SCSDB Board Minutes

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September 15, 2015



September 15, 2015

The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners was held on Tuesday, September 15, 2015at 10:00 a.m. in the BB&T Board Room in Walker Hall on the SCSDB campus, Spartanburg,South Carolina.Chairman Dobsoncalled the meeting to order and stated that proper notification of the meeting had been made according to the requirements of the Freedom of Information Act. Hewelcomed everyone to the meeting and asked the SCSDB guests attending to introduce themselves.

Robert A. Dobson, Chairman
Phyllis H. Alexander
Edward B. Bible
*William R. Byars
David J. Gundling
Cynthia S. Holland
Robert H. Morrow
John Payne, Ex-officio
W. Scott Brawley
Tara P. Carroll. Ex-officio
Ann Akerman
Will Anthony
Monique Callaham
Linda Coon
Scott Falcone
Mary Hayes
Brenda Knapp
Sara Kollock
Scott Ramsey
Katie Rice
Ben Riddle
Trad Robinson
Kristin Barber
Phyllis Petty


The minutes of the May 5, 2015Board meeting (see attachment #1 to the September 15, 2015 agenda) were unanimously approved as submitted.


Mr. Ramsey informed the boardhe would present the following report due to Dr. McCraw’s absence. He began the report discussing the numerous audit results that were given over the last several months that included an all clear from the Office of Exceptional Children, IDEA, and the High School League. Mr. Ramsey informed the board that a legislative audit is still underway, and Dr. McCraw is set to meet on October 2ndto present the information to the committee. In the meantime, she has sent surveys regarding the agency to employees and the board that will be assessed during this audit review. Mr. Ramsey touched on the status of the capital projects that were underway, including the AAC building which hopefully will be put out to bid in mid-November or the beginning of December. He also confirmed that the sink hole project near the transportation building is complete as well as the project that provided new furniture for Robertson. Wrapping up the capital projects, Mr. Ramsey touched on the President’s plans to ask the legislature during the upcoming budget year for fundingto include $500,000 in deferred maintenance to build an 8 classroom building behind Walker Hall. Mr. Ramsey also spoke about the proposal of the creation of a new service award that the board had requested during the May meeting. Mrs. Rice is heading the committee and will present her proposal to the board at the December meeting. Lastly, Mr. Ramsey informed the board of the excitement that the new Field house has created amongst the children and what a wonderful addition it has been on campus.


Mr. Riddle reviewed the financial information that had been mailed to the board prior to the meeting (see attachment #2 to the September 15, 2015 agenda). He informed the board that the negative figures showing attributed to grant reimbursements that had yet to be received at the time the report was created and while a few have arrived there are still a handful to collect . Mr. Riddle lastly spoke about the agency’s lack of an indirect cost rate which was finally established the week prior which will allow the agency to recoup a portion of the administrative costs of running grants. Mr. Riddle informed the board that state law requires this rate be determined.


Ms. Kollock reviewed the proposed changes to the 2015-2016Student Code of Conduct (see attachment #3 to the September15, 2015 agenda) with the board. A motion was made by Mr. Gundling, seconded by Mr. Bibleand unanimously passed to approve the proposed 2015-2016Student Code of Conduct as requested.


The following proposed revised SCSDB policies (see attachment #4, (a) to the September 15, 2015 agenda) were reviewed with the Board by Mr. Ramsey:

Section IInstruction

Mr. Ramsey mentioned that the Academic policies under Section I are similar to other districts and the lawyer, as well as the SCSBA has updated the policies to match any necessary changes. A motion was made by Mr. Ramsey, seconded by Mr. Gundling and unanimously passed that the above policies as a whole be accepted as amended with the proposed revisions.

The following proposed revised SCSDB policies (see attachment #4, (b) to the September 15, 2015 agenda) were reviewed with the Board by Mr. Ramsey:

ADFSchool Wellness Policy

EFECompetitive Food Sales/Vending Machine Policy

GBEBDStaff Acceptable Use of Technology Policy

After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mrs. Holland, seconded by Mr. Gundling and unanimously passed that the above policies as a whole be accepted as amended with the proposed revisions.


Mr. Ramseyreported we are staying in close touch with our contacts in Columbiaand working closely with the legislators to make sure what we are asking for in regards to the Governor’s Budget is plausible. Mr. Ramsey referred to the previously mentioned meeting Dr. McCraw has with the Legislative Oversight committee in October. The meeting will be live streamed and able to be accessed from the state website. Mr. Ramsey is confident that this meeting will result in stronger relationships with the General Assembly. Lastly, Mr. Ramsey made the board aware of a change in the Strategic Planning process that is being driven out of the Budget Office in Columbia. As schools are asked to create 3 areas to focus on over 3 years, Dr. McCraw will look to develop a plan that delves deeper into the profile of the High School Graduate, safety on SCSDB campus, and the Division of Outreach Services as a statewide leader. Mr. Ramsey closed by assuring the board that in the coming months, Dr. McCraw will deliver more in-depth information regarding the Strategic Planning process.


Ms. Akerman updated the board on the work of The Walker Foundation on behalf of the agency. She began her report commending all those involved in the ribbon cutting for the Flour Field House. In addition, she mentioned various events that took place and few scheduled this fall, including the Columbia Airport Arts Show and the Aiken Arts Council that will exhibit work created by SCSDB students. Ms. Akerman elaborated on the 6Th Annual Chili Cook-off to take place in January that will be co-sponsored by JM Smith Corporation and the Greenville Hospital System, which serves as one of the biggest fundraising events held by The WalkerFoundation. Ms. Akerman assured the board that she is continuing to search for ways to generate funds from different avenues across the state.


Chairman Dobson turned the meeting over to Mr. Ramsey. He advised that we elect three (3) officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.

A motion was made by Mrs. Holland, seconded by Mr. Gundling and unanimously passed that the current slate of officers would be reelected for the 2015-2016 term.


Ms. Coon reviewed the Executive Summary of the School Improvement Council (SIC) for the 2014-2015 school year with the board. She spoke of the initial struggle to reach parents and grow community and stakeholder involvement. Last year marked the first time that a live streaming option was made available. Not only did the live stream create an additional avenue for parents to attend the meeting but it also gave them an opportunity to view the meeting after the fact. Ms. Coon spoke about one of the largest concerns from parents was the long bus rides for students. Mr. Gundling took the opportunity to express his concerns regarding the Coastal routes for the residential students. He also asked Mrs. Coon to take into consideration live streaming sign language lessons for parents as a way for them to continue their education.


Ms. Rice reminded the Board that the Special Events Calendar is posted on the internet. She called attention to several upcoming events that may be of particular interest to the board, such as Project Magnify, which is an event created by SCSDB and SCDOE, to be held on September 26, the Annual International Festival scheduled for October 6thon campus, and SCSDB Homecomingthat will take place the weekend of October 17th.


Future meetings of the Board are scheduled as follows:

  • December 1, 2015-----Spartanburg, SCSDB Campus
  • February 24, 2016-----Columbia, Outreach Services
  • May 3, 2016------Spartanburg, SCSDB Campus


Respectfully submitted,

Robert A. Dobson, Chairman

Phyllis H. Alexander, Secretary

*Attended by phone