Youth and Schools Commission
CraigmountHigh School, Edinburgh
Saturday 31 January 2009
Present:Margaret Thompson(Chair) MT
Moira Ord(Vice Chair)MO
Anne Hamilton (Edinburgh) AH
Linda Thomson (Aberdeen) LT
Karen Dunn(North Lanarkshire)KD
Mary Frances McNeil(South Lanarkshire)MF
Moira Robertson (Fife)MR
Sandra Wallace (Fife)SW
Nicola Yea(Highlands)NY
Gregor Kyle (NS Youth Development Officer)
Sally Erskine (Renfrewshire)
Maureen Evans (Oban)
Ali McCrae (Perth)
Lynda Sim(Oban)
Linda Nicholson(Peebles)
Margaret Barr(East Renfrewshire)
Lesley MacDonald(Glasgow)
No. / Item / Action1 / Apologies
Apologies are listed above.
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting (27th Sept ‘08)
3.4Umpiring – MFMN reported that the Umpires Board were looking to organise District days for umpires. Umpires Board would also provide umpires for key events.
Amend to read: MFMN reported that she met with Annemarie Peacock, acting chair of umpire board and discussed looking at possibilities of enhancing the umpiring situation at District events.
Minutes were approved by AH and seconded by KD.
3 / Business Arising
3.1 Letter now written to Maggie Clark and copied to Annemarie Peacock – it is hoped MT will attend Umpiring Board next meeting. Key umpiring events to be discussed:
U15 Academy Tournaments
U17 District Events
U17 Challenge Cup
Schools Finals Day
Youth Cup Finals Day
3.2 Lesley MacDonald Culture & Sport Glasgow hopes to attend future meetings.
3.3 distribution of minutes, it was noted that minutes are now on NS web site, however, direct distribution to Y & S members fragmented. It was agreed minutes should be on web site and copies sent directly to Y & S members, also Anne Ward CEO NS should receive a copy direct.
3.4 Invitations went to Performance Group to attend U13 events. / YDO to ensure minutes distributed as directed
4 / Update on Competitions
U17 District
Apologies received from MT regarding the format change to the current U17 League days. Confusion hadarisen as to changes and new facilities being requested. Confirmation received for the following:
22 Feb 09 - Development Tournament, Beach Leisure, Aberdeen
1 March 09 - 3rd League Day, Bell Sports Centre, Perth
22 March 09 - Inter District, Linwood Sports Centre
However it was noted that only a new Calendar issued and no footnote to advise of change, it was asked that future changes be highlighted in writing.
NS will be looking to establish a group to come together and plan all netball activities, so it is hoped that a minimum change on plans will be required.
SW advised that the Fife Institute have implemented a flat rate of £15 an hour on Saturdays only and MF advised that John Wright also have a junior rate of £15 at any time but would need plenty of advance notice to access the hall full days.
Format for 2009/2010
After discussion it was agreed that we would centralise the U17 League days, the format would be that all teams (A+B) play as one 1st days positions would determine where they are placed for 2nd day and 2nd day position would determine whether they are placed in 3rd day winner or consolation group. As we would need 3 courts for these days, the following dates where identified at Bell Sports Centre, Perth:
4 October 2009
1 November 2009
6 December 2009
It was agreed that to ensure availability at facility, we would need to arrange facility now.
Challenge Cup will move to Feb/Mar 2010 and will be open to all U17 except the 12 selected for U17 Scottish.
U15 Academy’s
Everyone happy with current format. However, there was concern raised about entering the B group when the standard would be challenged more within the A group. After discussion it was agreed that if a District is entering one team, the coach will use their discretion as to which group the squad plays within. However, depending on results the organiser will determine which tournament day they play within.
Concern was raised at a number of U13 playing within the CoachingAcademy and it was agreed that a maximum of 2 U13 players can play within a DistrictAcademy but can only play within the B team. This above will take effect from 2009/2010.
NY of Highland has shown interest in entering a team next year and would like help in developing this.
A clash of dates has occurred with the Coaching Academy Tournaments and the U17 and U21 FENA’s it was agreed to go ahead with dates but MO has confirmed she is unable to help organise. MT confirmed attendance with the YDO. Invitations have gone to Mr and Mrs Allan.
Club Events
MT reported that all club events to date have went extremely well with entries being very high, the next event is an U13 event at the Gorbals Leisure Centre with 18 teams involved MT and MO will attend and coordinate event. Thereafter, there is an U15 event in the Beach Leisure Centre, Aberdeen that the YDO will coordinate.
Discussion took place regarding both U13 events held in the West and both U15 events taking place in the North, it was agreed that we should send out Evaluations forms to clubs, to gain feedback on what they felt about events and whether changes are needed for future.
AH reported that North & East games are running smoothly but West seem to be having problems. Some reports received about behaviour but contacts within the schools are dealing with these direct. Travel costs are an issue for schools and we may need to look to central venues next year.
Linwood is booked for the finals day this year but with more schools entering throughout Scotland, we may need to look at a more central venue next year.
Concern was raised to some of the scores in games and it was agreed that if a team is leading by more than 50 goals the remainder of the game should be played as a friendly with perhaps some movement within both teams.
It was agreed to reduce the game time to 4 x 12 mins for season 2009/2010.
Registration – the question was asked if all schools were registered to NS.
Scottish Cup
All entries received and fixtures are out at clubs. / YDO to ensure future Calendar changes highlighted
YDO to check and confirm facility booking.
YDO to contact NY to advise
YDO to prepare and send evaluation forms to participating clubs
YDO to check and confirm all participating schools are registered to NS
5 / Pathways
MT showed were the 13 – 15 yrs North/South pathway squads fit in with the existing programmes, the plan is that other squads for 11 – 13 years will be introduced; however, this will not take place this season.
6 / Programme for next season
Y & S will be represented at the group being brought together to establish the programme for 2009/2010. It was noted that some events this year clashed with the Coach Education calendar causing problems for staffing District events.
7 / National Finals Day
Report from YDO:
The 23rd May is the date for the Scottish Cup Final the Citadel in Ayr will be the venue. Meetings have been attended with John Given from the Citadel Leisure Centre and Laura and Kirsty Carswell from Ayrshire District Netball Association. Further meetings are dueover the coming weeks.
- Sports Hall access on night prior to finals day
- Sports hall booked from 7am through until 6pm
- Meeting room with view over beach booked for VIP lunch
- Lobby area of Citadel will be used for selling merchandise, ticket collection and fundraising.
- Local papers and radio stations are already being contacted to promote in run up to event.
- Car park area to be sectioned off for Team buses ONLY.
- Sponsorship is also being sought out with the potential of major sponsor for the event.
- 350-400 seats available for the finals day.
8 / Areas of Development/Update
Report from YDO:
- 34 juniorclubs have affiliated to Netball Scotland, 4 other Junior Clubs are in the process of affiliating.
- Shetland has confirmed to me that they will be affiliating 160 girls, these girls are split across 8 U13 teams and 7 U15 teams.
- Predicted total number of Junior Clubs should be closer to 45 junior clubs including the Shetland clubs.
- In 07/08 Netball Scotland had 428 Junior members affiliated to Netball Scotland, this year Netball Scotland has 690 Junior members affiliated with these numbers due to increase.
- Update from Highlands Netball Development included from Nicola Yea from Highlands.
- Meeting with Margaret Barr in February from East Renfrewshire in connection with the possibility of setting up at U15 District squad for next year.
- Junior Club Developments ongoing within East Ayrshire and West Dunbartonshire.
- Meeting with Edinburgh Active Schools planned for February with Anne and Rebecca.
NY reported within the Highlands there is primary and secondary school netball, with tournaments planned for the end of March. At present there is no constituted junior club. Highland adult teams are organised and Active Schools are working with them to develop youth and hopefully they will then look to establish a club. NY added that she felt that attending the Y&S meeting has been very informative and has helped in the understanding of youth structure within Netball Scotland, however, she is unsure if she will be able to attend future meetings as an Active School Coordinator.
Report from YDO:
Netball Scotland, Orienteering Scotland, CRBS and Children 1st have now entered into a pilot scheme with regards to disclosures. This will see each club having a club signatory whom will deal with all the clubs disclosures and gives the responsibility and the power to clubs to put coaches and volunteers through disclosures. If your club has not nominated a club signatory please could you forward this information to Gregor.
KD explained the procedure she went through to become a signatory and what it would mean for her club.
Aberdeen and Fife have both been in contact with YDO regards disclosure but feel they need more information. / YDO to bring to next meeting
MT will write to the HighlandActiveSchool Manager
LT and SW will contact YDO to discuss
9 / Skills Awards
Discussion took place to regards introducing the old Coca Cola Skills award - MF confirmed she has a pack.
Mini Netball Festivals
MO confirmed the week starts 11 May 2009 and a bid has gone to Awards for All – packs will be available by mid February. It was agreed packs will be issued to all on the Y & S group and be placed on the web site. / MF to bring pack to next meeting
ALL to look at availability for this week
YDO will issue packs and place on web site
10 / AOCB
LT asked for more notice to attend meetings, the short notice has a big impact on the costs of travel. AH advised that the school is available on Saturday’s and she understood this was known to NS.
Disappointment was expressed that this was the second meeting that the YDO has been unable to attend.
DONM confirmed as Saturday 9 May 2009, CraigmountHigh School, 11am – 2pm.