Wednesday, April 12, 2017

St. Joseph Town Hall – 1337 County Road V

Commissioners Present: Tom Spaniol, Chair and Town of St. Joseph Representative

Bill Lawson, Commissioner

John Haag, Treasurer

Chris Babbitt, County Board Representative

William Holmberg, Commissioner

Ron Laumeyer, Commissioner

Commissioner Absent: Cecil Chally, Secretary

Residents Present: Tim Reimenschneider, John Lehto, Connie Scheel-Stoehr

1. Call to Order

Chairman Tom Spaniol called the Board of Commissioners Meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Roll Call: Commissioners Spaniol, Babbitt, Holmberg and Laumeyer were present. Commissioners Lawson and Haag arrived shortly after the meeting was called to order. Chally was absent. Motion to Adopt the Agenda made by Babbitt and seconded by Laumeyer. Motion passed.

2. Secretary’s Report – Tom Spaniol acting Secretary

Copies of the minutes of the Commissioners Meeting of February 08, 2017 were previously mailed. A Motion to approve the Minutes was made by Holmberg and seconded by Babbitt. Motion passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report – John Haag, Treasurer

John Haag presented the Treasurer’s report. He reported current bank balances and the District’s financial condition. Checking Account Balance is $9354.26 and the Savings Account Balance is $609.22 for a total of $9963.48. All bills are current.

John reported that we are approximately $2200 over on our legal expenditure line due to the legal expenses incurred by two prosecutions for Slow-No-Wake violations. Additionally, we are over budget in our administration due to additional mailing costs because of the increased frequency of our meetings. Additional line items in the budget may be added to more closely follow the Grant awards expenditures. Our insurance premium climbed from $1500 to $2300 and may go up an additional amount. John Haag will make contact with an additional broker to see if we can get a lower rate. Tom Spaniol will check with Rural Mutual, the Town of St. Joseph insurance carrier to see what premiums may be with them.

Due to the extra amount of accounting paperwork involved with the administration of the Grant awards John Haag may seek out an accountant/firm to help with accounting. Funds have been allocated within the Lake Protection Grant award for this purpose.

A Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Laumeyer and seconded by Lawson. Motion Passed.

4. BLRD Lake Quality Management Plan

· Update on Grants(CBCW and I-LIDS) – Bill Holmberg &Tom Spaniol

As previously reported, the BLRD was awarded a Clean Boats/Clean Water Grant. Two applicants have applied so far for the Watercraft Inspector positions for this summer. One is Katie Katula a new resident living in Roger Orf’s previous home. She is a student at UW Madison and a Navy ROTC student. Also, Grant Reimenschneider has expressed an interest. Due to the fact that we have a Grant award for this activity there are certain requirements which must be fulfilled. One is the required training of CB/CW Inspectors at a meeting put on by authorized instructors. These are limited and some distance from Bass Lake, for example Spooner, Stevens Point, etc. We are going to work with our Watercraft Inspector candidates to see if we can help arrange car-pooling. Bill Holmberg is also in contact with UW River Falls Resource Management Group and has a meeting scheduled for April 18th to discuss CB/CW activities.

Bill Holmerg also reported that Justin Townsend, County Perch Lake Manager, and Emily Lund will be conducting a “Hands-On” Aquatic Invasive Species workshop on the water at Bass Lake in late June. The workshop will be training to help individuals identify AIS through harvesting techniques.

For our Aquatic Invasive Species grant activity one of the obligations was for education. We are planning to create a handout utilizing our bathymetric map of the lake. Bill Holmberg to contact Sean Hartnett at the UW Eau Claire who created the map.

John Haag brought forth the proposed changes to our contract with Environmental Sentry for the I-LIDS camera. Environmetal Sentry has requested some changes to the contract for 2017. We experienced some additional charges for cellular connection and other issues which prompted the requested contract revisions. MOTION to Table the discussion by Spaniol until the May meeting so all Commissioners may more closely examine the verbiage changes. Seconded by Lawson. Motion passed.

John Haag to ask other I-LIDS customers about their best use of the camera and issues related to maintenance.

· Update on Lake Planning and Lake Protection Grants – Tom Spaniol

The BLRD was notified by Cheryl Clemons that we will receive the Lake Protection Grant. We scored very high with our submittal. We applied for $88,770 and we believe we will be awarded $73,700. The project budget submitted was for $118,360.00. This is a 75%/25% matching grant. This means that our Lake Protection budget will be reduced to slightly under $100,000. The grant project budget included demonstration site installations, demonstration site promotion, future site analysis, design, and installation, phosphorous estimator tools, a dissolved oxygen meter, three years of crib builds, and a lake pump feasibility study. What was cut by the granting authority is believed to be the budget item for consultant support. The award letter hasn’t been received so we do not have all the details as of this meeting.

Cheryl Clemons of Harmony Environmental, will start making contact in early May for the Small Lake Planning Grant work which was approved. John Reiling and Tim Jessen will need to continue to take the lead on this project.

· Fish Cribs, Woody Debris Report – Tom Spaniol

As previously stated, the crib build for this year did not happen because of the loss of the Fisheries Biologist, Marty Engle. However, we will try to resume next year as stated in our Lake Protection Grant application. Marty Engle has said he would volunteer his time to manage the crib build for us this next winter.

· Invasive Species

Nothing additional to report.

· Resolution in support of Backfilling DNR positions – Tom Spaniol

Tom Spaniol brought forth a Resolution to address the issue of backfilling the vacant DNR positions. Due to retirements and reallocation of duties within the DNR many positions are vacant which may or may not be backfilled. It is believed that there is some priority of backfilling and the County, the Sportsman’s Alliance, the Town of St. Joseph all believe that strong consideration should be given by the DNR to reprioritize the backfilling for Western Wisconsin open positions due to all the activity that needs interaction with the DNR personnel whose positions are open, ie fisheries biologist, law enforcement, etc. Resolution 2017-03 was brought forth. Motion was made by Bill Holmberg to ratify the Resolution 2017-03 with changes stated. Seconded by Bill Lawson. Roll call vote. All Commissioners voted in favor. Cecil Chally was not present. Motion Passed. (See Resolution at the end of these meeting minutes.)

5. Ordinance Enforcement, Landing and Signage

· Buoys

Jerry Simon has not placed buoys as of yet. We expect them placed before Opening of Fishing.


No additional discussion.

· Water Patrol Boat

Bill Holmberg will make contact with Chuck Struemke regarding a schedule of patrolling. A decision was made to move the Patrol Boat and lift to Tom Spaniol’s shoreline. It was suggested around to the pond side.

· Landing

Ron Laumeyer discussed the problem with storm water runoff at the boat landing. The water doesn’t channel properly. Ron will contact Justin Townsend at County to see if he can remedy the situation. A grate placed directly above the sloping ramp to channel the runoff or a higher curb may solve the problem.

6. Bass Lake Facilities Plan Update – Tom Spaniol

Tom Spaniol reported that the Hwy 64 Corridor Communities Coalition approved the Bass Lake Wastewater Facilities Feasibility Study expenditure of $12,800.00.

Work will be completed by May 31, 2017. A report will be given by Stantec Engineering at the Annual Meeting on June 3, 2017. Tom reported that he worked with two engineers from Stantec Engineering driving around the entire lake to view topography and homes potentially to be served by a wastewater facility. Again, the Scope of Work is shown below.

Bass Lake Area

Wastewater Collection & Treatment Feasibility Study

Scope of Work

I. Project Future Wastewater Needs

a. Define the study area (wastewater system service area).

b. Estimate the existing wastewater flows from existing homes in the study area.

c. Estimate future wastewater flows and pollutant loadings for the Bass Lake area based on projected development and population projections (20-year).

d. Assume effluent limits are same as for Houlton area.

e. Estimate projected biosolids volumes from wastewater loadings and projected effluent limits.

II. Develop and Evaluate Options to Meet Projected Needs

a. Evaluate wastewater treatment options that will meet the current and future needs. Options will include conveyance to other communities (Somerset, New Richmond) and construction of a wastewater treatment facility in the Bass Lake Area.

b. Evaluate collection system components and costs.

c. Assume biosolids will be hauled to Ellsworth, WI.

d. Evaluate capital costs of all options.

III. Present Study Findings

a. Provide a written letter report summarizing the options and costs.

b. Meet with Bass Lake Area representatives to discuss report (1 meeting).

Items Not Included

a. Topographic surveying.

b. Design and Construction Phase services.

c. Services not specifically described in the above Scope of Work. Additional services can be provided under a separate agreement.

7. County and Town Updates – Chris Babbitt and Tom Spaniol

Tom Spaniol talked about completion of the bridge in late July. He also mentioned completion of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, the Natural Resource Inventory Plan, and near completion of the Houlton Facilities Management Plan, and the MS4 project. Focus is now on property acquisition. The Town is working closely with the County in this regard.

Chris Babbitt discussed the work the County is focused on concerning water quality. The CAFO(Confined Animal Feeding Operation) in Emerald had a proported issue (spill, leakage or whatever) of animal waste in November that may have gone unreported until recently. If this is accurate this is a serious issue. Chris also stated that many wells in St. Croix County have high levels of nitrates which is a health concern. Chris also acknowledged the property acquisition by the County and its work with the Town on this issue as well.

8. News, Updates and Plan

· Ice Fishing Contest

The ice fishing contest was cancelled due to warm weather and potential bad ice.

· Other

Bill Lawson reported the lake level is 883.7. Some seem to think it is up a few inches since the fall of last year.

Bill Holmberg reported the official Ice Out day as March 26, 2017.

A decision was made to move the Annual Meeting back to the first Saturday in June (June 3rd) at 9:30 a.m. It will be proceeded by a Commissioner’s Meeting at 9:00 a.m. A presentation by Stantec Engineering on the Bass Lake Wastewater Facility Feasibility Study will be made at that meeting.

9. Public Comment/Resident Concerns

None noted.

10. Review of Building Plans, Shoreline Restorations and Other Plans

None presented.

10. Next meeting Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 7:00pm at Town of St. Joseph Town Hall

11. Adjournment:

A Motion to adjourn was made by Laumeyer and seconded by Holmberg. Motion passed. The Commissioner’s Meeting thereupon adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Recorded by:

Tom Spaniol, Acting Secretary

NEXT COMMISSIONERS MEETING: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Town Hall.




WHEREAS, the Bass Lake Rehabilitation District(BLRD) was established to protect the quality of Bass Lake, St. Croix County, WI; and

WHEREAS, Bass Lake is designated as an Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) by the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and one of the two such lakes designated in St. Croix County; and

WHEREAS, the Bass Lake Rehabilitation District, in conjunction with St. Croix County, the Town of St. Joseph, the Sportsmen’s Alliance of St. Croix County, and the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, has recently updated the Bass Lake Management Plan which was approved by the DNR and recently adopted within the Town of St. Joseph Comprehensive Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Bass Lake Rehabilitation District has recently applied for and has received DNR grants for Clean Boats/Clean Water, Lake Planning, and Lake Protection which encourage activity, cooperation, and involvement with the local DNR personnel; and

WHEREAS, there have been recent retirements of local DNR personnel of great consequence within this area of Western Wisconsin and, in addition, we potentially will lose the momentum established by the recent activity; then

THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, that the Bass Lake Rehabilitation District believes that it is critical that local law enforcement, fisheries and wildlife positions must be filled as soon as possible and highly prioritized within the DNR to keep the Bass Lake area of St. Croix County, Wisconsin, in the forefront of conservation excellence and continue the progression towards the goals within the Bass Lake Management Plan and grants which were approved.

Approved this 12th day of April, 2017, by the Bass Lake Rehabilitation District Board of Commissioners by roll call vote. Commissioners Lawson, Holmberg, Babbitt, Laumeyer and Spaniol voted to affirm. Comissioner Chally was absent.


Thomas J. Spaniol, Chairman, BLRD Board of Commissioners