Pacific Northwest Reference List and Bibliography
Geography 302
William B. Beyers
Winter 2015
Reference List and Bibliography
General: The Special Collections Division in Suzzallo Library contains information about the Pacific Northwest. While materials are non-circulating, they may be used in the library. Also of interest are the digital images collections, much of which is online.
Current Local Sources: The Weekly. This local tabloid frequently contains general articles about major industries, firms, or public affairs issues in the Pacific Northwest. Similarly, the Seattle Timesfrequently has good background articles on economic and environmental topics that are relevant to this course, as do publications such as the Puget Sound Business Journal.
An alternative text for this class is: The Pacific Northwest: Geographical Perspectives, Edited by J. Ashbaugh. Kendall/Hunt, DubuqueIowa, 1994.
Another perspective on the region may be found in Atlas of the New West, edited by the Center of the American West, University of Colorado. W.W. Norton, New York.
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Physical Environment
Ashbaugh, Ed., The Physical Environment, pp. 39-116.
Thornbury, W. Regional Geomorphology of the U.S., Wiley, 1965.
Kuchler, A.W., Potential Natural Vegetation of the United States, American Geographical Society, Special Publication No. 36, 1964.
McKee, Bates. Cascadia.
Also, the various hiking and climbing guides published by The Mountaineers provide good information on the physical environment in the Pacific Northwest.
Historical Development
Johansen, D.O. & C.M. Gates. Empire of the Columbia, Harper Bros., 1957.
Gates, C.M., ed., Readings in Pacific Northwest History, U.W. Press, 1941.
Tattersall, J.M., "The Economic Development of the Pacific Northwest to 1920", unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, U.W., 1960 (economics).
Billington, R.A. The Westward Movement in the U.S., Van Nostrand, 1959.
Wilkes, G. A History of Oregon, Geographical and Political, New York, ColumbiaUniversity Press, 1907.
Schwantes, Carlos. The Pacific Northwest: An Interpretive History. University of Nebraska Press, 1989.
White, Richard. It's your misfortune and none of my own, a history of the American West. 1991.
Historical Geography, in Ashbaugh, Ed., Ch. 1.
Mackie, Richard. Trading beyond the mountains. The British fur trade on the Pacific, 1793-1843. Vancouver, UBC Press, 1997.
Hayes, Derek. Historical Atlas of the Pacific Northwest, Sasquatch Books, Seattle, 1999.
Beckey, Fred. Range of Glaciers: The Exploration and Survey of the Northern Cascade Range.Oregon Historical Society Press, PortlandOR, 2003
Contemporary Population and Settlement Distribution
Population Studies Division, Office of Financial Management, State of Washington, Population Trends, (annual).
State of Washington, Employment Security Department. WashingtonState Employment Situation Report (monthly). http:
U.S. Census Bureau Population statistics and characteristics
Agriculture and Food Products
Meinig, D.M. The Great Columbia Plain, U.W. Press, 1968.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, various bulletins.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, Census of Agriculture (periodic).
States of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, Departments of Agriculture, Annual Report. These state government documents would be found in Government Documents or Special Collections. They contain statistics by county and state for production levels of various crops and livestock. They also provide interpretive information on the agriculture sectors in these states.
Puget Sound Council of Governments, Agricultural Land Use in the Central Puget Sound Region, December 1973.
Agriculture in Ashbaugh, Ed., pp. 303-340.
Forest Products
Bryant, Ben R., "The forest products industries of the Pacific Northwest", Puget Sound Power and Light Industry Report Series No. 2.
Meany, Edmond, Jr., "History of Pacific Northwest Logging", unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Harvard, on microfilm in Suzzallo.
Guthrie, J.A. and G.R. Armstrong, WesternForest Industry: An Economic Outlook, R.F.F. Johns Hopkins, 1961.
Clark, D.J., "An analysis of forest utilization as a factor in colonizing the Pacific Northwest and in subsequent population transitions", unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, U.W., 1952.
U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. This agency publishes many research reports and monographs on various aspects of the region's forests. They include studies of silvicultural practices, timber harvest and processing trends, recreational use and studies of particular subregions. Available in Suzzalo Library. A key statistical series is published quarterly, and it is entitled: "Production, Prices, Employment, and Trade in Northwest Forest Industries."
U.S. Forest Service National web address:
Washington State Department of Natural Resources. Timber Harvest Reports, (annual). Detailed statistics on timber harvest by county and ownership. Similar publications are available for Oregon and Idaho. Suzzalo Library.
Washington State Department of Natural Resources,Washington Mill Survey on Wood Consumption and Mill Characteristics (biennial since 1968). Similar publications have been issued by the U.S. Forest Service for Oregon.
Pacific Northwest Regional Commission, Forest Policy Project. Various reports on demand and supply of timber and non-timber forest resources, 1980-81.
Warf, Barney. Regional Transformation and Everyday Life: Social Theory and Washington Lumber Production. Unpublished doctoral dissertation in Geography, 1985.
NorthwestPolicyCenter, U.W. Forging Sectoral Linkages, and Center Stresses Value Added Policies in The Changing Northwest, Vol.3, Issue 4, Oct/Nov. 1991
"The Pacific Northwest's Pulp and Paper Industry: An Economic Bellwether," Pacific Northwest Executive, October 1990.
"The Changing Structure of the Forest Products Industry in the Pacific Northwest," by Andy Brunelle, in B. Lee (Ed.), Community & Forestry (1990). pp. 107-124.
Forests, pp. 159-186 in Ashbaugh, Ed.
ECONorthwest, The Sky Has Not Fallen, PacRivers Council, 1999.
Aluminum Industry
Bonneville Power Administration, "Role EIS", 1977. Describes the role of BPA and its industrial customers (among others) in the present and future of the Northwest.
BPA also produces periodically studies of the anticipated condition of the aluminum industry, in relation to the electrical power demand forecasting and policy making process. Government Documents.
Western Aluminum News, was published irregularly by the region's aluminum producers, now discontinued.
Cooley, R. Politics and Conservation: The Decline of the Alaska Salmon.
Crutchfield, J.A. & G. Pontecorvo, The Pacific Salmon Fisheries, R.F.F., 1969.
Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife, Annual Fisheries Statistics.
Wold, T.M. "After the Boldt Decision: The question of inter-tribal allocation," unpublished MA thesis, Department of Geography, 1989.
Whittlesey, N.K. & P.R. Wandschneider. "An Economists View of Salmon Recovery," LMI Review, July 1991, pp. 21-24.
Fishing, in Ashbaugh, Ed., pp. 119-158.
Community Attributes Inc. WashingtonState Maritime Cluster Economic Impact Study. SeattleWA, November 2013
Water Resources and Energy
Yoder, Jonathan, et. Al. Benefit-Cost Analysis of the YakimaBasin Integrated Plan Projects. (December 2014. Pullman WA: State of WashingtonWaterResearchCenter.
Dietrich, William. Northwest Passage. The Great Columbia River. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
White, Richard The Organic Machine. New York: Hill & Wang. 1995.
Seattle City Light, Energy 1990 study; various volumes assessing alternative generation and consumption options for Seattle over the mid-seventies - ca. 1990 time period.
Pacific Northwest Regional Commission, the Northwest Energy Policy Project. An ambitious study of energy issues in the Pacific Northwest. Reports of consultants are available in Suzzallo.
Oceanographic Commission of Washington. Offshore Petroleum Transfer Systems for WashingtonState, 1975.
Bonneville Power Administration, "Role EIS", a massive document discussing the region's electrical situation and BPA's role in energy supply and distribution, 1977. Produced at the time when Congress began to revamp the BPA authority.
Bartel, Frank and Michael Murphy, "Shedding Light on Energy: A Special Report", Spokane Chronicle, August 16-20, 1982.
Northwest Power and Conservation Council, publishesnews related to the planning activities of the Council. Also, biennial forecasts of long-run electrical power demand for the Northwest. These multi-volume documents explain the bases for anticipated loal growth, and their coordination with other resources in the Columbia River system. Most recent: The Fifth Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan, Volume I (Summary), Volume II Supporting data and analyses, Volume 3: Appendices. General address for NWPC:
Regional Water Resources, and Energy in Ashbaugh, Ed., pp. 187-260.
Hyde, J.M. Columbia River TreatyPast and Future. 10Aug_Hyde_TreatyPastFuture_FinalRev.pdf
Tourism and Recreation
Pacific Northwest Regional Commission, Tourism and Recreation in the Pacific Northwest, June 1974.
Battelle Northwest, Impact of Non-resident travel on the Washington State Economy, June 1969 (done for State Commerce Department).
Interagency Committee for Outdoor Recreation. The Washington State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan, versions are undertaken every few years.
Beyers, W.B. An Economic Impact Study of Mt.Rainier and Olympic National Parks. U.W., 1970.
Ragatz Associates. Tourism in Washington: Contributions of the State Tourism Promotion Program, for WashingtonState Legislative Budget Committee, January 1985.
The Washington State Department of Trade and Community Development publishes periodic information on tourism activity levels by subregion in the state.
U.S. Bureau of Transportation Services.
Tourism and Recreation, in Ashbaugh, Ed., pp. 341-366.
Footloose Industry & Services
Beyers, W. & S. Hyde. The Economic Impact of Technology Based Industries in WashingtonState. Prepared for the Technology Alliance, January 2005. Beyers, W. & D. Lindahl. The Economic Impact of Technology-Based Industries in WashingtonState, 2000. Prepared for the Technology Alliance, June 2001. Beyers & Nelson, The Economic Impact of Technology Based Industries in Washington State, Prepared for the Technology Alliance, 1998 Forging Sectoral Linkages, Strategies for increasing the vitality of the wood products, food products, and metal manufacturing industries in Washington. October, 1989.
Beyers, W.B. The Service Economy: Export of Servicesin the Central Puget Sound Region. Central Puget Sound Economic Development District, Seattle, 1985. Beyers, W.B.,, The Service Economy: Understanding Growth of Producer Services in the Central Puget Sound Region, Central Puget Sound Economic Development District, 1986.
Beyers, W.B. Trends in Service Employment in Pacific Northwest Counties: 1974-1986. Growth and Change. Vol. 22: #4, pp. 27-50.
Regional Structure
Preston, Richard E., "The structure of central place system", Economic Geography, vol. 47, no. 2, April 1971. Uses the Pacific Northwest as his case study.
Swanson, L. "The Region's Changing Economic Landscape. Urban/Rural Economic Trends During the 1980's." Montana Business Quarterly, Autumn 1992.
Office of Financial Management, State of Washington The 2002 WashingtonState Input-Output Model,
Cohn. Industry in the Pacific Northwest and the location theory, Kings Crown Press, New York, 1954.
Freeman and Martin. The Pacific Northwest: An Overall Appreciation, Wiley, 1954.
The economy, Urban Systems, and The Northwest and the Pacific Rim, in Ashbaugh, Ed., pp. 261-302; 367-418.
Public Lands
Clawson, M. Forests for whom and what?, Resources for the Future, 1975.
Clawson, M. The PublicLands, R.F.F., 1965.
Graf, W.L. Wilderness Preservation and the Sagebrush Rebellions. Rowman & Littlefield, 1990
There are many documents published by the major agencies regarding specific places and their management programs, including the Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. Most are cataloged by the DocumentsCenter, but EIS's may end up in Special Collections. (These documents tend not to be cataloged through the regular federal publications distribution system).
Forest Policy Project documents referred to under Forest Products, above.
DNRForestLand Management Program Documents found at:
U.S. Forest Service, Forest Plans, various, currently being implemented. For each Forest a massive document, typically an EIS with appendices, the Forest Plan, and a variety of maps showing alternative land allocations and resource characteristics.
Growth Management
State of Washington, Office of Financial Management, Alternatives for Washington This was a project undertaken in the mid 1970's; there are multiple volumes documenting people attitudes towards growth & policies needed to achieve goals.
WashingtonState Economic Development Board. Washington'sChallenges and Opportunities in the Global Economy (January 1987); The Washington State Economy: AnAssessment of its Strengths and Weaknesses (January 1987); Washington's Distressed Areas: Recommendationsfor Economic Recovery (January 1988); Citizens Choosethe Future (November 1988); Washington Works Worldwide:Positioning ourselves to Compete in the New GlobalEconomy (November 1988).
Oregon Economic Development Department, Oregon Shines: AnEconomic Strategy for the Pacific Century May 1989.
Oregon Progress Board. Oregon Benchmarks. Annual report to the Legislature.
Puget Sound Regional Council. Foundations for the Future. An Economic Strategy for the Central Puget Sound Region. Volume One, An Economic Profile: Our Jobs, People and Resources. October 1993. Current (2005-7) The Prosperity Partnership initiative.
Idaho Department of Commerce, Idaho Works: An EconomicDevelopment Agenda for the State of Idaho, November 1987.
Idaho Department of Commerce, State of Idaho, 1991-1995 Agenda. Economic Development. International Business. Tourism Development. 3 Volumes, 1991.
WashingtonState Growth Strategies Commission, Final Report. A Growth Strategy for WashingtonState. September 1990 Growth Management documents are at: