Proyecto final del Español 2


Create a 2-3 PowerPoint presentation to review assigned vocabulary and grammar.


Realidades textbook, Grammar notes, Slides

on Google Drive

Description: The purpose of this project is to help you review what you have learned throughout the second semester, and prepare for your upcoming final exam. You and your group members will be assigned a grammar concept and vocabulary topic. Using your notes, textbook, and knowledge gained throughout the semester, create a study tool for you and your classmates to use to help them prepare for the exam. The study tool should include an explanation of the grammar concept, an activity that allows students to practice with the grammar concept, and an activity that allows students to practice with the vocabulary. Add visuals, music, voice recordings, videos, etc. that will help you and your classmates remember and practice grammar and vocabulary. For example you can recreate a graphic organizer from your notes adding color and pictures, embed voice recordings of verb chants or links to appropriate songs from YouTube or the Realidades website. Be creative and have fun!


STEP 1: On paper, draft your slides and activities. Your group will be assigned 1 grammar concept and 1 vocabulary topic.:

Grammar : ______

Vocabulary: ______

STEP 2: Proofread your draft. Highlight all required vocabulary words. Then underline all grammar points

STEP 3: Submit a rough draft of your script to Sra. Velasquez by ______. All group members are responsible for handwriting their own rough draft.

STEP 5: Make the presentation interesting by adding visuals, sound, links, video clips, etc.

STEP 6: Complete the final draft of your PowerPoint presentation on Google Drive.

STEP 7: Share the presentation with Sra. Velasquez,

STEP 8: Present your study tool to the class.

* Your final draft and presentation are due ______.

Assessment: See the rubric on the following page. Submit the rubric with your presentation.

Rubric: Proyecto final del Español 2 Nombre ______

0 to 6 Points Earned / 7 to 8 Points Earned / 9 to 10 Points Earned
Grammar and Vocabulary in Oral Presentation / Some grammar is used correctly. Some vocabulary words are used correctly. More than 7 errors in oral presentation. / Most grammar and vocabulary words are used correctly. 4-6 errors in oral presentation. / All grammar and vocabulary words are used correctly 0-3 errors in oral presentation.
Pronunciation and Fluency in Oral Presentation / Presentation is difficult to understand. Correct pronunciation is not used.
It is not clear or well-rehearsed. It is not polished and little effort was included. / Presentation is understood by class, may not be as loud, smooth, or clear as it could have been. Pronunciation is good. Presentation is either too long or too short (it is obvious it could have been practiced more). / Presentation is smooth, clear, loud, and easy to understand, with great pronunciation. Presentation is 3-5 minutes. Time and effort were put into preparing for this presentation.
Written Drafts / Rough draft is basic or not submitted for corrections. Multiple errors in grammar and usage of vocabulary make writing difficult to understand. Many corrections are not included in the final copy. / Most of the written requirements are submitted on time. May have some sentences that are difficult to understand because of incorrect grammar or misuse of vocabulary. Not all corrections are made to the final copy. / All written requirements are submitted on time. Rough draft is submitted with the final copy. There are very few or no errors in the final copy.
Written Requirements / Many of the written requirements are not met (missing more than 5 of the written requirements). Required Looks like little effort went into the final copy. Final draft is not polished or in blue/black ink or typed. / Most of the written requirements are met (missing 3-5 of the written requirements). Some vocabulary words or grammar points are not highlighted or underlined. Looks like some effort went into the final copy but it is not polished or may not be in blue/black ink or typed. / All written requirements are met (see project description). The rough draft has all required vocabulary words highlighted and all required grammar points underlined. Everything is polished and looks like a final project. Written project is typed or written in blue/black ink.
Visuals/ creativity/ effort / Class time was not used efficiently. The presentation included 2 or fewer slides. Activities lacked creativity. Rubric was not submitted. / Most of the class time was used efficiently. The presentation included 3 slides. The activities were somewhat creative. Rubric was not submitted. / Class time was used efficiently. The presentation included 3 or more detailed slides. The activities were very creative. Rubric was submitted with final project.
Total Points Earned