contract reauthorization process and taking action in the areas identified and the Board being informed and involved in the efforts for student growth. A discussion was held.
Mr. Gesaman reminded the Board of the upcoming CMU-sponsored meeting in Novi on June 29th, and how information is reported back to the Academy. The topics to be covered will be the Performance Report, Academic Goals and NWEA data.
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XIII. Public General Comments
Parent Michelle Carr spoke to the Board regarding her concerns surrounding the suspension of her son. She informed the Board that she has removed both of her children from the School. Acting President Peters responded that the Board will investigate the matter and follow up with the parent.
Brian Cronk was thanked for sitting in the Dunk Tank during the School Carnival.
XIV.Administrator’s Evaluation
K. Kander made a motion to go into Closed Session at 8:11 p.m. at the request of Mr. Brown for the purpose of completing his evaluation; seconded by S. Peters. Motion carried (3-0).
K. Kander made a motion to return to Open Session at 9:40 p.m.; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
K. Kander made a motion to approve Mr. Brown’s evaluation report as discussed; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
XV.Adjournment of Meeting
Acting President Peters made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:43 p.m.; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (3-0).
Proposed Board minutes respectfully submitted,
Board Recording Secretary