Notes of Steering Group Meeting
held on Tuesday 13 January 2015 at 9.00 am
at The Granary, Dartington Hall
Present:Anna LunkDartington Parish Council (Chair)
Kate WilsonDartington Neighbourhood Plan
Jacqi HodgsonDartington Parish Council/SHDC
Chris BirdTTT
Janice AlexanderDevon Communities
Celia AthertonDHT
Jon RaeDHT
Vanessa PikeDHT (Minutes)
Summary of Aims
Group formed as a result of conflict between the Dartington community and the Trust. An action group was formed and a meeting held. The idea of a conference is to inspire people working on neighbourhood plans, and planners in Devon.
ActionProgramme and Speakers
Anna circulated a copy of the latest draft programme for discussion.
- Simon Bradbury from Plymouth University – School of Architecture will present the Access to Land slot at 2.30 pm on Friday.
- Foot Anstey will join the 3.10 pm slot in Friday afternoon to talk about some of the pitfalls of Neighbourhood Planning. Celia to follow up with Jo Talling and Foot Anstey to confirm details.
- Chris to check that Frances Northrop will present on behalf of ATMOS at 9.30 am on Friday.
- Jon confirmed that the Prince’s Foundation cannot now attend.
- Dave Parkes from Community Juice has approached Jacqi about his possible involvement in the event as a speaker. It was agreed that the programme could not accommodate any further speakers but he would be welcome to attend.
- Break-out conversations to be programmed at 12.40 pm prior to lunch. Consider the best way of capturing those conversations.
- Speaker required to manage the Neighbourhood Planning session and to conclude proceedings on Friday as Lord Matthew Taylor has to leave by 3.15 pm. Anna was nominated to fill this slot.
- Chair for Saturday to be agreed – it is important that they are also booked to attend on Friday as well. Bob Tomlinson was nominated by Anna. Other suggestions from the group included Rhodri Samuel (Celia) and DrMona Nasarei (Jon). It was agreed that Jon would speak to DrMonaNasarei.
- Running order for Saturday agreed as follows:
- Welcome
- Cloughjordan Eco Village
- Self Build Projects
- World Café
- Lunch
- World Café
- Building for the Future
- Close
- Celia and Anna to discuss practical arrangements for the two days after this meeting – to include room layout.
- Anna has been in contact with Exeter University about providing a speaker on thermal imaging – a response is awaited. Chris suggested that FraserDurham could be approached to speak on thermal imaging if Exeter could not provide a speaker.
- Potential affordable self-build speaker has been approached by SueSouthwell (Devon Communities) and a response is awaited. He could be accommodated on the Saturday under the self-build slot.
- Anna to discuss mail-outs to speakers with Celia to:
- Confirm they have booked a place at the conference.
- Request permission to film.
- Request a copy of their presentation in advance;
- Confirm the time limit on their slot and to advise it will include a Q&A session.
- Request short biographical notes.
- A copy of the programme will be posted on a number of websites once further amendments had been made and could be updated as new information becomes available.
- TTT have offered to print a small number of posters and include in their distribution round. It was agreed to accept this offer.
- Kate to design a suitable poster and circulate a draft to Celia, Anna and Chris.
- Jacqi agreed to follow up with planners at SHDC to find out if they are able to attend.
- The list of people booked to attend from the DHT Box Office will be circulated when it is issued later in the week.
- Anna to draft a press release and circulate to the group for comment.
- Celia to speak to DHT Communications team to obtain details of press contacts.
- Anna to contact Mary Popham (TTT) to obtain information about exhibitors and charges. Chris has her contact details.
- Exhibitors to be charged £100 with free space offered to non-profit organisations. Tables are normally provided by the event organiser. Celia to check that there will be sufficient tables available.
- The budget for catering will be in the region of £3,500 and will be shared between DHT and Dartington Parish Council. Funds from exhibitors and donations from delegates will be used to offset some of these costs.
- Celia to approach Penny Connorton, Chair of the Friends of Dartington to find out if they would be prepared to provide funding for a specific item, such as the breakfast for delegates on arrival on Friday.
- Celia to arrange for microphones and projectors to be provided by DHT.
- A technician will be required to operate the systems in the Great Hall. Jacqi to speak to Patrick from TTT to find out if he is available and, if so, confirm his fee.
- Kate has applied for funding of £750 from Locality to film the conference and a response is awaited.
- The option to offer live Twitter feed during the conference to be explored.
Any Other Business
- Printed copies of the programme to be available for delegates at the conference.
- List of delegates to be available, subject to confirmation from individuals.
- Programme to be emailed to people who have booked a place. They will also be asked to advise if they do not wish to be included in the delegate list and whether or not breakfast is required on Friday.
- Delegates to be issued with name labels.
- Meeters and greeters to be nominated and the use of volunteer stewards to be explored. Potentially volunteers could be selected from the attendance list – Celia/Anna to follow up with Sonja Hughes, DHT Volunteer Manager. A briefing session for volunteers will need to be arranged.
Date of Next Meeting
Monday 26 January 2015 at 12 noon in the Granary, Dartington Hall.