Curriculum/EOG Night
February 6, 2014
v Flyers sent home to 3-5 and K-2
v Connect Ed
v Announcement on the HG News
v Marque
v Discussed during team meetings
v Agendas created to pass out at sign-in table, stating locations
Set up:
v Sign-in table in the front lobby
v Two tables per grade level Pre-K-2 in the hallway outside of media center
v Gym set up for performance
v Art show set up in the media center
v 3-5 presentations set up in Irish, Tosti (ESL), Toomer, Smeader, Trapp, Coppadge, and Cornelius’ rooms
v Food for Pre-K-2 families in the café; 3-5 families upstairs in Irish, Trapp, Cornelius; 1 nugget tray, 1 cookie tray, and 2 drinks, per grade level
v Agendas will need to be stamped to allow Pre-K-2 families to receive their refreshments
Timeline of Events
v All parents and students will meet in the gym for the kindergarten and step team performances
v Following the performances administration will announce the events following the performances and the locations
v Staff will report to their assigned locations
v Families will be directed to the various locations
v 3-5 Families will be served refreshments upstairs before the presentations
v EOG presentations will take place in assigned classrooms
v Pre-K-2 families will visit curriculum tables and art show
v After getting their agendas stamped K-2 families will get refreshments in the café
v Administration will announce the end of the event
Classroom Teacher Assignments
Staff / LocationGriffin, Strickland, Murphy / Sign-in Table
CAT Team/
Kindergarten team / Art Show/
Kindergarten Performance
Pre-K team D, Hubbard, Moore, Clarke, Keigher, Comer, Trabold, Baker, Cooper, Bradford, White, Hecht, Wilkie, Bee, Woods / Pre-K-2 Curriculum Tables
Irish, Tosti, Klimt, Toomer, Flood, Probst, Coppadge, Cornelius / 3-5 EOG Presenters
Pre-K team C, Bradley, Isgan, Ervin, Harrison, McClintock, McKee / Main Hallways directing families
Faulk, Kolker, Higgins / Stairwell directing families
Duerr, King, Harris / 3-5 Hallway directing families
Berlin, Hecht, Lang, Trapp, Smeader, Wilt, Pope, Nicoll, Smalls / 3-5 Food (classrooms)
Pre-K teams A & B, Bellamy, Delong, Waite, Hillard, Wright, McCloud, Hemple / Pre-K-2 Food (café)