Music Internship Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction...... 3
WJU Purpose Statement...... 3
Music and Worship Department Internship Purpose Statement...... 3
Student Responsibility and This Manual...... 3
Eligibility for MUS 475...... 4
Course Credit and Requirements...... 4
Meet with the Internship Director...... 4
Site Supervisor Qualifications...... 5
Site Supervisor Responsibilities...... 5
Site Supervisor Enlistment Tools...... 6
Internship Goals...... 7
The Job Description...... 8
Time Required on Site...... 9
Site Supervisor Meetings...... 9
Online Interactive Time Log/ Journal ...... 10
Reading Report...... 10
Written Internship Summary...... 10
Final Meeting with the Internship Director...... 11
Internship Notebook...... 11
Grading...... 12
Student Email Address...... 12
Contacting the Internship Director...... 12
Electronic Versions of this Manual...... 13
Appendix...... 14
- Appendix 1 ...... SMART Goals
- Appendix 2 ...... Scope and Sequence
- Appendix 3 ...... Site Supervisor Qualifications
- Appendix 4 ...... Site Supervisor Responsibilities
- Appendix 5 ...... Site Supervisor Enlistment Letter
- Appendix 6 ...... Internship Application
- Appendix 7 ...... Site Supervisor First Meeting List
- Appendix 8 ...... Mid-Term Evaluation
- Appendix 9 ...... Final Evaluation
- Appendix 10 ...... Online Interactive Time Log/ Journal
- Appendix 11 ...... Student Internship Check List
WilliamJessupUniversityMission Statement
In partnership with the church, the purpose of WilliamJessupUniversity is to prepare Christians for leadership and service in church and society, through Christian higher education, spiritual formation and directed experiences.
Music and Worship Department Internship Purpose Statement
The intent of the internship is to provide learners with opportunities to apply and augment the skills and knowledge gained throughout their course of study, in a supervised ministryenvironment.
In agreement with the WJU Mission Statement, the Music and Worship Department requires degree candidates to participate in directed internship experiences. Students will select, with the guidance and approval of the Internship Director and Music Department Chair, sites appropriate to providing them with optimal opportunities to observe, practice, lead and grow alongside established professionals.
Student Responsibility and This Manual
By its very nature, MUS475 is designed to be self-guided. The student alone is responsible to initiate all actions necessary to complete the work without the prompting of the Internship Director or the Site Supervisor. Growing in self-management is part of the internship process as much as completing the work itself.
This manual has been designed to detail each portion of the process, providing the learner with the tools necessary for success. Therefore, each intern must take time to carefully review the information contained in both the manual and its appendices. Any questions about the policies and course of action prescribed should be directed immediately to the Internship Director through the Music and Worship Office. Contact information has been included in the pages to come.
Practicing skills and applying knowledge gained in a supervised environment should be both exciting and rewarding. The manual has been designed to take the “guess-work” out of what is expected, providing for a rich and positive experience. The student is encouraged to make full use of the tools and drink in as much possible through this adventure
Internship Policies
I. Eligibility for MUS 475
Students are eligible for the Music and Worship internships when they have reached junior level standing – Sixty-four (64) units.
II.Course Credit and Requirements
Two to four units of pass/fail credit may be earned towards the Music degree by achieving the requirements set forth in the manual. Students may find the Student Internship CheckList found in Appendix 11helpful in organizing their work. The requirements are as follows:
- Enroll for credit in the Music and Worship Internship Course
- Meet with the Internship Director. At this meeting
students can expect the following:
- Review the Internship Manual.
- Discuss possible goals. Questions that will help develop these goals might be:
- What has the student discovered orwhat stands out as a subject matter that he/she really enjoyed learning about during his/her tenure at WJU?
- What has the student discovered about places where he/she excels?
- What would the student like to learn more about during the internship?
- What are the student’s life aspirations?
- Develop some initial SMART goals for the internship (Appendix 1).
- Review the Internship Scope and Sequence (Appendix 2).
- Review the Site Supervisor Qualifications and Responsibilities (Manual p6-7 or Appendix 3).
- Identify possible sites and supervisors.
- Choose an Internship Site and Supervisor
a. Site Supervisor Qualifications
- Employed in the present position a minimum of
1 year
- Organization must have been existence at least
2 years
- Full Time Ministry/ Employment/ Leadership
- Bachelor’s Degree – Preferred Master’s Degree
- Minimum of 5 years experience in present field
- Must be able to present some form of written verification of employment
- Must profess faith in Jesus Christ
- Must be willing to affirm and work in conjunction with the WJU mission statement: to prepare Christians for leadership and service in church and society, through Christian higher education, spiritual formation and directed experiences
b. Site Supervisor Responsibilities
- Provide the Intern with opportunities to apply and to practice the skills and knowledge gained throughout the course of study at WJU.
- Regularly and consistently, lead and supervise the student’s work over the course internship.
- Invest in the student during one on one consultation at least three (3) times throughout the semester and complete a written record of the meeting;weekly meetings are preferred. At minimum meet at the beginning of the Internship (Week 1), at Mid-Term (Week 8)and at the end of the Internship (Week 16).
- Listen and interact with the student as he or she reviews the Internship Policies.
- Help the student develop three (3) to four (4) goals for the internship. The format must adhere to the guidelines described in the SMART GOALS description found in Appendix 1of the Internship Manual.
- Work with the intern to develop an Internship Job description. By the end of the third week of the internship, the student is expected to submit a written description to the WJU Internship Director in the form using the format described later in this manual.
- Assist the student in selecting 300 pages of related reading (See Internship PolicesManual p 10).
- Aid the intern in developing a portfolio of relevant samples of work and information encountered throughout the internship.
- Review the student’s Internship Notebook prior to his or her submission during week 12.
- Consult/Meet with the WJU Internship Director throughout the internship process as needed to insure an effective, satisfactoryexperiencefor both the intern and the organization that he or she is serving.
c.Site Supervisor Enlistment Tools
Students should make the following(6859756) tools available to the potential Site Supervisor prior to confirming his/her consent to participate.
- Provide course Scope and Sequence (Appendix 2).
- Use the Site Supervisor Responsibilities Information Sheet (Appendix 4).
- Employ the Site-Supervisor Enlistment Letter (Appendix 5).
- Complete a Music and Worship Internship Application
(Appendix 6), and obtain the approvals of the site Internship Director, Site Supervisor and the Music and Worship Department Chairperson.
- Develop SMART Goals and a Job Description using the
Site Supervisor First Meeting Check List (Appendix7),
working with the Site Supervisor, and thenforwardingboth to
the Internship Director by the end of week three (3).
a. Internship Goals
Develop four to six specific, measurable, achievable, reviewable and time defined (SMART) Goals for the internship by the end of week three (3) of the internship experience. The goals must be submitted in the proper SMART format (see Appendix 1) and should reflect the Music Department and Institutional Learning Outcomes described below.
Music Department Learning Outcomes:
Students who complete the course of study should demonstrate:
1. ability to perform competently as a vocal or instrumental musician with a proficiency in piano or other keyboard instrument;
2. acquisition of a broad knowledge of music literature, both sacred and secular, through study and performance;
3. acquisition of a foundation of theoretical and practical ministry skills including the theology of worship, integration of music and worship styles, music and worship program design, and sound systems and MIDI programming;
4. ability to develop and maintain an effective music program or ministry based on sound biblical and educational concepts;
5. knowledge of the history of music and worship and its relationship to contemporary music ministry and worship design;
6. ability to analyze, compose, and arrange music for various vocal and instrumental media with a proficiency in music theory and ear training competencies.
WJU Student Learning Outcomes
The integration of faith and learning is demonstrated in the lives of students who:
1. demonstrate understanding of the Christian Scriptures and its major theological themes;
2. gain and apply knowledge and skills in systematic inquiry in Biblical thought, quantitative thought, and critical analysis of data and argument;
3. demonstrate competence in reading, writing, listening comprehension, and oral communication in the English language;
4. have entered into a life of spiritual formation integrating vocation, ministry, character, and lifestyle;
5. are actively involved in applying knowledge and skills acquired to practical Christian ministry;
6. understand and appreciate cultural and ethnic differences and are sensitive to the needs of all humanity.
b. Job Description
The Job Description should be completed in the following format.
- Section I – Site Description (100-250 words)
Include the name of the organization, any denominational orbroader organizational affiliations, and the purpose of theorganization as well as the year of its inception. Include other pertinent numeric information: membership, average attendance, number of clients served etc. In addition, add similar information about the specific department or part of the organization in which the student will be serving –for example – information about the music department, or the technology ministry of the broader church – or the advertising department of the radio station or the worship ministry of thepara-church organization.
- Section II – Site Supervisor Biography (100-250
Include information regarding the scholastic and professional achievement of the supervisor. Further, incorporate facts about the individual’s work history and faith experience. Finallyinclude any other information that may be insightful to the qualifications of the supervisor as a leader.
- Section III – Duties and Expectations
In this section, list by bullets or numerically the tasks that you will be expected to perform over the course of the internship. Be clear about desired behaviors, attitudes, actions, meetings, interactions or other conduct that must be exhibited.
- Section IV - Days and Hours of Responsibilities
Here simply articulate the schedule that will be required throughout the internship.
- Time Required on Site
Achieve three hours per week of on site service weeklyfor each hour of credit desired – forty-eight (48) on-site hours per semester for each credit hour.
- Internships are intended to take place over a longer period of
time -sixteen (16) weeks per semester.
- Summer internships may be completed in fewer than sixteen
weeks, but no fewer than twelve (12), and all require forty-eight hours per unit desired.
- Students must discover their own internship sites. Assistance in internship placement is available through faculty advisors, the Internship Director and the Music Department Chair.
- The students must secure an approved Supervisor who is willing to mentor and evaluate the student intern.
- The Internship Director and the Music Department Chair must approve sites and the Site Supervisor.
- Site Supervisor Meetings
Interns are required to meet with the Site Supervisor at least three (3) times throughout the semester. Weekly meetings areadvised. All meetings should be initiated by the student. Appropriate forms are available in the appendices or electronically through the Music and Worship Department.
a.Meet one time at the beginning of the internship to review the Internship Policies and requirements, to develop a job description and to set goals. Use the Site Supervisor First Meeting Check List (Appendix 7). Forward the job description and goals to the Internship Director by the end of Week three (3).
b.Meet one time at mid-term (Week 8) to complete the Mid-term Evaluation (Appendix 8). Forward a copy of the completed Mid-term Evaluation to the Internship Director by the end of week nine (9).
c.Meet one time (Week 16) to complete the Final Evaluation (Appendix 9). A copy of the Final Evaluation is to be included in the Internship Notebook (see below).
- On Line InteractiveTime Log/ Journal
Interact with the Internship director weekly through the online maintenance of an interactive Time Log Journal. The journal must total sixteen (16) entries, one for each week of the internship, using the format found in Appendix 10. Student responses and instructor comments will take place through email interactions. Promptand immediate reflection is essential for the best learning.
All entries should be dated and composed of a minimum of 100 words for each three hours worked. Most entries will be composed of 200-250 words. Further, each should detail experiences, discoveries, feelings, questions and reactions to events encountered during the internship. . Each submission is due immediately following the work experience. Students may electronically copy the Appendix 10 form in Microsoft Word, prepare the student portion of the entry, attach it to an e-mail and send it to . Or, the student may send an email directly to the instructor, who will respond promptly with thoughts, insights and/or direction.
b.In most cases, the student may expect the Internship Director to respond within seven (7) days with affirmation, comments, insights and questions.
c.Internship lasting fewer than sixteen weeks (16) must complete sixteen journal entries nonetheless.
- Reading Report
Compose a 1000-1500 word Reading Report based on a minimum of 300 pages of reading. Forward a copy to the Internship Director by week twelve (12). Use MLA format.
a.Topic(s) must be appropriate to the internship.
b.Sources must be approved by the Site Supervisor and Internship Director.
c.All readings must be new information and may not be books, periodicals, websites and similar materials read before the internship.
d.The report should be comprised as follows: 50% summary of information included and 50% relating the relevance and application to the internship experience.
- Written Internship Summary
Compose a750-1200word Internship Summary.Use MLA format.Include:
a.Evaluation or your achievement toward desired goals
b.Comment on technical growth achieved from performing internship responsibilities
c.An explanation of personal spiritual formation experienced
d.Observations about the connection of prior learning (WJU Music Department classes) to your internship. What information seemed relevant to your experience?
e.Future goals or questions this experience has inspired
f.Evaluation of the over-all internship process, components, the site, Supervisor, Internship Director or anything else that might help develop this program for students to follow
- Final Meeting with the Internship Director
Meet with the Internship Director for a final debrief and evaluation during the WJU Finals week.
a.The setting of this appointment should be initiated by the Intern and should be made no later than week thirteen (13).
- Internship Notebook
Compile an Internship Notebook in a carefully prepared and
clearly indexed format. The completed notebook is due at the
final meeting with the Internship Director. The content must
include each item listed below and is required to be assembled in the following order:
a.Title Page
b.Table of Contents
c.Internship Goals
d.Site Description
e.Online Interactive Time Log/ Journal
f.Reading Report
g.Internship Summary
h.A portfolio of relevant samples of work and information encountered.Examples include programs, church bulletins, publicityitems, photographs, lesson plans or other records of internship activities.
- Grading
Throughout the course students have an opportunity to complete ten (10) assignments each valued at 100 points. Passing Credit will be granted when the accumulated work earns a minimum score of 80% or better. Grades on assignments not returned on time will be reduced by 10% per day that the assignment is late, up to a maximum deduction of 50%.
- Student Email Address
Interns are required to maintain a consistently monitored e-mail address and are expected to respond to the Internship Director in a timely manner (24 hours).
- Contacting the Internship Director
The Internship Director will maintain a consistently monitored e- mail address and interns may expect a response in atimely
manner. Students may also reach the internship director by
telephone between the hours of 9 to 5 Monday through Thursday at
Auburn Grace Community Church
Office Phone 530-823-8332
Cell Phone 916-600-8442
Electronic Versions of this Manual
All required forms may be received electronically from the Internship Director or through the WJU Faculty Projects Coordinator.
Contact Information:
333 Sunset Blvd.
Rocklin, CA95765