Atomic Learning: Excel and Access Tutorials

1. From Kean Library Homepage above ( ), go to the Multimedia tab in the upper right.

2. Click the Atomic Learning Link – the top link on the right.
3. Enter your Kean Library Barcode as shown above. This will take you to the Atomic learning page below.

5. In the Advanced Filters, Choose the Program (either Excel or Access), and version (probably 2010 for a PC).

For Excel, you will have a list like the above picture.

If you are not very familiar with Excel, you should try to view all the video clips (videos for Intro, Statistical Analysis Training, Charting Training, Intermediate, Advanced Training, and Pivot Tables Training). If you are familiar with Excel, perhaps view only the Pivot Tables clips.

At the end of watching the video clips, go to the top of the Atomic learning site. There will be a triangle right beside “My Profile”. Select my report and you should see the following.

In the drop down list of “select report”, choose “detailed activity report”.

It should list all the video clips you watched during the time frame you selected. One example of the detailed activity report is following.

On top of the table, it gives you an option of having a copy in printable version.

Print one copy and you can turn that in for extra credit.

For Access, you will have a list like that shown below.

You should try to watch all the video clips listed here. (all the clips for Advanced training, Intro training, and Intermediate training)

If you follow the link “Access2010-Advanced Training, the first set of videos are as listed following,

At the end of watching all the video clips, go to the top of the Atomic learning site. There will be a triangle right beside “My Profile”. Select my report and you should see the following.

In the drop down list of “select report”, choose “detailed activity report”.

It should list all the video clips you watched during the time frame you selected. One example of the detailed activity report is following.

On top of the table, it gives you an option of having a copy in printable version.

Print one copy and turn it in for extra credit.