JapanTravel Program for U.S. Future Leaders
Program Guidelines for APSIA Member Universities
In order to promote further collaboration between Japan and the United States with the goal of fulfilling shared global responsibilities, sustaining a firm basis for dialogue and interchange between the citizens of the two countries on a wide range of issues is essential.
To address these aspirations, the JapanFoundationCenter for Global Partnership (CGP), in collaboration with the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA), will implement the Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leaders (“the Program”). The goal of the program is to foster a new generation of future leaders in the United States who are interested in achieving a greater understanding of Japan and its roles in global affairs, and in engaging in dialogue and interchange with their counterparts in Japan.
I. Features of the Program
The Program will invite approximately twelve (12) graduate students, no more than two from each U.S.-based APSIA school with full membership status, to Japan as a group for a period of approximately ten (10) days in August, 2011. The group will consist of students who currently are or previously have been engaged in Japan studies as well as those who successfullydemonstrate a serious interest in Japan but may not have had previous exposure to the country.
The itinerary for the Program will be structured so that each participating student can acquire first hand knowledge of Japan and how it is trying to fulfill its shared global responsibilities. The itinerary may include but is not limited to the following elements:
- Meeting experts in the fields of politics, economics, and civil society
- Visiting relevant institutions including government ministries, think-tanks, policy institutes, businesses, and non-profit organizations
- One day in Tokyo for individual, self-organized research activities
- Cultural excursions
The attached 2010Itineraryis intended for illustrative purposes only.
Additionally, in order to maximize the benefits of the program, CGP will commission a well-informedscholar from a relevant field of study to accompany the group.
CGP will organize all aspects of official programs and bear all program-related costs of the group, including travel and per diem (accommodations and meals). Costs not covered by CGP include but are not limited to the following: passport application fees, U.S. domestic travel to and from the nearest airport, personal incidentals during the program such as gift purchases, personal time excursions, etc.
II. Selection of Participating Students
APSIA member schools (full member status only) are requested to nominate no more than twostudent candidatesfrom theirrespective institutions who meet the eligibility criteria for the program. The School must then submit all related nomination documentsto CGP New York. CGP New York must physically receive all documentation by Monday, February 28, 2011. Methodology for selecting the student nomineeswithin each school will be left to the discretion of the respective APSIA member school. The attachedinformational flyer, “Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leaders Summer, 2011” can be used for dissemination purposes within each school.
CGP, in consultation with APSIA, will review all nomination documents and select approximately 12 finalists as the invitees of the Program. CGP will notify each school of the final selection results byearlyApril 2011.
(1) Eligibility:
Student candidates, at the time of the submission of nomination documents, must fulfill each of the following eligibility requirements:
- United States citizenor permanent resident
- Full-time student at an APSIA full member school, and pursuing a Masters degree or an equivalent level of combined degree program both at the time of nomination(in February) and during the travel (in August)
- Demonstrate a serious interest in acquiring additional knowledge about Japan and its role in and impact on the international arena. (This aspect will be critically evaluated during the selection process. See “(2) Nomination Documents” below.)
- Willingness and ability to take the time to plan the schedule and make appointments for the self-organized research day with CGP support.
- Once selected as an invitee, participants agree to attend the full itinerary of travel,provide a substantial written report after the conclusion of the travel and work with other students to edit and complete the final report as a group. The report will be published through various media outlets including but not limited to CGP’s website. Required length of such report will be decided before the commencement of the trip.
Nomination of students concentrating, majoring, or focusing their studies on Japan or Asia in generalis welcome, although it is not a requirement for nomination for the program.
(2) Nomination Documents:
Below, please find a list of documents that are required for the nomination process. Please use the attached Nomination Cover Sheet form to nominate a student candidate. All nomination documents, including thoseitems supplied by the student nominee, should be sent by theAPSIASchooldirectly to CGP New York. The completed set of nomination documents must be physicallyreceived in the CGPNew York office by Monday, February28, 2011.
- Nomination Cover Sheet(template attached)
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume
- A letter of recommendation from a professor or former work supervisor who is able to provide input on the candidate’s character as well as future professional abilities.
- Academic transcript from current university (*)
- Academic transcript(s) from universities previously attended(*)
- Statement of Purpose (3 pages maximum) addressing the following questions in a clear and concise manner:
a. In your opinion, what role(s) should Japan proactively pursue in this globalized world? Identify promising areas for U.S.-Japan collaboration in such a context.
b. Elaborate on your future career goals both in the short term (5 years after graduation) and the mid-long term. Discuss how these goals would potentially associate with Japan in a broader spectrum.
c. Given that you have only one day on your own in Tokyo to conduct interviews/meetings based on your current study interests, how do you envision such an itinerary? Please provide detailed suggestions on agencies, organizations, and names of individuals you are interested in contacting.
(*) These transcripts must be official transcripts in a sealed and signed envelop or with an official university seal.
Program Contact Information:
CGP New YorkLisa Wong
Associate Program Officer
152 West 57th Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY10019
Tel: 212-489-1255 ext. 123 Fax: 212-489-1344
E-mail: / APSIA
Leigh Morris Sloane
Executive Director
3141 Van Munching Hall
College Park, MD20742
Tel: 301-405-5238 Fax: 301-403-4675
JapanTravel Program for U.S. Future Leaders
Nomination Cover Sheet
- Name of Submitting Institution
- Name of Individual Responsible for Nomination (Contact Person)
(CGP will not contact a student nominee directly.)
Name: / Email:
Phone: / Office
I hereby certify that the Submitting Institution nominates the student named below.
Signature: Date:
- Name of Student Nominee
Name: / Mr.
(For School: Please ask the student nominee to sign below.)
I hereby agree to be nominated for the Japan Travel Program for U.S. Future Leadersbythe Submitting Institution where I attend as a full-time student. In addition, I also agree to provide allrequired documents, directly to my home institution, for subsequent submissionto CGP.
Signature: Date:
The completed set of nomination documents must be physicallyreceived in the CGP New Yorkoffice by February 28, 2011.
AdditionalRequired Documents from the Student Nominee
(Please attach)
- Current Curriculum Vitae/Resume
- A letter of recommendation from a professor or former work supervisorwho is able to provide input on the candidate’s character as well as future professional abilities.
- Current academic transcript(*)
- Academic transcript(s) from universities previously attended(*)
- Statement of Purpose addressing the following questions (3 pages maximum in total)
a. In your opinion, what role(s) should Japan proactively pursue in this globalized world? Identify promising areas for U.S.-Japan collaboration in such a context.
b. Elaborate on your future career goals both in the short term (5 years after graduation) and the mid-long term. Discuss how these goals would potentially associate with Japan in a broader spectrum.
c. Given that you have only one day on your own in Tokyo to conduct interviews/meetings based on your current study interests, how do you envision such an itinerary? Please provide detailed suggestions on agencies, organizations, and names of individuals you are interested in contacting.
(*)These transcripts must be official transcripts in a sealed and signed envelope or with an official university seal.