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ITA-CET lecturer information
Surname: ......
First name(s): ......
Country / Address: ......
Telephone: ...... E-mail: ......
Level of education: ......
Institution: ...... Position: ......
Language(s): Ability to teach in English: Yes ☐ No ☐
Other language(s) of Teaching: ......
AITES-ITA / ITA-CET Committee - c/o CETU, 25, avenue François Mitterrand, case n° 1, 69674, Bron, Cedex, France
Tel: +33 4 72 14 33 85 - E-mail: www.ita-aites.org
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Chosen Topics:
☐ Conventional Tunnelling
☐ Health and Safety in Tunnel Construction
☐ Management of (User) Safety in Underground
☐ Mechanized Tunnelling
☐ Risk Management in Tunnelling
☐ Sprayed Concrete in Underground Structures
☐ Waterproofing
☐ Monitoring and Control in Tunnelling
☐ Planning, Construction and Operation of Common
Utility Tunnels
☐ Innovations in Tunnelling
☐ Principle of Tunnel Design
☐ Immersed Tunnels
☐ Site Investigation
☐ Underground Space Use
☐ Maintenance & Operation in Road Tunnels
☐ Principles of Maintenance and Repair of Tunnels
☐ Auxiliary Measures: Ground Improvement
☐ Sustainable Tunnelling
☐ Numerical Simulation for Tunnel Design
☐ Calculation methods for Tunnel Design
AITES-ITA / ITA-CET Committee - c/o CETU, 25, avenue François Mitterrand, case n° 1, 69674, Bron, Cedex, France
Tel: +33 4 72 14 33 85 - E-mail: www.ita-aites.org
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Other topics of interest/expertise:
AITES-ITA / ITA-CET Committee - c/o CETU, 25, avenue François Mitterrand, case n° 1, 69674, Bron, Cedex, France
Tel: +33 4 72 14 33 85 - E-mail: www.ita-aites.org
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Date: ......
Signature: ......
AITES-ITA / ITA-CET Committee - c/o CETU, 25, avenue François Mitterrand, case n° 1, 69674, Bron, Cedex, France
Tel: +33 4 72 14 33 85 - E-mail: www.ita-aites.org