Exit topics for third-years:
- Robes can be ordered at Robes can be picked up Friday prior to graduation in the bookstore.
- Dinner and motel reservations for graduation – make them now!
- Going to have own party after graduation? Give it some thought…
- Graduation – May 12th. Apparently the graduation ceremony paradigm may be changing. I will let you know as soon as I have any information.
- Check university email account regularly (only means of communication available from faculty and staff) and clean out account at end of year. It does no good to delete from forwarded-to account (e.g. hotmail); must access u account directly to delete. Otherwise mailbox will overflow.
- Clear out lockers and mailboxes prior to departure.
- Return keys to Building 32 across (east) from football stadium
- Someone (or two) normally do class address at graduation; think about who should do that
- Create slide show for spring banquet and graduation
- Due back for posters Thursday, May 9th
- Licensure information; find on state gov web sites. Some states offer the opportunity to take the licensure exam prior to graduation e.g. Idaho. Verification of being a student in good standing…
- Upon return, will need to order transcript(s), specifying printing after graduation is posted and address of licensing agency(s). Form is found at Griz Central Registrar’s Office counter or online; you will need address of licensing agency, write in big letters at top of form “PHYSICAL THERAPY”, highlight it, pay at casher (down the hall), BRING THE FORM BACK TO KATHY!!!! Do not leave it with the cashiers even if they try to convince you to do so. We cannot send out verification of graduation information or transcripts prior to graduation; will send them out the Monday after graduation.
- Diplomas are special ordered but may still take 6 – 8 weeks to arrive.