Beerwah Room, Level 3, Caloundra Chambers, Caloundra
09:00 - Wednesday 10th December, 2014,
Footer 3
1. Welcome
The meeting commenced at 09:05. Andrew Ryan welcomed all in attendance.
2. Attendance and Apologies
Andrew extended last minute apologies from Chair Mayor Jamieson and Deputy Chair Chris Thompson. All other attendance and apologies were recorded on the attendance register.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Adoption of previous minutes from meeting held on Wednesday 10th September 2014.
Moved: Chris White, QFES
Seconded: Rick Liddy, QPS
Vote: Carried unanimously
4. Business Arising (Refer Action Register) Attachment 1
John Gallina went through the action register.
Ø Discussion on seeking input from the Ex TC Oswald event last year from DM personnel in Bundaberg. Tim Steele advised a report had now been produced and will present key learnings at the next LDMG.
Ø Andrew Ryan asked about the dedicated emergency mobiles. Cathy confirmed that this arrangement now in place for Mayor and Andrew Ryan as LDC.
There was no other business arising from the Action Register and previous minutes.
5. Correspondence (Refer Correspondence Register) Attachment 2
No business arising from inward or outward correspondence
Adoption of inward and outward correspondence
Moved: Steve Linnane, SCC
Seconded: Craig Simpson, SCC
Vote: Carried unanimously
6. LDMG Priorities and SCC Disaster Management Update [John Gallina]
6.1 Disaster Hub
The Disaster Hub is to be publicly launched by Mayor Jamieson on December 15th. John presented an overview for members. Of particular note is the updated flood mapping, which has been made available to the Insurance Council of Australia. The benefit of the links on the Disaster Hub is that it uses other sites web/real time information – DTMR, Energex, etc. As well, the Disaster Hub can receive live feeds from field staff. Over time, it is intended to add more information to the Disaster Hub, including but not limited to, RFA’s, school closures, beach closures. It is a “one stop shop” and a positive move forward in Disaster Management information sharing. The Disaster Hub was well received by the meeting. Acknowledgement made from the chair in respect to the great work done by [ICTS] Dan King’s team and in particular, Ken Jones, in getting the Disaster Hub to this point.
6.1.1 LDMP Update
John advised that the LDMP is currently being re-written and is currently work in progress. It is a very large and complex project.
6.2 – Exercise Railbrake. Andrew commented that his perspective on the recently conducted Exercise Railbrake was “controlled chaos” and very challenging for all participants, given that this was a sudden onset event, as opposed to a weather event which has more lead-time. Andrew further commented that the exercise was well scripted and commended John and the DM Team on a well planned and executed exercise.
A high volume of post exercise feedback has now been collated and John has prepared a draft report and recommendations, which will be circulated shortly for comment and subsequent tabling at the next LDMG in March 2015. A couple of issues which were discussed during the meeting were:
Ø Guardian – more training and identified key users to assist in the LDCC/Liaison Cells. It is likely that a web-brower version “Guardian Lite” may be available by March to enable better access for Liaison Officers and others in the LDCC during an event. Guardian Lite will be much easier to use and have a better (simpler) interface for users. There are continuing discussions betweenDM, ICTS and QITPlus.
Ø Communication issues between the LDCC and Liaison Officers Identified that there is a need to upskill liaison officers to better understand their roles. SCC has a mature coordination team and now need to extend that knowledge and expertise to liaison officers
6.3 - Seasonal Update
Ø The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) visited SCC on 31 October to present a seasonal update on the 2014/15 summer storm season. It is predicted that there will be 4 or 5 severe storm events this season. The presentation from BoM is attached Attachment 3. Andrew and John both indicated that DMG members and deputies can access regular information, particularly through the new Disaster Hub to maintain situational awareness.
John confirmed regular messaging would be provided, as has been done in recent weeks with several severe storm event warnings. The Met Eye on the BoM website is a good snapshot view.
7. Member updates – verbal or tabled reports.
7.1 QFES –Chris White
Ø Seasonal preparedness continues to be focus for QFES and procedures are being updated.
Ø SES crews deployed to Brisbane following severe storms last weekend.
Ø Janet Scott, SES Local Controller advised that SES are storm-season ready.
7.2 QPS – Gary Brayley
Ø QPS successfully involved in recent G20 deployments. QPS placed a leave embargo between now and June and consequently there will be a good police presence on the Sunshine Coast, particularly for the Christmas/New Year period.
Ø OIC’s have been reminded about their business continuity plans
7.3 ENERGEX – Steve Fairless Attachment 4
Ø Tabled report, which included statistical information on recent Brisbane storms.
Ø John Gallina commented that although there was approximately $1B in damage, there has not been one electrocution. Testament to an excellent Get Ready Campaign by Energex.
7.4 Human Services & Aged Care Sub-Groups – Craig Kelly forJason Brewer
Ø Report and update tabled Attachment 5
7.5 Department of Communities – Jo Burgess
Ø Jo introduced Michelle Brown, who will be the DoC’s LDMG member from this point forward and Jo will remain as Deputy.
Ø Jo advised that their capacity relevant to NDRRA activation has reduced and is more limited than previously. Their trigger for activation is dependent on information received from QFES. DoC procedures are continuing to be finalised and updates will be provided as they are available.
7.6 Local DM Community Groups – Melanie Ferguson
Ø Report tabled Attachment 6 from Lenore Meldrum, chairperson of the Kenilworth-Conondale Community Disaster Management sub-group.
Ø Issue of flood markers not being provided on the Gheerulla Bridge was contained in the report and it was agreed that the LDC will write to DTMR seeking further clarification on this issue.
Ø Andrew Ryan requested that Lenore be commended on the quality and detail contained in her report.
Ø Maleny Community Disaster Management sub-group remains an active and engaged group. The group will again be attending the 2015 Australia Day Maleny Sport Recretation and Service Club expo at Maleny showgrounds and will be promoting the Get Ready message. Council will continue to support this group with relevant collateral material and support wherever possible, contingent upon budget and capacity.
Ø A new group is currently being formed by the Montville community (Edi Heide) and will cover Montville-Flaxton-Mapleton.
Ø The Mooloolah-Eudlo group did not provide an update but contact is being maintained through regular updates and assistance wherever possible.
7.7 Current Get Redy Campaign Update – Melanie Ferguson
Ø Funding for the 2014-2015 Get Ready campaign is approximately 50% reduced from the 2013-2014 funding. We received $55,700, which needs to be pend and acquitted by June 30, 2015.
Ø Get Ready banners have been re-skinned with current logos and messaging.
Ø Presentations have been made to Mountain Creek State School, Buderim Mountain State School and Palmwoods State School, all at Year 5 level. Disaster Management and mitigation is now part of the Queensland school curriculum, so this is an opportunity to continue the Get Ready messaging. Branded slap bands and USB’s have been ordered and we are awaiting delivery of these items.
Ø Further Get Ready initiatives are planned for 2015 in conjunction with QFES[SES]
Ø Guardian training workshops have been scheduled for 2015. Invitations to be issued soon.
8. General Business
Verbal updates from around the room:
8.1 Queensland Rail (QR) – Ken Moore
Ø Advised that QR enjoyed preparing & participating in the recent exercise.
Ø Ken also showed a YouTube clip on recent flooding in an inner city railway station
8.2 TAFE – Steve Cathcart & Petrina Hilton
Ø Very happy to be in attendance – both new in the LDMG involvement but learned a lot and enjoyed the exposure to the wider group. Will be looking to run their own exercise shortly and were able to gather information and ideas.
Ø Offered to have a future LDMG meeting at TAFE premises
8.3 Council – Cathy Buck
Ø Reported that the recent Exercise Railbrake was successful from an FCC perspective
8.4 QFES [Disaster Management] – Tim Steele
Ø The Disaster Management Act 2003 has been amended. In addition to creating the Qld Disaster Management Cabinet Committee, the Act now has a Regulation where the provisions for Disaster Management Meetings has been “placed”. The Act also has been amended to also require DM Plans to be consistent with the Disaster Management Standard for Qld. (Something for the next version of the Plan).
Ø QFES North Coast Emergency Management has conducted two activities recently. 1/. Get Ready Pre Season BoM Seminar in Maryborough and 2/. Warnings and Alerts workshop. This Warnings and Alerts workshop updated participants on Emergency Alert / QFES Media / QPS Media and BoM Warnings. IGEM also spoke about the Emergency Management Assurance Framework.
Ø QFES DM Training in QFES North Coast had over 800 participants. Planning to prioritise the period June to October for Training Delivery, but I am available outside of this period to deliver DM Training. I work with Council DM Staff and DDMG Executive Officers to identify needs.
Ø QFES DM Training will be implementing a Learning Management System around March 2015. Tim will work with Council DM Staff and DDMG Executive Officers to implement.
8.5 – DDC – Rick Liddy
Ø Rick advised that the DDMG had been held the previous week
Ø Update provided on helicopter tasking – implementing a new system and training re tasking at a District level
Ø Currently going through the learnings from Bundaberg and implementing recommendations
Ø Debrief held on Exercise Railbrake and a report will be issued shortly
Ø DIEMS/WEBEOC will be available for external agencies to have view access
Ø Current DDC John Bosinjack will be replaced by Terry Borland returning to the Sunshine Coast in mid January, 2015, and this appointment will be for the next 3 years
Ø Snr. Sgt. Nick Lehmann has been appointed XO to the DDC and will commence his duties on December 15th. Nick will accompany Rick to the Mayor’s “State of the Region” address on this date
Ø Snr Sgt Rick Liddy will continue to be Deputy XO to the DDC and will now return to his substantive position as Shift Supervisor, Maroochydore Station.
At this point, Andrew Ryan acknowledged the great contribution made to Sunshine Coast Disaster Management knowledge and capability by Rick Liddy from QPS/DDC. On behalf of the Mayor and members of the LDMG, Andrew extended most sincere thanks and appreciation to Rick and wished him well for the future.
9. Special Presentation – Lloyd Bartlett, CEO Country Chef and Coordinator Rapid Relief Team (RRT)
Lloyd Bartlett was accompanied by a colleague, Steven Taylor, RRT Brisbane Coordinator and a trainee assistant, Wes Rowland.
Lloyd provided a powerpoint Attachment 7 outlining the service which RRT can provide as a catering solution for communities or other LDMG members in times of emergency activation. Lloyd also brought one of the RRT Trailers for members to view.
Key points:
Ø Supported communities in Bundaberg post ex TC Ozwald
Ø Supported participants in a recent 1200 klm charity bike ride at 9 separate locations, and which culminated at Royal Brisbane Hospital
Ø Supported communities during Katoomba fires
Ø Can be on-site within an hour of acticvation within a 100klm radius of thr Sunshine Coast, Brisbane or Gympie
Ø Possibly have the capacity to support an evacuation centre with catering solutions at short notice.
It ws noted that RRT may be a useful link to include on the new Disaster Hub.
10. 2015 Meeting Schedule
Meeting wizards have now been sent for 2015.
Ø Quarterly Meeting #1 Wednesday 25th March, 2015
Ø This meeting will be followed by the DDMG at the same location.
Ø Quarterly Meeting #2 Wednesday 10th June, 2015
Ø Quarterly Meeting #3 Wednesday 2nd September, 2015
Ø Quarterly Meeting #4 Wednesday 2nd December, 2015
Ø Annual Disaster Management Exercise – Wednesday 4th November 2015
Other points to please note:
Ø Venues are yet to be confirmed
Ø Meeting wizards have been issued for each of the above meetings.
Ø A reminder email will be sent at least 2 weeks prior to each meeting, calling for agenda items
Ø As a light lunch is always provided immediately following LDMG meetings, it is important that you advise of your attendance or otherwise for catering purposes.
Meeting closed at 11:45am
1. Action Register
2. Correspondence Register
3. BoM Seasonal Outlook presentation
4. Energex Report
5. Human Services & Aged Care Sub-Groups report
6. Report from Kenilworth-Conondale Community DM sub group
7. Presentation from Lloyd Bartlett, Rapid Relief Team
Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group – Meeting #4_10_December_2014 _ MINUTES 5
Sunshine Coast Local Disaster Management Group – Meeting #4_10_December_2014 _ MINUTES 5