Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Windsor Locks Town Hall – Conference Room
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Frawley at 7:07 p.m.
ROLL CALL: Members present were Chairman Richard Frawley, Roger Sullivan, Kasan Patel, William Howes and our newest member William Fournier (Welcome).
MINUTES: A motion was made by Mr. Sullivan to approve the minutes of the November 26, 2013, seconded by Mr. Fournier and all approved.
Finance Dept. – Budget Report dated 01/02/14 has a remaining balance of $1336.32. Memo to submit 2015 Budget. (See below)
Ct River Watershed Council – Cleanup Chronicle. Invoice for dues. Motion to pay $35.00 from acct#311.762 for dues was made by Mr. Sullivan and seconded by Mr. Fournier and carried. Also received book secretary requested ‘Bringing Nature Home’. Mr. Fournier also received a free book about Fresh water mussels.
Arbor Day Foundation – Arbor Day magazine for Jan/Feb 2014.
CT Federation of Lakes – Letter and brochures. WL does not contain any lakes; brochure was given to Mr. Fournier.
CT DEEP – Notice of intent of renew permit to discharge water from deicing aircraft at Bradley.
North Central Conservation District – Annual Report for Fiscal year 2012-2013. Invoice for dues forwarded to Finance. Planning Dept. uses their services enough to justify cost of $1,100 per year.
Trails at WWBCA are still not open to the public because of dangerous limbs. Kevin at Ameri-can was able to access portable toilet and remove. No damage was done. The entrance road was very muddy and rutted by the trucks when Chairman entered. Chairman felt project with Scout for map board was at a dead end.
Chairman, Secretary, and Mr. Fournier attended a monthly meeting for the Friends of the Canal. They were given an update on a proposed picnic area on the WL side of the Canal. When the Canal reopens the Friends would like a portable on the WL side. Mr. Fournier stated to become a member cost $25.00 or 10 hrs. of volunteer work. They are working on grants to fix the Locks.
Mr. Fournier was trying to set up a Q&A program on Eagles for March 17th. Because some of the speakers won’t be able to attend, the venue has moved from the Town Hall to the Library.
Chairman reviewed the budget for 2015. BoF would like a ‘0’ increase in spending. Since the portable was not billed from time at WWBCA we could use what is in the budget to place at Canal. A motion to accept the Budget was made by Mr. Howes, seconded by Mr. Sullivan and all approved.
Chairman reviewed e-mail sent from Jen Rodriguez, in the Planning office, regarding the Land Preservation Plan and the exploration of an Agriculture Committee. The Commission seemed to think some kind of Sub-Committee would be appropriate as there was not much available land left in WL that has not been developed.
Mr. Fournier stated the Library History Group is having Mike Salinski bring his manual of the motors that ran the pumps at WWBCA.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Mr. Patel to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fournier and approved. The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. The next meeting is February 25, 2014.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rose Horan
Recording Secretary