Mr J Dorey (Chairman), Mr J Horne (Vice Chairman)
Mrs S Hunt, Mr T O’Hagan & Mrs C Penning
Sally Gill (Clerk)
3523. Apologies for Absence
Mrs Plunkett, Dst Cllr Knowles and the Police sent apologies.
3524. Declarations of Interest on Agenda Items
Mr Dorey and Mr Horne declared an interest in planning application PF/16/1107.
3525. Minutes of Meeting Held on 4th August 2016
Mrs Penning proposed acceptance of the minutes of the meeting of Upper Sheringham Parish Council held on 4th August 2016, seconded by Mrs Hunt. It was agreed. The minutes were signed by the Chairman.
3526. Public Participation
There were no members of the public present.
3527. Police
A Police report has been received for 28th July to 28th August as follows:
Three calls were made from the Upper Sheringham area which included one Police
generated and one lost property, no crimes were recorded. The current SNAP
priorities remain as: Parking on New Road, Sheringham, Speeding on A148
junction with Holway Road and concerns over the use of the junction to the new
gravel pit and issues surrounding public houses in Sheringham. The next SNAP
meeting will be on 8th September at Sheringham Community Centre at 7pm. A
Police Surgery will be held in Upper Sheringham on 24th September from 7pm to
3528. Clerks Matters
1. Finance
a) Bank Balances. At the close of business on 31st August 2016, the Parish
Council had £306.55 in the Community Account and £6,916.66 in the Business
Saver Account. The Clerk informed Members a laptop and the necessary
software have been purchased with the money used from the Transparency
Fund Grant.
b) Donation Request from Citizens Advice Bureau . Mr O’Hagan proposed
making a donation of £30 to the Citizens Advice Bureau, seconded by Mr Horne.
It was agreed.
c) Renewal Contract for Street Lighting Maintenance. Mr Horne proposed
acceptance of a three year contract with TT Jones Electrical for street light
maintenance, seconded by Mrs Penning. It was agreed,
d) Payment of Clerk’s Remuneration. Mrs Penning proposed the payment of
£470.00, being the Clerk’s pay for the quarter ending 30th September 2016,
seconded by Mrs Hunt. It was agreed
e) Payment of Clerk’s Expenses. Mr Horne proposed the payment of £52.19,
being the Clerk’s expenses for the quarter ending 30th September 2016, seconded by Mrs Penning. It was agreed.
f) Transfer of £600.00 from Saver Account to Community Account. Mr
Horne proposed the transfer of £600.00 from the Business Saver Account to the Community Account, seconded by Mrs Hunt . It was agreed
g) External Audit Report from Mazars The Clerk reported that the external
audit carried out by Mazars for 2015/16 has been completed with the annual
return being prepared in accordance with relevant legislation and regulatory
2. Newsletter
The September edition of the Newsletter informed residents of the following:
County Council have been asked to cutback Warbys Loke and deal with
overhanging vegetation along Cranfield Road. The columns for VAS signage at
the Lodge Hill junction have now been erected. The new road on the Blowlands
Lane development will not be adopted by County Council. The Parish Council
are going to look into allotment provision in the village.
3529. District Council Matters
a) District Councillor Report
There was no report on this occasion.
3530. County Council Matters
a) County Councillor Report
There was no report on this occasion.
3531. Highways and Transportation
a) A148/Lodge Hill Junction
The columns for VAS signage have now been erected at the Lodge Hill junction.
Sheringham Chamber of Trade recently instigated a meeting at the
A148/Holway Road junction to pressure County Council to consider installation
of a roundabout, particularly with the new gravel site junction being in close
proximity. The Parish Council noted that they were not approached about or
even invited to this meeting, which was held in the Parish of Upper Sheringham.
The Clerk was instructed to write to the Chamber of Trade about this matter
advising of the Parish Council’s displeasure at not being consulted and not being
invited to attend. A copy of the letter will be sent to Sheringham Town Council
along with a reminder that the wearing of a Chain of Office in another Parish
should receive consent from the Chairman of the Parish to be visited.
b) Weybourne Road
Mrs Penning had recently raised the issue of speeding along Weybourne Road.
It was agreed to write to County Council Highways Manager and ask for a
compliance speed check to be arranged for this stretch of road and advise the
Parish Council of the results.
c) Cranfield Road
A response has been received from the County Council Highways Manager
regarding a Sheringham resident’s suggestion to consider making
Cranfield Road part of a one way road system. The response advised that there
have been no personal injury accidents along Cranfield Road in the last five
years and there would be concern if it became a one way system that vehicle
speeds could increase dramatically causing problems for pedestrians. Also in
the current financial climate this is not something County Council would
consider. The Clerk will inform the resident of this response.
3532. Planning
a) Butts Lane Development
Receipt of a letter from Norfolk Homes was noted, informing that they have
fulfilled the s106 agreement by giving £18,000 to the Primary School towards the
new climbing frame.
b) Planning Application - PU/16/0846. It was noted that the application for
Notification for Prior Approval for Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural
Building to Storage of Building Materials at Lodge Farm, West Beckham has
been withdrawn.
c) Planning Application - PF/16/1107. Receipt was noted of application for
Provision of 8 Static Caravan Pitches and Seasonal Siting of 30 Touring
Caravans (Currently limited to 28 days) at Woodlands Caravan Park, Holt Road,
Upper Sheringham. Mr O’Hagan proposed no objections to this application,
seconded by Mrs Hunt. It was agreed.
d) Planning Application – C/1/2016/1011. Receipt was noted of application for
variation of conditions 3 and 20 of planning permission reference C/1/2013/1012
in order to amend the phasing areas and revise the details of the
office/weighbridge/welfare unit (part retrospective) at Holt Road, East Beckham
for Gresham Gravel Ltd. Mr Horne proposed no objections to this application,
seconded by Mr O’Hagan. It was agreed.
3533. Parish Matters
a) Allotment Provision in Upper Sheringham
Mrs Penning noted that she understood when an allotment tenant vacates one
of the JACS allotment plots, that plot would not be used again as an allotment. It
was agreed to write to JACS to clarify the exact position of the allotment site.
The Clerk highlighted the actions that the Parish Council should take if there is
no longer any allotment provision in the village.
b) JACS Request to Remove Sign on Park Road
Mr Dorey relayed the contents of the letter previously sent to JACS saying the
Parish Council wish the sign to remain in situ. No response has been received
from JACS.
c) North Norfolk Parish and Town Council Forum
A copy of the report sent to Norman Lamb regarding second homes council tax
has been received, this was circulated to members. The Forum has asked if a
representative could attend a meeting to inform members of this project. It was
agreed to find out how long a presentation would last before responding in full.
3534. Any Other Business
Mrs Hunt advised Warbys Loke had only been cut at the top, the Clerk will contact
the Public Rights of Way Officer at County Council about this matter.
Also there is overhanging foliage on Lodge Hill to the left after The Dales as you
enter the village. The Clerk will write to the Highways Manager about this matter.
Mrs Penning noted that Broadland Housing will be holding an information event in
the Village Hall regarding the Blowlands Lane development on 6th September.
3535. Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Thursday 13th October 2016 at 6.00pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.15pm
Chairman …………………………………..…….Dated………………………………………