Focus Area: Teaching and Learning

Lead person responsible / Andrew Olubodun / Lead Governor / Team Members
Aims: To ensure all teaching is of a high standard; To ensure students make at least expected rates of progress
Detail of action / Who / What / When / Completed- R,A,G
Monitoring of student progress to improve student performance / All / KS4&5
  • Traffic light system to be used for all KS4 and 5 students to monitor progress of controlled assessments
  • Ensure feedback is shared with students for both theory and practical work using mail merged feedback summary sheets for students to evidence how they will improve their work.
  • All KS4 to use intervention sheets in SPOT folder (or online)
/ Weekly , termly reviews
Ensure all PP and SEND students meet or exceed their targetsand 6th form students achieve their ALPS targets. / ALL / KS4
  • Intervention sheets
  • Weekly monitoring of PP students
  • For Product DesignTechnician support for students in practical lessons
  • Focus on ensuring PP student are able to access quality materials via the PP budget- revision guides, ingredients, materials for projects
  • We will continue in Textiles 121 support of disadvantaged students. This was very successful last year and has now been extended to the rest of the department – teachers have student diaries that they record conversations-counselling / mentoring.
  • Contact home at first instances of issues
  • (As above)
  • Resource pack for PPs students
  • Personal targets for SEND
  • HOF mentoring for select students ID by teachers
/ weekly
To develop a school curriculum which supports students to achieve their best academic outcomes at all Key Stages. / PMA/ GNI
BTH/All / Computing
  • To write SOW and LP for the KS5 curriculum and revise and update thecurrent KS3 SOW and assessmentcriteria to ensure it can support the new Computer Science GCSE and Alevels
  • Support other areas of the school in delivering the EDCL where appropriate
Design and Technology
  • To identify new GCSEs for KS4 and 5
Identify the new Product Design, Textiles GCSE’s/ Technical Awards/ Btec’s for 2017 and beyond.
Choose an examination that can support SEND and PP students, in Product Design. The exam needs count towards Progress 8, and offer a strong foundation of core knowledge while making sure that more practically minded learners are able to perform to the highest level.
Within Computer Science and Design and Technology we aimto provide an appropriate, challenging and supportive environment for all students. We also aim to provide a setting for students whose’ abilities are developed to a level significantly ahead of their year group or with the potential to develop these abilities.
  • All teachers to identify KS3 students who will be encourage higher attainers to attend extra-curricularactivates to develop their skills.
  • Create a schedule of G&T activities throughout the year. Monitorlessons to show that work for able pupils is challenging and they are actively using higher-order thinking skills as part of their learning.
  • Continue to offer the successful off timetable day for the higher ability year 7 D&T students to encourage them to take the subject at Level 2 and 3 D&T Show
  • Lego Robot competition to stretch Technology year 7 students
  • Support Science in their projects, Coding club for girls
  • Trips and visits- minimum of one per key stage or exam group to enrich classroom experiences.
  • Encourage guest speakers and technical experts to encourage G&T students to stretch their abilities.
/ July 2017
Sept 2016
Ensuring Staff are trained so that they can deliver the new GCSE’s and A levels
And reporting systems / All / CPD
  • All staff to ensure continuous improvement thorough membership of Subject organisations: CAS (computing), DATA (Design and Technology) and Food Teachers Centre. Teachers to ensure they gain membership and regular revise exemplar teaching strategies and materials for PP/FSM and SEN students.

Success Criteria / To contribute towards meeting or exceeding 45 % of PP students gaining A-C and 72% OF Student A-C
In particular increase Product Designs rates of progress from 47% of students making 3LOP AND maintain Product Design and Textiles at current progress.
Attendance to Tech club.
Positive traffic light schedules
Monitoring and Evaluation / Department meetings
Learning walks
Regular meeting with parents to monitor students
Department minutes
Resource Requirement / The significant budget cuts will make the fulfilling of these targets extremely challenging, the department is heavily reliant on material resources that have to be purchased in order to effectively teach. An extra £3,000has been given and this will make the targets moreachievable, however, this will only maintainthe budget at last year’s level.
Aol to look into asking local companies to donate resources to the school
Lead person responsible / Andrew Olubodun / Lead Governor / Team Members
Aims:To ensure that the Design and Technology department is a safe environment for both students and staff
Detail of action / Who / What / When / Completed- R,A,G
Ensure all teachers have the appropriate qualificationsto do their roles safely / All D&T staff /
  • All teachers to have full accreditation of core skills: Food hygiene certification, machine handling skills in addition at least one member of staff has all specialist extension levels of training.
/ Dec 2016
Ensuring the rooms are safe environments / Technicians/AOL /
  • Weekly monitoring of all equipment to ensure that it is in good working order and report to AOL any defects
  • Ensure Technicians have job role specified and a hand book of key responsibilities
  • Ensure there is aCheney Design and Technology safety hand book and also a Cheney Technology hand book of policies and practise
/ On going
Sept 2016
A complete audit of the equipment to ensure they are in safe working order. / Technicians/AOL /
  • Aol to ensure that these is an ongoing programme of refurbishment and replenishment of all tools and equipment in Design and technology and computer Science
/ By Dec 016
Success Criteria / No significant accidents or near missed in the school year
Monitoring and Evaluation / A trainingfolder stored in the office with all up-to-date with certificates and documents for all trained staff. This should be available for inspection upon request.
Resource Requirement / Review of the D&T budget with a view for identifying where Capex is allocated.
Teachers to go on appropriate training courses-approximately 10 in total

SIP Action Plan

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