English Translations of Hymns
Chamchindindi Chavumbukwa (The mystery has been revealed)
(i) Chamchindindi icho chikabisika mwe chavumbukwa
The mystery has been revealed
Ise tawona wapositoli wa moyo wimilira
We have seen/experienced the living Apostles
Chamchindindi icho chikabisika mwe chavumbukwa
The mystery has been revealed
(ii) Wapositoli ndiwo ndinkhalamba m’malo mwa Yesu
Apostles are the ambassadors of Jesus
Wakuphalazga uthenga wa mphonokwa muvyaro vyose
They preach the gospel of salvation world wide
Ndiyo ndi nthowa yakuya ku umoyo wa myirayira
They are the way to the eternal life.
Koleskani (Steadfast / Holdfast)
(i) Wanthu wa Chiuta imwe mutilombere ise
Servants of God, pray for us
Tisuke tikafikeko kuchiuka cha Fumu
Till we attain the first resurrection.
Chorus: Imwe koleskani mose tili pafupi kunjira msirya lira
You must all be steadfast for we are about to reach the other side
(ii) Kale tikawa kutali na chiuka cha Fumu
Previously / In the past, we were far a way from the first resurrection
Lero tikukondwa chomene na chiuka cha Fumu
Now we rejoice much for the first resurrection
(iii) Lero khumbo la Chiuta liti lifiskikenge
Now the will of God will be fulfilled
Kweni tijilomberenge pamoza na wagza wake
But we must pray for ourselves, together with His servants
Nako Nkhunozga (How wonderful)
(i) Nako nkhunozga nyifwa ya mkhristu
How wonderful is the death of the Christian
Pakusida charo ichi
When parting from this earth / world
Chorus Kunozga mwe, m’bali wane mwe waluta
How wonderful, my fellow believer has departed
Kunozga mwe, m’bali wane luta m’mtende
How wonderful, my fellow believer, go in peace
(ii) Fumu yake imwe yiri mu nthowa
The Lord is on the way
Kuvaneka nthowa yake
Giving light on his way
(iii) Wabali wake kusirya lira
His relatives in the yonder
Nawo wamupokelera
They have also welcomed him / her
(iv) Pala mukwiza kutola winu
When you (Jesus) come to take your own
Nane mungandilekanga
Do not pass me by