SCA Bible Study: Life of JesusLesson #17
I.Bible References
Matthew 9:27–11:1
Mark 6:6b–13
Luke 9:1–6
In this lesson, we witness the following events in the life of Jesus:
- Heals two blind men
- Casts out a demon from a mute man
- Preaches in the cities and villages
- Empowers the twelve apostles and sends them out to preach the gospel
While Jesus performs miracles and spreads the gospel, He is met with a variety of responses, some of which are negative. Jesus teaches us how to react to each of these responses.
A.Two Blind Men Are Healed (Matthew 9:27–31)
- Jesus healed two blind men who came to Him.
- Did Jesus answer these two men immediately? What did they do after being ignored initially?
- According to what did Jesus heal them?
- Do we expect God to always answer us immediately? What should we do if He doesn’t? Do we have any practical experience of this?
- What was the significance of referring to Jesus as the Son of David? Why not “Son of Mary and Joseph”?
- How do you refer to Jesus in your life? How does this reflect how you treat Him?
B.A Mute Man Speaks (Matthew 9:32–34)
- Jesus cast out a demon from a mute man who then spoke.
- Why did the crowd say, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel,” even though Jesus had previously cast out demons (Matthew8:32)?
- Sometimes, a physical ailment (or tangible problem) is evidence of a deeper issue. Please provide an example from your own life.
- How can you tell the difference between a physical ailment (or tangible problem) and one that has roots in the spiritual realm?
C.Jesus Goes from Village to Village (Matthew 9:35; Mark 6:6b)
- Jesus went to many towns and villages, teaching and healing.
- Why did Jesus have to go to these villages to preach? Shouldn’t the people come and throng around Him instead?
- How can you take a more proactive position in preaching the gospel?
D.Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles (Matthew 9:36–11:1; Mark 6:7–13; Luke 9:1–6)
- Jesus empowered the Twelve and sent them out to preach the gospel.
- List the things the apostles were instructed to do (Matthew 10:5–16).
- List the things the apostles were to be careful of (vv. 17–31).
- Does Jesus paint a rosy picture or a dark picture of how things will be? What can we take comfort in?
- What abilities were granted to the apostles?
- If the apostles had such power, why would Jesus talk about how to deal with rejection and persecution? Shouldn’t everyone have loved them since they had the power to perform supernatural acts?
- In your Christian walk, have you encountered difficulties when testifying for Christ? Give an example. How did you react in the situation?
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