22 February 2011
Revised 5 October 2012
This Manual supersedes all previous SOP manuals
Users of this manual are encouraged to submit recommendation to improvethe publication. These should be sent to:
Pershing Rifles Co. A-1
The Ohio State University
ROTC Dept. (Converse Hall)
Chapter 1
This chapter defines the mission of the NationalSociety of Pershing Rifles, and tells how this mission isfulfilled, illustrating the tri-service aspect of the Society.
1-2.Purpose Statement - Definitions of Mission
The National Society of Pershing Rifles has adopted its mission to include the following four interrelated objectives.
a. To aid in the development of effective officers in the Army,
Navy, and Air Force.
b. To create a closer and more efficient relationship within the
Reserve Officers’ Training Corps structure.
c. To further the purpose, traditions, and concepts of the United
States Army, Navy, and Air Force.
d. To give civilians the opportunity to be part of a military
type of organization without any commitment to the military.
1-3.Non-Discrimination Policy
This organization and its members shall not discriminate against any individual(s) for reasons of age, color, disability, gender identity or expression, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
1-4. Fulfillment of the Mission.
a. Development of effective officers in the Army, Navy, and Air
(1) Through its organizational structure, the Society affords
its members and excellent opportunity for command and staff
experience. It is an extra-curricular leadership-training
(2) In its administrative aspects, the Society offers many
opportunities for work that provides valuable training for the
Active Member. By adopting, wherever possible, the
administrative practices of the US Army, US Navy, or the US
Air Force, the Society furthers a working knowledge of these
practices which is of great value to the member as a cadet or
midshipman and later as an officer in his particular branch of service.
b. Relationship with in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
(1) As one of the most important of its missions, the
ROTC relationship merits special attention by the Society.
The National Society of Pershing Rifles is the only extra-
curricular organization available to all ROTC cadets
everywhere. The P/R, through its meetings and other
activities, develops valuable esprit de corps. Such a group
consciousness among the Pershing Rifles members, coupled with
the improved officer-cadet relationship fostered by the
Society, leads to a stronger and more efficient corps of
c. Purpose, Traditions, and Concepts of the United States Army,
Navy, and Air Force.
(1) The first step in the achievement of this objective
is the creation of a closer and more efficient relationship
with the ROTC programs on campus, from which the DOD gains a
majority of its officers.
(2) The Society evidences its interest in and
understanding of the traditions and concepts of the three
services by its continuing program of increased tri-service
d. Importance for civilians.
(1) Through its organizational structure, the Society
affords its members and excellent opportunity for command and
staff experience. It is an extra-curricular leadership-
training laboratory. This is important for civilian jobs as
well as military.
(2) Through the relationship with the ROTC cadets and
midshipmen, a closer relationship is formed between these
civilians and the military.
1-5. Type of Organization.
a. By the nature of the above functions the National Society of
Pershing Rifles is organized under the general staff type
structure with members of the coordinating staff being
designated as directors. The coordinating staff members are
principle staff assistants to the Chief of Staff and have been
vested with authority to determine actions to be taken by the
command in their specific field.
(1) Each member of the coordination staff acts as the
principle assistant to the Chief of Staff in planning,
estimating, coordinating, integrating, and supervising
principle functional areas assigned.
(2) Each makes decisions without reference to the Chief of
Staff on routine matters.
Chapter 2
2-1. Contents.
This chapter tells who may be a member of the National Society of Pershing Rifles, how membership is granted and how members may be dismissed from the organization. The two classes of P/R membership are described and rules about retaining Active Membership are listed, and the privileges of Honorary Members are discussed. This chapter also outlines the
national Pledge manual. It states the rules about transferring Active Membership from one company to another.
2-2. Scope of Membership.
The National Society of Pershing Rifles is open to any college student. It is open to all Cadets and Midshipmen from colleges and universities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. The individual members of the Pershing Rifles are selected on a basis of personal merit. There are three classes of membership: Active, Alumni, and Honorary.
2-3. Active Membership.
a. Requirements. Active Membership shall be open to all
students attending a college or university.
b. Selection of Members. To become an active member of Pershing
Rifles, the candidate must be a regularly enrolled student.
c. Admission of Active Members. Having completed a pledge
program controlled by a college level chartered unit of the
Society, the student obtains active status in both the college
level chartered unit pledged and the National Society upon
being duly initiated by the college level chartered unit in
formal ceremony.
d. Right of Active Members. An active member in good standing
with his college level chartered unit for any purpose, shall
be eligible to introduce motions from the floor, to speak in
regard to any motion, to make nominations for office, and to
vote on any questions.
e. Rank of Active Members. Upon activation, the individual shall
attain enlisted rank determined by the unit commander.
f. Active Membership authorized equipment. The citation cord,
shingle, membership card, ribbon, and rank shield are
authorized obtained by the to be active member. The shingle
is a certificate of membership in the Society. The membership
card is a card declaring membership in the Society. The
Pershing Rifles Citation Cord shall be worn only on the left
shoulder. It shall be worn with no other fourragere or
aiguillere unless otherwise directed by the respective ROTC
Detachment. The braided strand shall be worn under the arm
and the two single strands shall be worn outside the arm. The
membership ribbon is worn in the same manner as ROTC ribbons
and is less ranking than all ROTC ribbons. The rank shield is
(1) Male. Centered on the left breast pocket. If he also
has the ROTC Recondo badge, the Pershing Rifles rank shield
can be moved to the other pocket of the class "A" coat.
(2) Female. Centered on the left side of the Class A
uniform and parallel to the waistline on the coat in a
comparable position on the coat. Placement of the shield
may be adjusted to conform to individual figure
differences. If she also has the ROTC Recondo badge, the
Pershing Rifles rank shield can be moved to the other side
of the class "A" coat.
2-4. Honorary Membership.
a. Definition of Membership. Any person may be initiated into
Pershing Rifles as an Honorary Member by the various college
level chartered units upon the approval of the National
Commander. Honorary members may not hold office or vote on
any matter before the college level chartered unit.
b. Induction of Member. A written request will be submitted to
National Headquarters listing the individuals to be approved
as Honorary Members and explaining why they should be given
honorary membership.
c. Rank of Honorary Members. A person may be initiated into the
National Society of Pershing Rifles with or without honorary
rank, the grades of which shall correspond to those used by
P/R. A commanding officer cannot sign an application for
Honorary Membership requesting honorary rank of a higher rank
that the rank he holds.
d. Equipment authorized for Honorary Members. An honorary member
is allowed a shingle and membership card. The individual is
also allowed the citation cord, if desired.
2-5. Transfer of Membership.
A member of any Pershing Rifles Company may transfer membership to another school, provided the individual meets the basic requirements of the gaining Company. The gaining Company will immediately notify National Headquarters upon completion of the transfer.
2-6Membership Standards
All active members of Pershing Rifles Company A-1 will be expected to adhere to the following standards set forth in this document in order to remain on active status within the organization. Failure to meet these requirements will result in disciplinary action.
- PHYSICAL FITNESS TEST. Pledges must meet the standards of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) as outlined in FM 21-20 in order to be initiated into the Society. A minimum of sixty points in each event must be achieved in order to meet these standards. Following their induction, active members are required to pass the APFT by Army standards on a semester basis in order to maintain their active status.
- HEIGHT & WEIGHT. In order to be admitted into Pershing Rifles Company M-4, pledges must meet the Army height and weight requirements as outlined in FM 21-20. Minimum and maximum standards are age, height, and gender dependant. Failure to meet the height-weight standards can be annulled by meeting the percent body fat standards outlined AR 600-9. All members are required to maintain these standards on a semester basis should they wish to remain on active status.
- UNIFORM. Pledges and active members of Company A-1 shall adhere to the Army uniform and grooming standards outlined in AR 670-1 in addition to the standards outlined in Article IV of the National Constitution in reference to any Pershing Rifles event in which they partake. During weekly societal meetings, active members shall wear their personalized Pershing Rifles t-shirts along with the appropriate footwear. Pledges shall wear the appropriate uniform directed to them by the First Sergeant and approved by the Company Leadership prior to the directive. In addition, every individual will have a writing utensil, paper, and a watch on their person during the said meetings.
- ATTENDANCE. Active members and pledges of Company A-1 must adhere to the attendance policy laid out by National Headquarters in Article XIII, Section 2 of the National Constitution. This policy will pertain to all Pershing Rifles events to include chapter meetings. Absences shall be excused granted that a notice is given to a member of the Company Leadership no later than two hours prior to the start of a meeting and twenty four hours prior to the start of a Pershing Rifle event, with the exception of significant emergencies.
- SKILLS. Active members must retain the basic skills of regulation and exhibition drills as was required of them upon induction into the Society. Active members must also maintain a thorough knowledge of the National Society, its history, and the life of its founder, General John J. Pershing.
- DUES. In order to remain on active status, members must pay Company dues of $30.00 per year. The amount of these dues will be $30.00, unless otherwise outlined by the Pershing Rifles National Headquarters. These dues go directly towards paying the National Organization Dues.
2-7Disciplinary Actions
Failure of any pledge or active member to adhere to the afore mentioned standards will result in escalating levels of discipline to include make-up PT, Probation, and if necessary, the revoking of one’s membership from Society.
- MAKE-UP PT. Infractions of these bylaws, such as an unexcused absence or tardiness, a violation of uniform policy, or a failure to retain the basic knowledge and skills required upon induction, may be corrected through the attendance of a make-up physical training (PT) session on a day set by a member of the Company Leadership. The Company Commander, Executive Officer, or First Sergeant must be present at the scheduled PT session.
- PROBATION. Should an individual fail to attend a scheduled make-up PT session or fail to correct his or her infractions of these bylaws, that individual may be placed on probationary status in order to correct the behavior in question. This period will be a minimum of twenty-eight days and will consist of make-up work that will be up to the discretion of the leadership and dependent upon the infraction. While on probationary status, individuals will be required to attend all Pershing Rifle events during that time but will not be authorized to participate. They will be required to uphold the duties and tasks of their position, but will be temporarily revoked from holding the title of their position within the Society as well as their right to vote and propose new motions or amendments within the Company. A member is allowed no more than two periods of probationary.
- Member Dismissal Process. Should an active member fail to comply with the terms and conditions of his or her probation, that individual’s membership may be revoked from Company M-4 upon unanimous vote among Company Leadership and may potentially be revoked from the Society pending approval from the National Commander.
2-8. National Pledge Manual.
a. The National Pledge Manual is incorporated herein to serve
as a basis for the individual units’ pledge program. The
National Headquarters will provide this manual.
Chapter 3
3-1. Contents.
This chapter describes the organization of the national Society of Pershing Rifles and explains how each headquarters functions. This chapter prescribes offices and rank structure for each level of command within the Society, and tells how these offices are filled. Special procedures for creating new offices are outlined, and certain limitations are placed on office holding. Procedures for filling vacancies are included, and the rank of Active members is defined.
3-2. Basic Concept and Structure.
The National Society of Pershing Rifles, in keeping with its function as an extra-curricular leadership-training laboratory, is organized along military lines. The basic structure of the Society is prescribed in the Constitution of the National Society of Pershing Rifles.
3-3.Organizational Levels of the Society.
There are currently two levels of organization in P/R. They are National and Company
level. There once were Divisional and Regimental levels as well but they were disbanded at National Convention in 1997.
3-4. National Organization.
a. National Headquarters. This organization shall consist
of the National Headquarters situated at the University
of Nebraska, in Lincoln, Nebraska. The National
Headquarters and the remainder of the Society shall be
under the control of the National Commander who shall
have a term of office not to exceed two years.
(1) National Headquarters Officers. A P/R Major General
shall command the National Society of Pershing Rifles,
and the commander’s staff shall be:
Deputy National Commander /Chief of Staff P/R BG
(a) National Commander. The National Commander is
nominated by the retiring National Commander and
discussed with the national staff.
(b) This nomination must be confirmed by the National
Legislative Body of Pershing Rifles.
b. Companies. The local unit of each campus shall be known
as a Company.
(1) Company Officers. A P/R CPT (0-3) shall command
the Company and the commander’s staff shall be at the
CO’s discretion:
(2) The following is an example rank structure. The
company is authorized one 1LT (0-2) and 3 2LTs (0-1).
Executive Officer: P/R 0-2
S-1 P/R 0-1
S-2 P/R E-7
S-3 P/R 0-1
S-4P/R 0-1
S-5 P/R E-7
(a) Designation of Company Officers. The individual
unit concerned shall elect the Company Commander.
The Company Commander shall select all other
(b) Constitution and By-Laws. Each Company shall
have a Constitution and/or By-laws, and shall be able
to furnish a copy of each upon request of PRNHQ.
3-5. Vacancies.
a. Command Positions. In the event a command position is vacated
prior to the expiration of the term of office for that
position, the officer next in command in the HQ shall assume
the duties of the Commander until such time as the electing or
appointing body for that position indicates and completes
action to fill vacancy.
b. Staff Positions. The respective Commanders shall fill
vacancies in staff positions.
3-5. Rank of Active Members.
Pershing Rifles personnel shall retain the rank of the highest rank position held after completing at least one full tem of office in that position.
Chapter 4
This Chapter defines the legislative bodies of the National Society of Pershing Rifles and tells what they do. It outlines policies concerned with National Assemblies and Spring National Conventions.
4-2.Legislative Bodies
At Company level, the legislative body is the Company Active Membership in general assembly. The National legislative body is the National Commander and the Company
4-3.Power of Assemblies
P/R assemblies are concerned with major policy guidance for the Society and action on detailed matter only where joint action is desirable. I.e. the election of a National Commander.
4-4.Annual Fall National Legislative Assembly.
a. Location. The Fall Legislative Assembly will be a held in
Lincoln, Nebraska and all arrangements and coordination will
be through NHQ.
b. Attendance. The National Commander, National Headquarters
Staff, Company commanders and company executive officers, will
attend the Fall Legislative Assembly.
4-5Spring National Convention.
a. Site Selection. The site of the Spring National Convention
will be decided at the Spring National Convention of the
previous year. The unit desiring to host the Convention must
make a bid. It will be voted on at the Convention.
b. Arrangements. The host unit will make all arrangements with
the aid and approval of the G-3.
c. Date. The hosting unit in coordination with PRNHQ will decide
the date of the Convention. It shall be set before the Fall
Legislative Assembly.
Chapter 5
This chapter contains the duties of Pershing Rifles Commanders and lists of the duties of staff officers.