Neighbourhood Plan Meeting

Bottle and Glass Pub 02 May 2017

Attendees: Ruth Elliott (Chair)Karen Rhodes, Rex Freeman, Cllr Barbara Moulson, Arlene Morrish, Charlotte Wright (Clerk)

Apologies: Cllr Sara Carter, Isabelle Brooke, Liz Harris

Process review

Ruth Elliott presented a flow chart with the summary of procress. The Owmby and Normanby NP group are currently at the designation stage. A letter has been sent from the parish councils to WLDC to formally designate the area. Following designation the group can apply for funding. Owmby Parish Council have agreed to cover refreshment costs for the community event until funding is released. WLDC have agreed to cover printing costs.

Working group update

The community engagement event has been advertised in the Signpost. There was a mention of the event on the front cover, a full page advertisement and a further mention in the events calendar.

Community event 20th May 2017 2.30-4.30pm

An A5 invitation will be delivered to every residence and extra invitations will be placed in the shop. A number of A3 posters will be placed around the villages and 5 large banners will be erected.

To enable the group to undertake an online survey an online program will need to be purchased. Janet Clark from Community Lincs has recommended Surveymonkey which costs £300. This will be budgeted for.

Cllr Carter has been liaising with the Bottle and Glass pub. A voucher will be provided for a regular drink and Lincolnshire Plum Loaf will be available.

A Facebook page is under construction and an email address for the group has been created- .

On the day

Community Lincs are going to provide display boards. Information regarding the community park and what a neighbourhood plan is will be available. There will be a number of activities for people to take part in in order to gather opinions from the public. People will be able to comment on what facilities they would like to see in the future and how they would like to see the villages evolve. The group divided up roles for the day. Karen Rhodes will meet and greet people, Graham Crompton-Howe to man the community park display, John and Barbara Moulson to look after the sticky dot and post it activity, Isabelle Brooke to man the map and flag display, Liz Harris will look after the colouring activity for the children, Arlene Moorish will man the Treasure map and Ruth Elliott to do the farewell and gather information from anyone who wishes to volunteer in the future.

Going Forward

The information from the day will need to be collated and a survey undertaken. The group will also need to engage with local businesses.

It is hoped that more volunteers will be found at the community engagement event. Once the area has officially been designated volunteers should take on more formal roles e.g. chairman, treasurer. A formal project plan will need to be put together.

The date of the next meeting is to be confirmed.