Axe Valley Centre

To join the Axe Valley Centre you must first be a member of the National Trust or an affiliated organisation or be a current Volunteer card holder. If you are not a member of the National Trust, our membership secretary can advise you how to join. The details of how to contact her can be found below. Our annual membership subscription is £7 (payable on 1st January).

As a member you will receive a newsletter from our group giving details of all of our events and in addition you will receive a copy of the regional group magazine "Devon Oakleaves" which has a listing of events taking place throughout the Devon region that, as a member of our group, you can take part in.

Our meetings are held in the Colyford Memorial Hall (CMH) and our coach pick-up points for outings and trips are sited in Seaton, Colyford, Colyton, Axminster and Chard (only if en-route).

Subject to available seating, non-members are welcome to our meetings and talks for a small charge of £2 (£1 for members) which includes tea/coffee and biscuits. They are also welcome to join our outings and trips if space is available.

If you would like to join the Axe Valley Centre, please contact our Membership

Secretary Beverly Perkins 01297 631801.

Here is our programme of forthcoming events - we hope it will encourage you to join our friendly group.

Date / Type of event / Subject
Sat 4th April / Walk / Meet Charmouth, Lower Sea Lane Carpark 9.45 am GR SY365934
Wed 15th April / Talk / Wonderful World of Glass by
Dr. F. E. Borroughes 2.30 pm @ CMH
Thur 16th April / Concert / BSO Great Hall Exeter University
7.30 pm
Tues 21st April / Outing / To Avebury Manor. Organiser - Beverly Adams 01460 68327
Sat 25th April / Spring
Fair / 10.30 am – 1.00 pm @ CMH
Sat 2nd May / Walk / Meet Colcombe Castle Hotel, Colyton
Carpark @ GR SY245940
Tues 12th May to
Tues 17th May / Holiday to
Malta / @ 4* Hotel Fortina, Sliema, Malta
Via Exeter Airport
Wed 13th May / Outing / To Cothelstone Manor, Nr Taunton
Organiser – Robbi Robson 01404 881587
Wed. 26th Aug. / Outing / To Highclere Castle aka Downton Abbey
Organiser Roger Findlow 01404 549503
Wed. 16th Sept. / Illustrated Talk / The Power of Advertising by
Bruce Upton 2.30 p.m. @ CMH
Wed. 14th Oct. / Illustrated Talk / The Clapper Bridges of Dartmoor by
John Stewart 2.30 p.m. @ CMH
Wed. 18th Nov. / Talk / Hidden secrets of A la Ronde by
Trevor Adams 2.30 p.m. @ CMH
Tba in Dec. / Christmas Lunch / Probable venue Westcliff Hotel, Sidmouth, Price tba later
Wed. 13th Jan. / Illustrated Talk / From Chatsworth to Crystal Palace by
Don Archer 2.30 p.m. @ CMH
Wed. 10th Feb. / A.G..M. &
Talk / Neptune Project by Toby Fox, N.T. Ops. Dir., Devon & Tamar 2.30 p.m. @ CMH
Wed. 9th March / Illustrated Talk / The delights of Iznik Ceramics by
Lady Angela Morland 2.30. p.m. @ CMH
Wed. 13 th April / Talk / From Beer to Brisbane by Peter Dare, Master Mason. 2.30 p.m. @ CMH

For information on above events contact as follows:-

Walks - Sue Back 01460 220636

Concerts - Charles Harris 01297 552428

- Sylvia Fraser 01297 32306

Events - Jan Uden 01297 553598

Holidays - Margaret Tinsley 01297 553216

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