ICT and Societal Challenges
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Organized at the ISC Paris Business School
Scope of the conference .
Our world is dynamic, becoming increasingly complex. Unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, crime, corruption, pollution, climate change, underdevelopment, inequality, refugee crisis, and (im)migration have become global social challenges. For some time now, ICT and especially digital networks have been used to decrease the impact of some of these global social problems. For instance, law enforcement agencies have gained first promising experiences with the application of cloud-based predictive policing software. The new software technology generates predictions on the places and times that future crimes are most likely to occur to better prevent crime in communities. In case of natural disasters such as floods, hurricanes or animal diseases, smartphone-based alerting and management systems can facilitate information flow and improve the efficiency of early warning systems. Today thousands of refugees and migrants make their journey safer and share important information by using (their) smartphones on ubiquitous networks. New technologies for mining social media have been applied to support emergency services by real-time parsing and analyzing public messages. Applications of this technology have helped the early detection of social unrest, allowing a rapid response to rioting and looting.
With the help of digital networks, the impact of global social problems has been mitigated to some extent. Nevertheless, the use of ICT in networks has simultaneously created some other problems, such as loss of privacy, techno stress, systemic risks in financial systems, and digital divide to name but a few. For instance, social networks open opportunities for companies to get access to data and user information, there is, however, only a thin line between mistakes in programming and what is intended to be allowed. Speculations in the financial markets have exacerbated economic crises threatening the future of billions of people. Digital divide indicates a relative inequality between those who have access to, and can use ICT including having the skills to make use of those new technologies (which are those who have more) and those who have less.
The aim of this conference is to illustrate the research regarding ICT in networks and its relation to social challenges. Thus, the focus of submissions should be on research that can improve people's lifes and establish new trends and practices in the usage of ICT in networks. Research exploring the role of ICT in networks promoting participation, improving welfare, increasing transparency, and implementing shared value are of particular interest, along with the role of ICT in networks in both the creation and maintenance of social problems.
Special issue at the Journal Electronic Marklets (JEM) .
Best papers of ICTO2016 conference will have the chance to be published in a special issue of the Journal Electronic Marklets (JEM). Since JEM has a special emphasis on networks and electronic markets, the best papers must have a relation to that emphasis too. The papers that will be published in JEM will be published as extended abstract in the conference proceedings.
Guest Editors
Susanne Leist,Universität Regensburg, Germany,
Marco De Marco, Uninettuno University, Rome, Italy,
Eusebio Scornavacca, University of Baltimore, USA,
Kanliang Wang, Renmin University of China,
Karim Ben Slimane, ISC Paris Business School, France,
Types of Submissions .
ICTO 2016 solicits the following types of contributions in English and in French:
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
- Full research papers (7-12 pages)
- Extended abstracts and research-inprogress papers (3-7 pages)
- Research case studies (7-12 pages)
- Panel proposals (3-5 pages)
- Doctoral research proposals and extended abstracts for the 2015 Doctoral Consortium
- Papers, teaching case studies, position statements, and panel proposals for the IS education thematic area.
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Conference Tracks & themes .
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
- ICT usage for managing or disrupting the tensions, contradictions and paradoxes in complex social problems
- Affordance and constraints of ICT that create or worsen complex social problems
- The role of Big data in socio and economic development
- e-Government and democracy
- Open disaster risk data and minimization of the effect of disaster
- ICT and urban service delivery
- Social networking and health care
- ICT and consumer well-being
- The vulnerable as producers and innovators with ICTs
- Telecenters as paths for affordable computing
- ICT and workplace inclusion of the vulnerable within society
- Acquisition and absorption of knowledge with ICT
- Public/private partnerships, job creation, and economic growth
- Bridging the digital divide
- Peer-to-peer technology for knowledge sharing
- Using ICT to enforce proper security against terrorism
- Gender discrimination and ICT
- ICT for different aspects of development
- ICT4D and mobile technologies
- ICT-enabled business models for social entrepreneurship and social problems
- National ICT policies and how they shape the societal environment for ICT acceptance and diffusion
- How ICT-enabled platforms help NGOs achieve social missions
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
More general submissions are welcome within the conference theme of ICT and societal challenges or related to ICT and organizations.
Important dates .
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Deadline paper submission: Dec 15,2015
Notification of acceptance: Dec 30, 2015
Camera ready paper: Jan 15, 2015
D.C proposal submission: Dec 30, 2015
Doctoral Consortium: March 3, 2016
ICTO2016 Conference: March 3-4, 2016
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Conference Committee .
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Conference Co-Chairs:
Marco De Marco, Università Cattolica, Italy
Michel Kalika, IAE Lyon, France
Susanne LeistUniversität Regensburg, Germany
Sebastien Tran, ISC Paris Business School, France
Program Co-Chairs:
Antoine Harfouche, UPOND, France
Monica Dragoicea, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Arshad Ali, National Textile University (NTU), Pakistan
Jing Zhao, China University of Geosciences,Wuhan, China
Karim Ben Slimane, ISC Paris Business School, France
FrenchSession co-Chairs:
Jessie Pallud, EM Strasbourg, France
Nicolas Lesca, Université Grenoble 2
English session co-Chairs:
Mokhtar Amami, Royal Military College of Canada
Paola Dameri, Università di Genova, Italy
Tracks co-Chairs
Andres Davila, ESCE, Paris
Muhammad Asif,National Textile University Faisalabad, Pakistan
Communication Co-Chairs:
Imed Ben Nasr, Groupe Sup De Co La Rochelle, France
Lisa Thomas, NEOMA BS, France
International Liaison Chair:
Teresina Torre, Università di Genova, Italy
Thierry Delecolle, ISC Paris Business School, France
Academic ProfessionalDevelopment Workshops co-Chairs
Sami Dakhlia, ESCE de Paris
Peter Bednar, University of Portsmouth, UK
Emergent research Forum co-Chairs
Daniele Pederzoli, NEOMA BS, France
Thurasamy Ramayah, Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang, Malaysia.
Youcef Baghdadi, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:
Lapo Mola, SKEMA Business School
Georges Aoun, Saint Joseph Universityof Beirut, Lebanon
D C Participating Faculty
Francesca Ricciardi, University of Verona, Italy
Stéphane Bourliataux-Lajoinie, IAE de Tours
Mona Ben Chouikha, University of Jendouba, Tunisia
Nabil Badr, ICT Architec, Canada
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
International Ambassadors .
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Italy:Fabrizio D’Ascenzo, University La Sapienza Roma1
German speaking world:Stefan Seidel, University of Liechtenstein
UK:Peter Bednar, University of Portsmouth
Japan:Motonari Tanabu, Yokohama National University
Finland:Reima Suomi, Turku School of Economics, University of Turku
Belgium:Geert Poels, Ghent University
Turkey:Asli Sencer, Bogazici University, Istanbul
Malaysia:T. Ramayah, Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang
Romania:Adriana Schiopoiu, Burlea University of Craiova
Switzerland: Cinzia Dal Zotto, Neuchâtel University
Slovenia: Andreja Pucihar, University of Maribor
Greece:Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics and Business
Luxembourg:Slim Turki, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
India:Jyotiranjan Hota, KIIT School of Management
Lebanon:Jamil Arida, Saint Joseph University
Tunisia:Mufida Sadok, Higher Institute of Technological Studies in Communications
Oman:Youcef Baghdadi, Sultan Qaboos University
Cyprus:Agelika Kokkinaki,University of Nicosia
UAE:Kathy Shen, University of Wollongong in Dubai
KSA:Ibrahim Abu Nadi, Prince Sultan University
Australia:Kenneth R Deans, Groupe Sup. de Co. La Rochelle
Egypt:Sherif Kamel, School of Business of the American University in Cairo
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Advisory board .
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Benoit Aubert, GEM, France
Babiga Birregah, University of Technology of Troyes, France
Anis Charfi, ebs, France
Charles Dennis, University of Lincoln, UK
Sana Hajj Safa, CNAM, Lebanon
Jyotiranjan Hota, KIIT School of Management, India
Atif Khan, EM de Normandie, France
Allan J. Kimmel, ESCP Europe, France
Karen Neville, UCC, Ireland
Adama Ndiaye, IAE de Tours, France
Catherine Papetti, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Elpida Prasopoulou, Open Data Institute, UK
Oksana Prokhorova, The Petrozavodsk State University, Russia
Hirotoshi Takeda, Laval University, Canada
Ali Tarhini, Brunel University, UK
Hans Weigand, Tilburg University, Netherlands
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
Local organizers .
ICTO2016 is organized by ICTO ( at the ISC Paris Business School.
Accommodation will be offered by several hotels in the center of the city at competitive prices.
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015
ICTO 2016: Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and SocietyParis, 3 - 4 of March 2016
The conference gala dinner .
The Conference social dinner will be organized on a parisian boat cruise.
1 International Conference on ICT in Organizations, Paris 2015