TJMS Back-To-School News
PLEASE RETURN THE REGISTRATION FORMS TO SCHOOL ASAP. You may mail them in or drop them off in the school office at your convenience.
FIRST STUDENT DAY:Wednesday, September 1st
(On arrival, students should report directly to the gym)
7/8 GradesSchool begins at 7:30 AM - Dismissal at 2:33 PM
7th Grade Lunch11:28 – 11:58
8th Grade Lunch10:41 – 11:11
5/6 GradesSchool begins at 8:17 AM - Dismissal at 3:20 PM
5th Grade Lunch12:15 – 12:45
6th Grade Lunch12:48 – 1:18
Parent Orientation Night for 5th – 8th Grades: Thursday, 9/9 Beginning at 6:00 PM for 7/8 Grades and 6:30 PM for 5/6 Grades PARENTS ONLY, PLEASE! You will run through a mock schedule of your child’s classes & meet their teachers.
Monday, 9/20: Human Growth & Development Curriculum Preview Night – 6:00 – 7:00 PM
PAST DUE FEES AND FINES: If your student has unpaid fees or fines from previous years, a statement is enclosed. Payments made following the issuance of statements in June should have been applied. Unpaid summer school class fees are not yet included on the enclosed invoice. They will be added to your student’s account in August. Please call Jeanne at 268-6105 if you have questions. Important note for 8th grade parents: Several years ago, TJ instituted a policy similar to the one already existing at the High School, which requires a student’s school fees to be paid in full or the student is not allowed to participate in the 8th grade Promotion program. Many parents found themselves in a difficult situation in Spring – having to come up with several hundred dollars to pay for past due fees so that their student could take part in the Promotion ceremony. If your child has accumulated fees, please note that you may make installments during the school year – but the fees must be paid in full by June 4th. After this date, there are no payment plans available and the deadline will not be extended. Please plan ahead so that your child will not be disappointed!
SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM: There is no increase in lunch ticket prices for the 2010--2011 school year. The cost for students will be $2.50 daily ($12.50 weekly), including milk. Milk purchased ala Carte, will cost .40 per carton. Payments can be made to student lunch accounts in the cafeteria before the start of the school day or online through the Efunds portal. Students will receive their Student ID/Lunch Card at the beginning of school. Please encourage your child to keep this card in a safe place. Students who go to the lunch room without their ID slow down the lunch line and must go to the end of the line. Students who lose their ID card can order a replacement by bringing $5.00 (cash or check payable to TJMS) to the TJ office.
BUS TRANSPORTATION: Please call Johnson Bus Company at 284-5330 if you have any questions regarding bus transportation.
GYM SUITS: Students are required to wear TJMS Gym shirts. If your student already has one, you do not need to purchase a new one. However, if he/she does not have one, or has outgrown the one used in the past, you may order one on the enclosed registration forms. Gym shirts, which have been ordered in advance, will be distributed to students, through their homeroom, the first few days of school. If you would like to exchange shirts due to size concerns, please call the school office. Once you are satisfied with the size, please be sure to write your child’s name in permanent marker on the shirt. This makes it much easier to return lost shirts and saves you from having to purchase a second one! Students must also bring a pair of shorts and athletic shoes with non-marking soles from home to wear during their Physical Education classes.
MEDICATION POLICY: All prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs that are to be taken during school hours MUST be kept in the school health room. All drugs must be kept in the original containers and a medication form must be on file before they will be dispensed, so please plan accordingly. Forms for both prescription and over-the-counter medications are available in the office and on our website. The forms should be returned to the school with the medication either prior to the start of school or as soon as possible after classes have begun. INHALERS: We strongly recommend that students keep their inhalers in the office so that they are readily available if needed. Knowing where a student’s inhaler is when it is needed saves time and anxious moments which can be caused when we have to look through desks, lockers, backpacks, etc. to try to locate it. If you do prefer that your child carry their own inhaler, there is an additional form which is available in the school office and which must be signed by their physician. If your child has special health needs, or takes any prescription medication on a regular basis (even if it is taken outside of school hours) please be sure to indicate that information on the registration form.
IMMUNIZATIONS: Information is included regarding the immunizations required by the State of Wisconsin. Please note that waivers are available for health or religious reasons. Please contact our school nurse, Kymber McCutcheon at 268-6075 for additional information.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: School district policy requires parents to call the school each day that a student misses school. Please call the school office at 268-6101 before 9:00 AM to report absences. If the office is closed you may use our automated 24-hour voice mail system to leave the information.
Parents are also asked to call or send a note if a student will be arriving late for school or will be leaving during the day. Students are required to stop by the office to get an admit slip after any absence and to sign out when they leave the building.
Pre-excused absence forms are available in the office (or on our website) and must be completed and approved by an administrator before any planned absences from school, such as a vacation, etc.
HOMEWORK REQUESTS must be made when you call in your absence (the earlier the better) to give the staff ample time to comply. Homework information will be available to be picked up in the office at the end of the school day – the office closes at 4:00 PM. You will also be able to obtain homework assignments by checking the TJMS website after approximately 3:30 PM each day. Please note that only 5th and 6th grade teachers bring your student’s textbooks and worksheets to the office along with an assignment sheet. 7th & 8th grade teachers prepare homework sheets, which are available in the office, but they do not go into student lockers to get textbooks. Therefore, if possible, please check to see what books your student may already have at home and bring their locker combination with you so that you can get books and other materials they may need.
ATTENTION ATHLETES: Physicals are required for all students who participate in interscholastic sports and must be on file before they will be allowed to practice! A green card, signifying a physical performed by a physician, is required every other year. During alternate years, a buff-colored card, which needs only be signed by a parent/guardian, is required. If you are not sure which form your student needs, please call the school office. Proof of health insurance coverage is also required each year. These forms are available in the school office.
Sports opportunities for 5th through 8th grade students include Cross Country (Fall), Swim and Dive (Spring) and Wrestling (Spring). 7th and 8th grade students may also participate in Basketball (Fall), Volleyball (Winter) and Track (Spring).
To avoid disappointment, if your child needs a physical, we strongly suggest you make your appointment now. Many area doctors are not able to schedule routine physicals on short notice, especially during the school year.
The athletic code is part of the regular TJMS Student Handbook, which will be distributed and discussed in homerooms. The handbooks are then sent home and parents are asked to read through the book, sign the signature page along with their student, and return that document to your child’s homeroom teacher.
Students will not be allowed to participate in inter-scholastic sports (including tryouts and practices)until all the required forms, (handbook signature form, the currently required physical form and an insurance waiver have been turned in to the office.)
Please note: An activity fee is required for all students involved in any interscholastic sport (Basketball, Cross Country, Swim and Dive, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling). The fee for the 2010-2011 school year is $60.00 per student, with a family maximum charge $120.00. The fee is only due one time per year for each student, regardless of the number of sports they choose to join. The family maximum applies only to those families who have more than one student participating in interscholastic sports at TJMS. High School activity fees are not applicable.
TELEPHONE USE POLICY: School telephones are only available for student use in the case of emergency. A pay phone is available for non-emergency calls and students should keep change (50 cents) on hand for this purpose. This is especially important during after-school activities when the office may be closed and students need to call home regarding rides, changes in practice times, etc. NOTE: Students may NOT use personal cell phones during the day. They are to be kept in the students’ lockers and turned OFF. Our staff spends many hours dealing with cell phone and other electronic item issues. Please note the following school policy which applies:
During this upcoming school year we are asking our parents and guardians to assist us by re-emphasizing the following policies and procedures with your children.
- Cell phone policy: To ensure that cell phones do not disrupt the learning environment all student cell phones must be turned off and stored in their locker during the school day. Students may use their cell phone at the end of the day once they are outside of the school building. The following consequences will be enforced should a student have their phone out of their locker during the school day:
- First offense: the phone will be taken away and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
- Second offense: the phone will be taken away and returned only to the student’s parent/guardian.
- Third offense: The cell phone will be taken away and a parent/guardian meeting will be requested by the administration.
PICTURE DAY – The photographers will be here on Thursday, September 2nd. Picture order forms will be mailed to your home in late August. Even if you are not purchasing a portrait package, all students should have their pictures taken so that they will appear in the yearbook. A re-take day, for those who are absent or are not satisfied with their picture will be held later in the year – the date will be Wednesday, October 20th.
NEWSLETTER: The monthly newsletter is not routinely copied and sent home with students. It will be available for viewing on the TJ website. Only parents with no access to a computer may request a paper copy, using the enclosed form. If that is the case, if you are a custodial/placement parent, it will be given to your student to bring home. If you are a non-custodial/non-placement parent, a copy will be mailed to the address that we have on file. To request a paper copy of the newsletter, please complete and return the form that is included in this mailing.
ANNUAL FUND RAISER: Our annual fundraiser will be run through Market Day. You can help us earn money to purchase Smart boards for classrooms and for many of our school programs, including Student Council, Peer Mediation, Assembly Programs, Trivia Night, Recognition Nights and Awards, etc. Funds will also be used for an 8th grade end-of-the-year celebration. Students will get full information packets, including order forms, during a kick-off program at the beginning of the school year. Watch for envelopes the first day of school – and thanks for your generous support!
In addition, the craft and vendor fair held on the first Saturday of November, formerly known as The Candle InThe Window Marketplace, will now be named the TJ Holiday Marketplace and all proceeds will benefit our school. Various groups will run portions of the Marketplace and will retain their profits – for example, the Pom Squad will be in charge of the Food Court and Lunch with Santa and other clubs or groups will be in charge of the Bake Sale, Make and Take Crafts for Kids, etc. Proceeds from the booth rental fees and the Silent Auction will be used to help purchase additional Smart Boards for classrooms or meet other technology needs here at TJ. If you, or someone you know, is interested in having a booth at the Marketplace on November 6th, would be willing to volunteer or would like more information about the Marketplace, please contact Jeanne Maciejewski at 268-6105 or
DOLLARS THROUGH RECYCLING – All types of printer toner and ink cartridges are collected by the school and redeemed for computer equipment for the schools, such as printers and scanners. And, if you get a new cell phone, the school also recycles all types of used ones. Bring these items in to the office any time – and thanks for your help! In addition to recycling these items, we also collect General Mills box tops and Kemps Milk caps. Campbell Soup labels are collected by the District’s elementary schools.
TJ BREAKFAST MENU! Students have the opportunity to purchase a variety of ala Carte breakfast items prior to the start of their classes. These items will be for sale on a cash and carry basis only – no charging or lunch tickets accepted. 7th & 8th grade students who are purchasing breakfast items will be allowed into the cafeteria at 7:10 AM. 5th & 6th grade students who wish to buy these items will be allowed into the cafeteria at 8:00 AM. Only students who are purchasing food items will be allowed in the building early. Food will not be allowed in the hallways or classrooms – it must be eaten in the cafeteria. A variety of health-conscious items will be available for sale costing a dollar or less.
WHEN YOU ARE SURFING THE WEB…By now you probably know that the district has a great website set up to provide you with a myriad of information! Everything from school calendars, lunch menus, staff contact information, school forms (like physical and insurance forms, medication forms, pre-excused absence form, etc.) sports and other co-curricular schedules (even driving directions to away games/meets!) and Parent Group news (including meeting agendas, minutes and treasurer’s reports) and much more valuable information is just a click away. In addition, daily announcements, homework sheets and the monthly TJ newsletter are all posted on the website.
During the month of August, we will be working to update all the information for the new school year. So, if the information you see is out-of-date, check back in another couple of days or call the school office for details. Thanks for your patience while we get all the changes made!
Save the following website address in your “Favorites” file and check it often for everything you need to know.
To see information regarding TJ, just click on our school name.
We want to make this a valuable resource for you! If there is something you would like to see added to our site, please contact Webmaster Jeanne Maciejewski at 268-6105.
DAILY ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR PARENTS: Daily announcements will be available to parents through the Daily Bulletin feature in Power School. Your Power School login and password is the same as last year. If you misplaced it, it will be included in the mailing that will include your students’ schedule (sent in late August). You will be able to either log in to Power School each day to view the announcements or change the program settings to automatically receive them on a daily or weekly basis. Watch for additional information in the August mailing. Daily Announcements are also posted each day on the TJ website. As an added feature, by going to the bottom of the Daily Announcements page, you can “subscribe” to that feature. By doing that, you will receive an email, including a direct link to that day’s announcements, each day when it is updated with the new information.
MARKET DAY: During the summer months, the Pom Squad is running the Market Day Program. Thank you for supporting this great student organization during June, July and August! Proceeds will be used to fund their activities during the school year. Enclosed is an order form for the August sale.