Airport Policies
- All vehicles will remain outside the fence unless the person is a private hangar owner, or is otherwise directly authorized by the Airport Manager. Non-Airport Operations Vehicles including all personal vehicles are strictly prohibited from turning left (north) and crossing the solid white line on taxiway D. Authorized Airport Operations Vehicles must be equipped with an approved flashing roof top mounted amber beacon, and aviation band radio tuned to 122.70.
- All vehicles are required to stop and wait for the gate to fully close upon entering or exiting. Failure to comply will result in termination of vehicular access privileges. Should the gate fail to close, airport staff must be immediately notified.
- Parking personal vehicles within the fence is strictly prohibited, unless parked at a private hangar, off from the taxiway in such a manner as to not obstruct safe aircraft operations.
- No items shall be stored outside of private hangars
- No persons are allowed inside the fence unless accompanied by a pilot, resident aircraft owner, resident hangar owner, or LaFleur Airport personnel.
- All animals will be leashed according to state law, owners are required to clean up after their animals.
- All fuel/oil spills must be immediately reported to airport personnel. Oil changes and aircraft maintenance are not permitted to take place on ramp or tie down areas.
- No smoking allowed inside fence or in the main parking lot.
- No consumption of alcohol allowed on airport property.
- Use of snow removal equipment must be authorized by airport management.
- Aircraft are not permitted to operate in grass areas.
- All small aircraft stored outside are required to be tied town using the standard three point tie down system, and be located on one of the approved tie down spots. Aircraft unable to fit on tie downssuch as heavy twins and jets are to be triple chalked and coned at all outermost points when parked on the ramp.
Thank you,
Airport Management
I have been provided, and have read the attached airport policies document. I acknowledge and accept the policies, and agree to observe and obey them. I understand that the airport may revise and or update airport policies from time to time. In addition to those of the airport, I also agree to observe and obey all rules, regulations, and orders of the Federal Aviation Administration with respect to aircraft, vehicle, and pedestrian operations at the airport. I understand that failure to comply withthese policies, rules, regulations and orders can ultimately lead to termination ofairport accessibility and all privileges associated.
Name (please print):______