Student Bio Expo 2014
Category Submission Template

Before filling out this form, choose the “save as” function to rename this document. Label the document as follows:

Category Abbreviation_School Abbreviation_LastName

For example,

Lucy Lopez from Eastlake High School submitting a SeaVuriaproject would label her file:


Designated Category and school abbreviations can be found on the last page of this document.

Please read through this form completely before beginning.

After completion, use the “save as” function to save this document as a PDF, if possible.

Part I Cover Sheet

Student Name:


Teacher Name:

Grade Level:

Title of Project:

Enter the name(s) of team members. Please put the team member in bold that is submitting the Background Report with their submission:

Mentor name, if applicable:

I understand that I need to supply any special AV or electrical equipment needed for my project (i.e. CD player, DVD player, laptop computer, extension cord).

Part II CategoryRequirements

If you are unfamiliar with any of the elements listed below, please refer back to theSeaVuria Category Requirements.

They can be found on

A. Background Report

Copy and paste your 5-8 page Background Reportin the gray square below. If another member is submitting this part of your project, please put their name and school in the gray box.

B. YouTube Video

Enter the URL of your YouTube video here (Drama & Dance, Lab Research, Multimedia Music, SeaVuria and Teaching):

Upload your video onto the 2014 Expo YouTube channel as described in Category Requirement file. Do NOT forget to include the title of your project ( Inthetitlesection). Inthedescriptionsectiontype:"Aseavuriaprojectforthe2014StudentBioExpoby(yourname)." Nexttypea briefdescriptionofyourprojecttopic.Inthetagsectiontype:"StudentBio Expo2014,'seavuria','yourtopic'(eg. Autism,DownSyndrome, ThyroidDisordersetc.).

C. Journal and Interview Notes

Each student needs to submit their Journal and Interview notes. Please use the “Save As” function and turn your journal into a pdf and use the same name as this document followed by a 2 (For example: SV_RO_Pang2). Do NOT insert your Journal here. It MUST be in pdf format.

Part III Science Content

The science content of your project will be assessed in your Background Report. You do NOT need to include a separate Science Background paper here.

Part IV Connections and Collaborations

Insert your Connections and Collaborations Statement in the gray square below. Each student needs to complete a Connections and Collaborations Statement.

Part V Annotated Bibliography

Copy and paste your annotated bibliography in the gray square below:

Part VI Any Additional Information (optional)

If there is anything else you would like to include with your project, describe it or insert it in the gray square below:

After completion, use the “save as” function to save this document as a PDF, if possible.

Project Labeling Information

Theelectronicsubmissionformshouldbe labeledthefollowingway:


For example, Lucy Lopez from Eastlake High School submitting a Multimedia project would label her file:



Category / Category
Art / AR
CareerPathways / CP
CreativeWriting / CW
DramaDance / DD
Journalism / JN
LabResearch / LR
MolecularModeling / MO
Multimedia / ML
Music / MU
SeaVuria / SV
Teaching / TE
Website / WB
School / School
Attic School / AL
Ballard HS / BA
Cleveland HS / CL
The Chrysalis / CH
Eastlake HS / EL
Eastside Catholic / EC
Foster High School / FO
HM Jackson / HMJ
Ingraham HS / IH
Juanita HS / JU
Lynnwood HS / LY
Meadowdale HS / ME
Roosevelt HS / RO
Royal City / RC
Shorecrest HS / SH
Snohomish HS / SN
WF West Chehalis / WFW
Woodinville HS / WO