Supplementary references
S1 Ashburner M, Ball CA, Blake JA, Botstein D, Butler H, Cherry JM, et al. Gene ontology: tool for the unification of biology. The Gene Ontology Consortium. Nat Genet 2000; 25: 25-29.
S2 Maglott D, Ostell J, Pruitt KD, Tatusova T. Entrez Gene: gene-centered information at NCBI. Nucleic Acids Res 2005; 33: D54-58.
S3 Sherry ST, Ward M, Sirotkin K. dbSNP-database for single nucleotide polymorphisms and other classes of minor genetic variation. Genome Res 1999; 9: 677-679.
S4 Krawczak M, Ball EV, Fenton I, Stenson PD, Abeysinghe S, Thomas N, et al. Human gene mutation database-a biomedical information and research resource. Hum Mutat 2000; 15: 45-51.
Articles already published involving the study of SNPs in SCI
S5 Barber RC, Aragaki CC, Chang LY, Purdue GF, Hunt JL, Arnoldo BD, et al. CD14-159 C allele is associated with increased risk of mortality after burn injury. Shock 2007; 27: 232-237.
S6 Barber RC, Aragaki CC, Rivera-Chavez FA, Purdue GF, Hunt JL, Horton JW. TLR4 and TNF-alpha polymorphisms are associated with an increased risk for severe sepsis following burn injury. J Med Genet 2004; 41: 808-813.
S7 Barber RC, Chang LY, Arnoldo BD, Purdue GF, Hunt JL, Horton JW, et al. Innate immunity SNPs are associated with risk for severe sepsis after burn injury. Clin Med Res 2006; 4: 250-255.
S8 Barber RC, Chang LY, Purdue GF, Hunt JL, Arnoldo BD, Aragaki CC, et al. Detecting genetic predisposetion for complicated clinical outcomes after burn injury. Burns 2006; 32: 821-827.
S9 Barber RC, Diaz-Arrastia R, Purdue GF. Searching for alleles associated with complicated outcomes after burn injury. J Burn Care Res 2007; 28: 205-211.
S10 Barber RC, Chang LY, Lemaire SM, Burris A, Purdue GF, Hunt JL, et al. Epistatic Interactions are Critical to Gene-Association Studies: PAI-1 and Risk for Mortality After Burn Injury. J Burn Care Res 2008; 29: 168-175.