Deployable and Intelligent Nanosatellite Operations

DINO Tip Mass Test Plan

DINO-TM-PLN-TSTPLN, Rev A, 12-4-03

Prepared By:

Anders Fornberg

Prepared For:

Dino Tip Mass Sub System

Revision Log

DRAFT / 12-04-03 / Initial DRAFT version created. / ALL




Originator Date

REA Date

I&T Manager Date

Safety Date

Systems Engineer Date

Configuration Manager Date



Table of Contents

1. Scope - 1 -

1.1. Identification - 1 -

1.2. Document Maintenance - 1 -

1.3. Tip Mass Subsystem Overview - 1 -

1.4. Document Overview - 1 -

1.5. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations - 1 -

1.6. Referenced Documents - 2 -

2. Test Plan Designs - 2 -

2.1. Overall Tip Mass subsystem test plan design - 2 -

2.2. Power Tip Mass subsystem test plan design - 2 -

2.3. Structure Tip Mass subsystem test plan design - 2 -

2.4. Communications Tip Mass subsystem test plan design - 2 -

2.5. Imaging Tip Mass subsystem test plan design - 3 -



1. Scope

1.1. Identification

This document applies to the Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations, DINO. DINO is a satellite project undertaken by the Colorado Space Grant Consortium at the University of Colorado at Boulder. DINO is a part of the Nanosat III program. The Nanosat III program is sponsored by the Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AFOSR, the Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics, AIAA, and Goddard Space Flight Center, GSFC.

1.2. Document Maintenance

This document falls under the DINO document control requirements as specified under the DINO Configuration Management plan. All subsystems are being developed at the University of Colorado and the team members there are to be part of any changes or updates. All changes and updates must be made in accordance with the DINO CM plan.

1.3. Tip Mass Subsystem Overview

The main objective of the DINO Tip Mass subsystem is to provide gravity-gradient stabilization for the DINO main module. The secondary mission is to capture and send images of the following:

·  Deployment of the FITS

·  Deployment of the Aero-fins

·  DINO main module

This is to be accomplished without any exterior power or communication wired from the DINO main module

1.4. Document Overview

This document outlines preliminary test plans for the Tip Mass subsystem

·  Overall test plans for entire Tip Mass

·  Test plans for the power Tip Mass subsystem

·  Test plans for the structure Tip Mass subsystem

·  Test plans for the communications Tip Mass subsystem

·  Test plans for the imaging Tip Mass subsystem

1.5. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

Acronym / Name /
FITS / Foldable Integrated Thin-film Solar Arrays
DINO / Deployable and Intelligent Nanosatellite Operations

1.6. Referenced Documents

Contact other team members or the Project Leader for the location of these documents and for instructions of how to access them.

2. Test Plan Designs

2.1. Overall Tip Mass subsystem test plan design

·  Proper operations of the tip mass when given specific commands

o  Triggering of camera

o  Resetting of camera’s memory

o  Receiving image for camera’s memory

o  Initialization of power save mode

o  Return to non-power save mode

o  Accomplished with software that simulates commands that the flight computer would send to the tip mass

·  “Initial on” counter can initially activate the tip mass subsystem

o  Accomplished by connecting counter to power subsystem and running multiple test to ensure reliability

2.2. Power Tip Mass subsystem test plan design

·  Proper power levels are successfully delivered to each subsystem needing power:

o  Communication’s wiser 2400 unit is given a controlled 5 Volt line

o  Imaging’s Jam-Cam is given a controlled 5 Volt line

o  Accomplished using a multi-meter and slightly varying the input voltage to simulate noise

·  Inhibits are operating properly

·  Receives and can initialize power save mode

o  Accomplished with software that simulates a “power save” command given to power by the FPGA

·  Receives and can initialize non-power save mode

o  Accomplished with software that simulates a “non-power save” command given to power by the FPGA

2.3. Structure Tip Mass subsystem test plan design

·  Testing of this Tip Mass subsystem will be done in coordination with the main satellite’s structure subsystem.

o  Please see DINO structure subsystem test plan document for detailed Tip Mass subsystem test plan

2.4. Communications Tip Mass subsystem test plan design

·  Reliable communications with main DINO satellite module at a distances less then 30 meters

o  Signal Level measurements subject to varying distances, orientation of the antennas and isogrid interference and all throughout measuring signal levels

o  Throughput measurements using bulky file sizes

·  Can receive and transmit from both the FPGA chip and flight computer

2.5. Imaging Tip Mass subsystem test plan design

·  Proper communications with FPGA chip

·  Proper operations when given specific commands from FPGA chip

o  Triggering of camera

o  Resetting of camera’s memory

o  Transmitting of camera’s images

o  Ability to turn On/Off

·  Image quality test with object in front of bright background
