General information about the final exams:
1. There will be two (2) texts that YOU have to read, but the test paper consists of three (3) parts / sections.
2. Section I tests YOUR understanding of Text 1 and Section II Text 2. Section III however, tries to show similarities or differences between the two texts and YOU may be required to show YOUR ability to synthesize information from both texts.
3. Marks for Sections I and II may range from 10-12 each and the remaining marks (e.g. 30-23 = 7) come from Section III.
4. YOU are encouraged to YOUR own words (paraphrase and/or summarize information) to answer the questions to reflect YOUR writing ability. Some questions penalize YOU if YOU do not use YOUR own words, and some questions ‘try’ to restrict or control the number of words YOU should use, through the limited space given. Try to use YOUR own words, wherever possible.
5. For questions which the total mark gives an indication for a specific required number of answers (e.g. 3 x 1m = 3 marks), please provide the required number of answers to merit the possible full marks.
6. You may notice that there are questions that spell out the specific number of answers (e.g. write the two (2) similarities), but the space for answers does not have any specific numbering for the answers. This is intentional to provide flexibility FOR YOU to choose the way to write the answers. YOU have done this in YOUR writing, soYOUshould demonstrate YOUR writing skills here.
Instruction: Based on your understanding of the text, answer the following question.
1. Complete the table below on stage in the argument and main points of the first five paragraphs of the text. [note: refer to page 26 in the textbook]
Paragraph / Stage in the argument / Main pointI / Introduces the argument whether leadership is learnable / Leadership skills may be enhanced through practical and experiential learning program
II & III / Presents evidence that sports contributes to leadership development
(1m) / i) Ewing et al. (2002): sports contributes to learning skills and values that ensure future success.
ii) Dupuis et al. (2006): team captain experiences develop elements of leadership
iii) Dobosz and Beaty (1999): athletes demonstrated significantly greater leadership ability than did non-athletes
(2 x ½ m = 1 mark)
IV / Presents counter-arguments against sports contributing to leadership development (1m) / i) Fine (1987): sports participation has no general effect on self-image, does not reduce prejudice and not develop leadership.
ii) Lesyk (2000): Coaches were doubtful that participating in sports could lead to life skills learning.
iii) Spreitzer (1994): skills developed in sports are not transferable to life
(2 x ½ m = 1 mark)
V / Highlights the weaknesses of previous studies (1m) / i) Leadership measurement instruments used in previous studies only focused on leadership within a sports team
ii) Studies used perception of ownself, peers, or coaches to identify athlete’s leadership abilities.
iii) Sample size is very small.
Students need to extract the main points to fill in the blanks in the table. If students indiscriminately cut and paste, deduct up to 1 mark from the total marks that they have collected (for e.g. 4.5 – 1). Use your discretion to deduct marks.
(5 marks)
2. In paragraph V, the authors write “Not all studies have demonstrated a relationship between athletic team participation and leadership skill development.” What is the function of this sentence? [note: refer to page 12 in the textbook]
This sentence INTRODUCES A NEW ARGUMENT / OPPOSITE ARGUMENT i.e. the studies that did not show a relationship between participation in sports and leadership skill development.
Award 1 mark for answer (meaning) that reflects the underlined sentence (1 mark)
3. Complete the table below on the research discussed in paragraphs VI to X. [note: engaging with the text – to identify points /arguments in the text: most articles in the textbook have this kind of exercise]
Details on the study / DescriptionsObjectives / To find out whether
i) participants in organized sports team have different leadership skills from those who did not participate in similar teams
ii) increased levels of participation in school-sponsored sports teams are associated with increased levels of leadership skills
iii) nature of sport affect the level of leadership skills developed.
(2 x ½ m = 1 mark)
Findings / i) Participants in organized sports team demonstrated higher teamwork skills while those who did not demonstrated higher written communications skills.
ii) Increased levels of participation are not associated with differing levels of leadership skills
iii) the nature of the sport is not generally associated with skill development.
(2 x ½ m = 1 mark)
(2 marks)
4. In paragraph VIII and IX, the authors argue that sports does not build leaders. Complete the argument below by paraphrasing the roles of coaches in developing leadership among athletes. [note: refer to page 30 / 52/ 58 in the textbook – testing paraphrasing, summarizing and synthesizing skills – all related points should be put in one sentence]
According to Extejt and Smith (2009), in order for athletes to develop leadership skills, coaches should focus on leadership skills / select activities and order them in a manner to develop leadership skills; coaches should be knowledgeable about educational processes that build leadership, and coaches should give feedback to team captains on their leadership roles.
Students should give 3 different points to get full mark. If students cut and paste indiscriminately, the maximum mark is only one (1).
(3 x 1m = 3 marks)
5. What is the authors’ view about recruiting officers who have higher tendency to offer employment to athletes? [note: engaging with the text – evaluating author’s stance or response to ideas in the text: e.g. page 108 / 142]
The recruiting officers may bypass persons who would be a good fit in the job / the recruiting officers may hire persons that are not suitable for the job.
Award one (1) point also if students answer the authors do not agree with recruiting officers that have preference for athletes (or anything that reflects this meaning)
(1 mark)
PART II (Text 2)
Instruction: Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
1. The author implies that online games are not altogether negative. How does the author make this argument clear in paragraph I? [note: evaluating contents of the text – evaluating how authors present argument in text (or how students write their paragraphs) e.g. page 28 / 31 / 33 / 62]
By describing the experiences / claims by Elliot Noss and Stephen Gillett that their leadership qualities are developed from online gameplay / by playing online games.
Award full mark for answer that reflects the above. (2 marks)
If students cut and paste, award maximum 1 mark.
2. According to the author, what is leadership style? [note: engaging with the text – to identify points /arguments in the text: most articles in the textbook have this kind of exercise]
Leadership style the means through which the authority is exercised and the process through which decisions are made
Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing team direction, implementing plans, and motivating people.
(1 mark)
3. In paragraph III, the author reports the findings of previous research on how multi-player online role playing game (MMORPG) games develop leadership skills. Complete the argument below by paraphrasing how MMORPG games help develop leadership. [note: evaluating contents of the text – evaluating how authors present argument in text (or how students write their paragraphs) e.g. page 28 / 31 / 33 / 62]
Through MMORPG games, leadership skills are developed because the players are encouraged to take risks, responsible on the situations, and exposed to leadership-improving opportunities.
Students should give 3 different points to get full mark. If students cut and paste indiscriminately, the maximum mark is only one (1). (3 x 1m = 3 marks)
4. Complete the table below on information on Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) games such as Defense of the Ancients (DotA) and Heroes of Newerth (HoN). [note: engaging with the text – to identify points /arguments in the text: most articles in the textbook have this kind of exercise].
Feature / DescriptionNumber of players / Maximum five (5) players
Objective of the games / to eliminate the opposing team members and destroy their base constructions. (1m)
Ideal strategy to win / strengthen each game character and manage the team resources such as gold and experience points (1m)
Award 0 point if students give this delegating responsibilities evenly and corresponding these responsibilities with the game roles of each team member
Reason : it is a team game – of course ‘delegating and carrying out the duty’ should happen
(2 marks)
5. In paragraphs VI and VII, the author discusses similarities between aspects of online games and those of leadership. In your own words, write the two (2) similarities. [note: refer to page 30 / 52 / 58 / 96 in the textbook – testing paraphrasing, summarizing and synthesizing skills – all related points should be put in one sentence]
i. While game role has specific abilities and are restricted by certain game rules and environment, leaders also have a specific style and problems to solved. (1 ½ m)
ii. If in online games,a player is given flexibility to choose a hero and its corresponding strengths and limitations, in real life a leader could choose his style and resources to solve his problems. (1 ½ m)
(3 marks)
If students cut and paste indiscriminately, the maximum mark is only one (1).
6. What is the stance of the author on the general influence of online games? [note: engaging with the text – evaluating author’s stance or response to ideas in the text: e.g. page 31 / 108 / 142]
Online games should not only be seen as a negative influence, but also as a valuable didactic tool / social investment
Online games could present potential gains
If students cut and paste, award a maximum 1/2 mark. (1 marks)
PART III (7 marks)
Instruction: Based on your reading of Texts 1 and 2, answer the following questions.
1. What is the main argument of authors of both texts with regards to transferability of leadership skills? Support your answer with excerpts cited from the texts. [note: refer to page 30 / 52 / 58 / 60 / 63 / 76 in the textbook – testing paraphrasing, summarizing and synthesizing skills – all related points should be put in one or two sentences]
There are 2 parts that students need to answer.
No 1 is about the main argument:
While Extejt and Smith (2009) argue against the transferability of leadership skills from the field to classroom or workplace, Nuangjumnong (2014) believes that leadership skills could be enhanced through online games. (1 mark)
No 2 is the supporting excerpts.
From Text 1:
According to Extejt and Smith (2009) the main purpose of participating in sport is to develop physical skills and strategies associated with the sport, not to develop leadership skills. (para VIII)
Extejt and Smith (2009) claim that athletes may see their field-developed skills as applicable to sports only and therefore do not practice them in the workplace. (para X)
Any one for 1 mark
From Text 2:
Nuangjumnong (2014) asserts that consciously practicing leadership through games should yield better development results. (para VII)
There is a positive correlation between specific game roles and specific leadership styles and a player who exercises a specific game role tends to display the corresponding leadership style (Nuangjumnong, 2014) (para IV)
Any one for 1 mark
The other 1 mark is for the language used. Use your discretion to award this 1 mark.
Total: (4 marks)
2. How do the authors of both texts conclude their respective paper? [note: identifying features of a conclusion and evaluating authors’ response to arguments presented in the text: e.g. page 45-47 / 142]
The authors of Text 1 give comment on the application of the findings for human resource managers or campus recruiters while the author of Text 2 emphasizes on the potential use of online gameplay on leadership.
Use your discretion to accept other suitable answers given by the students.
(3 marks)