St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff

Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315

Mass Intentions from Sat. 6th Oct. to Sun. 14th October 2012

Sat. 6th Oct. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Michael John, Ellen, Tony, Gerry Holmes

Sun. 7th October 10.00 a.m.: Pat & Greta Kelly & decd. members of the Kelly family

Mon. 8th October 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Tue. 9th October 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Wed. 10th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Pakie Ruttledge (Anniv.) Knockfree

Thu. 11th October 10.00 a.m.: Thomas (Anniv.) & Mary Reape & decd. family

Fri. 12th October 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Rehins S. Centre: 8.00 p.m.: Niall Heffernan, 14 Morrison Terrace

Sat. 13th October 10.00 a.m.: John McLoughlin

Sat. 13th Oct. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Mary & Jack Dempsey

Sun. 14th October 10.00 a.m.: Mary & Anthony Hopkins & decd. family

CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass

READERS: 14th Oct. [V] Elizabeth Boland. [10] Sean Crean.

E. MINISTERS: 14th Oct. [V] Mary Crean. [10] Teresa Holmes.

CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 6: Mary Nallon, Jacinta Knight, Mary McAndrew, Breege O’Hara.

Knockmore G.A.A. Best of luck to the senior team playing in the County Semi final this Sun. at 3pm in Mc Hale Park against Ballaghaderreen, from all in the Boxing Club.

Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.

Knockmore Boxing Club: Training on Mon. Wed. & Fri. 7 - 9pm in the Community Hall. Girls/Boys age 9 years and over welcome to attend. Info. from Billy on 0868373646. Church Gate collection on Sat/Sun next 13/14th Oct. please support.

Table Tennis: Professional Training in the Resource Centre every Thurs. 7 to 9 pm for Girls/Boys aged 7 and over. New comers welcome. Contact Billy on 0868373646.

Killala Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock: This Sun. 7th October. Blessings 2.30 – Mass at 3pm.

Irish Red Cross (Foxford Branch) is launching their “Stay Warm and Safe this Winter” campaign on Sun. 14th Oct. 12 Noon to 3pm in the Morrough Bernard Centre (Old Boy’s School) Foxford. It is aimed at the elderly/retired members of our community & surrounding areas. Adm. Free – refreshments served. All welcome.

Conn Rangers Lotto: 01/10/2012 – 3. 13. 25. 30. (No Jackpot winner) Season ticket winners – Liam Reape, Frank Mulvihill, Valerie Horan. Weekly Ticket Winners: Peter Coleman, Marian Myres, Mary Earley. Next Jackpot - €3,600. Draw on 08/10/2012.

Night Classes St. Muredach’s College: Barbaring; Computers (Skype, Facebook, online shopping etc); Chinese; Control of Pests/Diseases in the garden; Sport/Active Leisure L2; Conversational Irish. Enrolment Mon. 8th Oct 6-700 pm. Enquiries to 086 8035804.

Recent Baptisms: We welcome into God’s Family – Grace Rebecca Gaughan, Lisaniska – daughter of Marian & Brian;

& Grace Margaret Butler, Gortnadreha – daughter of Raymond & Carmel.

The Irish Pilgrimage Trust bring young people with special needs (9-30 years) to Lourdes each Easter as part of their pilgrimage. There is no cost for the young people who travel. Application forms are available from 086-1579903 or

Wanted: Used clothing, handbags/belts, curtains, bedclothes etc. Also old mobile phones. Can be left in to Resource Centre, Knockmore. (094) 9258016.

Sun. 7th Oct. 2012: Day for Life – dedicated to raising awareness about the meaning & value of life. Theme this year is ‘Choose Life’. Leaflets available at Church Doors, please take one.

Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015

Church of Christ the King, Knockmore

27th Sun. in Ordinary Time : 7th October 2012

Sat. 6th Oct. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Christy & Phyllis Bourke, Ballymacredmond

Sun. 7th October 9.00 a.m.: Catherine, Michael & Annie Gaughan, William Brogan

& decd. family members

11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish

Mon. 8th October 10.00 a.m.: Mary Ellen McDonnell, Frank & Mary Gaughan, Lisaniska

Tues. 9th October 10.00 a.m.: Michael, Margaret, Brendan & Mickie McCormack

Wed. 10th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Andy Martin (3rd Anniv.), Andrew, Madge & Peter Martin &

decd. Kelly & Brogan family members

Thur. 11th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Bridget & Patrick Lynch, & decd. Lynch & McHale families

Fri. 12th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: John & Nora Sweeney, Anne Gilmartin, Michael, Helen &

Patrick Sweeney, Currabaggan

Sat. 13th Oct. 10.00 a.m.: Michael Rochford, Knockmore

Sat. 13th Oct. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Bea Kelly, Scotchfort, Margo & Gerard Kelly

Sun. 14th October 9.00 a.m.: Pearse Coleman, Brackwansha

11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish

CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Mass.

READERS: 14th Oct. [V] Ciara & Louise McHale. [9] Anthony Coleman. [11] A. Mulvihill.

E. MINISTERS: [V] J. Feeney & D. Connolly. [9] J. Nallon. [11] M. Brogan & John Walsh. SERVERS: 14th Oct. [V] Roisin Coleman & Lauren Smyth. [9] Rebecca Lambe & Aoife

McTigue. [11] Amy McDermott & Sarah Langan.

CHURCH CLEANING: Legion of Mary.

COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.

Confirmation Dates 2013: Knockmore – April 20th; Rathduff – April 27th.

Recent Death: Please remember in your prayers – Nigel O’Boyle, St. Patrick’s Estate, Ballina. May he rest in Peace .

Music lessons: In Knockmore Resource Centre. Contact Geraldine: 087 2487757 for details.

Cairde 2012: Would appreciate articles & photographs covering achievements, annual reports, family celebrations. Please include obituaries and other special features - kiddies & Pet corners. Email to by Fri. 02/11/12. Advertising spaces still available.

Digital TV Switchover (24th Oct. 2012): Mayo Community Outreach Programme is committed to ensuring that no-one is left behind when the analogue TV signal is switched off. For info. Please contact: Caroline Wilson, Knockmore/Rathduff Resource Centre at . Guidance available at / LoCall 1890 940 980

Experienced Home Help: Available in Knockmore area – please contact 086 1026562.

‘Vineyard’ - Copies available at Church doors. Please take one home.

Hospice Coffee Morning: In Helen & Aidan Mulvihill’s house raised €340. Thanks to everyone.

Notices for the Bulletin can be left in to Parish House, Knockmore, by Thurs. 6.00 p.m. or Email to

Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 – if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.

Every human life is beautiful, every human life is precious. Choose Life!