D101Assist in the Assessment of Individuals’ Offending Behaviour and in Planning Provision
Elements of competence
D101.1Assist in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and associated risks
D102.2Assist in planning provision
This unit focuses on assisting in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and planning related provision. The worker needs to obtain and record information on individuals’ offending behaviour and its associated risks to help consider their suitability for different types of provision. The unit includes the use of computer-based recording systems. The unit applies to work with both individuals who have already offended and those who are recognised as being at risk of offending.
Who this unit is aimed at
This unit is applicable across the community justice sector. It is relevant to any worker who has responsibility for assisting in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and planning provision. The provision for which the individual is being considered might include: bail; remand; individual or group work focused on changing behaviour; community service; education; training and employment opportunities; accommodation services or a combination of the above. This unit compliments unit D103 which is focused on those who hold overall responsibility for assessing individuals; offending behaviour and preparing sentence proposals.
Relationships to other units
D201 Assist in the supervision, enforcement and review of sentences served in the community
D301 Help individuals address their offending behaviour
D303 Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities
D202 Plan, supervise, enforce and review sentences in the community
D203 Plan, supervise, enforce and review sentences in the community by those who have mental health problems and who pose a significant risk
D204 Develop plans to manage the risk of harm of releasing and resettling offenders in the community following custodial sentences
Place in the SVQ framework
This unit occurs in the following qualifications: SVQ Community Justice: Work with Offending Behaviour level 3.
Evidence Requirements of this unit
You must provide your assessor with evidence for all Performance Criteria and all aspects of the Range and Knowledge. The evidence may be provided in the following ways, taking account of any Special Considerations which may be noted below:
Special Considerations
The candidate’s package of evidence from their performance needs to cover all the performance criteria and all aspects of range, except those detailed below. If performance evidence is not available during the assessment period , evidence from knowledge and understanding can be used for these aspects of range:
- D101.1, range 3: 1 of the 3 methods of communication
- D101.1, range 2: 1 of the 3 methods of communication
In order to meet the evidence requirements, it is likely that a candidate would need to gather evidence from work in relation to more than one individual.
The candidate must provide evidence from different sources in order to have their achievement recognized for this unit, ie. Evidence must come not only from the candidate or one other source (such as records) but must also be from other people (such as from others who saw the candidate working, minutes from meetings which recorded the candidate’s contribution, etc). Simulations (such as case studies or role play) can be used as one source of evidence for this unit. Evidence from real practice must, however, form the majority of the candidate’s performance evidence.
Assessment Guidance
When planning assessment, candidates should consider how they may best use evidence across a number of units. Evidence from the following units may be particularly relevant to this unit.
D201Assist in the supervision, enforcement and review of sentences served in the community
D301Help individuals address their offending behaviour
F403Develop and sustain effective working relationships with staff in other agencies
D303Prepare, implement and evaluate group activities
Candidates may wish to consider how they can plan their evidence collection around two individuals, with whom they are working over a period of time, on various aspects relating to addressing their offending behaviour.
Candidates may wish to use these sources of evidence (for performance and for knowledge and understanding):
- the candidate’s working notes, particularly in relation to planning and carrying out their work
- their reflective practice journal
- reports produced by the candidate
- witness testimony from the candidate’s line manager and from others from whom they have sought information
- records and notes.
Element D101.1Assist in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and associated risks
Performance criteria / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Identify the information they need to obtain from different sources
2Make appropriate arrangements for obtaining the information
3Explain clearly to people:
a)their role and responsibility
b)the information which is needed
c)why it is needed
d)when it is needed
e)how it will be used
f)who will have the right of access to it
4Communicate with people in a manner which:
a)is appropriate to them
b)encourages an open exchange of views and information
c)minimises any constraints to communication
d)is free from discrimination and oppression
e)acknowledges their role, work context and area of expertise
5Encourage people to provide information at the appropriate time and to alert the worker to anything which needs immediate attention
6Confirm that the information obtained is relevant, accurate and current and the worker has interpreted it correctly
7Collate, summarise and structure the information obtained in a way which facilitates its later use
Element D101.1Assist in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and associated risks
Performance criteria / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
8Make contributions to the assessment of the individual’s offending behaviour and associated risks which are consistent with the evidence gathered
9Seek advice and support promptly when team discussion and supervision are appropriate
10Complete records accurately and clearly and store them according to agency requirements
11Communicate information to people who are authorised to have it.
Element D101.1Assist in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and associated risks
Range / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Sources of information:
a)the individual who is the focus of the assessment
b)people who are significant to the individual and/or who are affected by their behaviour
c)people and records within the worker’s agency
d)partner agencies and other relevant services
2Information relating to:
a)the nature of the individual’s behaviour
b)the effects of the individual’s behaviour on victims and others
c)the individual’s personal circumstances
d)the context of the individual’s behaviour
e)the attitudes and beliefs of the individual relating to their behaviour
a)verbally and non-verbally
b)in writing
c)through the use of electronic media
4Risks to:
a)the public, including actual and potential victims of crime and people significant to the individual
b)people working with the individual
c)the individual him/herself
Element D101.2Assist in planning provision
Performance criteria / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Clarify with their line manager:
a)the assessment of the individual and their offending behaviour
b)the options which should be considered
c)the resources required
d)their role and responsibility in the process
2Obtain the information agreed with their line manager in an appropriate manner from relevant sources
3Communicate with people in a manner which:
a)is appropriate to them
b)encourages an open exchange of views and information
c)minimises any constraints to communication
d)is free from discrimination and oppression
e)acknowledges their role, work context and area of expertise
4Assist in identifying which options are appropriate given:
a)the personal circumstances of the individual
b)any court order or statutory licence which may have been served on the individual
c)the resources available
Element D101.2Assist in planning provision
Performance criteria / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
5Provide reports:
a)which contain accurate and complete information
b)which are structured in a way which can be readily used
c)which highlight any specific areas of benefit or concern
d)which are written in plain language
e)in sufficient time for them to be of use
6Seek advice and support promptly when team discussion and supervision are appropriate
7Communicate information to people who are authorised to have it
8Complete records accurately and clearly and store them according to agency requirements
Element D101.2Assist in planning provision
Range / Type of evidence – state evidence index no(s) / DateDO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
1Sources of information:
a)the individual who is the focus of the assessment
b)people who are significant to the individual and/or who are affected by their behaviour
c)people and records within the worker’s agency
d)partner agencies and other relevant services
a)verbally and non-verbally
b)in writing
c)through the use of electronic media
Knowledge specification for the whole of this unit
You must show your assessor that you know and understand the following:
State evidence index no(s)1The ways in which the physical, social, psychological and emotional development and functioning of individuals affects their behaviour and its associated patterns
2Factors which may be relevant to an individual’s difficulties
3Triggers to, and patterns of, offending behaviour
4The reasoning processes they followed during information gathering and assessment
5The accuracy with which it is possible to predict risk and the implications of this for the worker
6The specific legislation (national and European) which relates to the work they undertake and how they have taken this into account in their work
7Any particular factors relating to the agency’s policies and practices which have affected the work undertaken
8The ways in which it is necessary to alter communication when working with different individuals and representatives of different agencies
9The ways in which an individual’s culture and gender influence the worker’s practice
10How they have applied the principles of equality, diversity and anti-discriminatory practice to their work
11How they evaluate their own competence when at work and decide when further support and expertise are needed.
Knowledge and understanding / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
There is sufficient evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit
Evidence requirements / Type of evidence — state evidence index no(s) / Date
DO / P / W / RA / Q / Other
The evidence generated by the candidate meets the evidence requirements for this unit
Assessor/Internal Verifier comments
Candidate’s nameAssessor’s nameIV’s name
Candidate’s signatureAssessor’s signatureIV’s signature
Unit: D7DW04 (D101) Assist in the assessment of individuals’ offending behaviour and in planning provision