Stefan Weilmünster English Vita
Besidesmultitudinousengagements at various Symphony Orchestras in entire Germany (e. g. hr-Symphony Orchestra Frankfurt, Symphonic State Orchestra Mainz and Darmstadt, Frankfurt MuseumOrchestra, Symphonic Orchestra of the City Theatre of Trier and Giessen, Philharmonic Orchestra Heidelberg, Philharmony of Wuerttemberg in Reutlingen, New Chamber Philharmonic Cologne and others) and thework in his own Saxophone Quartet Vierfarben Saxophone (FourColour Saxophone) and in various (Big-)Bands withmanyCD-recordings and Radio and TV-appearances, his pedagogickeyaspectisthearea of directingchoirs, ensembles and workshops. For manyyears he has beencourseinstructorforMusica Viva, withalmost 150 Saxophone- and Bigband seminars in Germany and Italy, directsseveralchoirs and bigbands and isroutinelyengagedforscorerehearsals and orchestraworkshops of brass orchestras and bigbands. He is a lecturerfortheHessian Music Association and holds Saxophone workshops as an endorserforthecompanies P. Mauriat and Vandoren (Paris).
Since 20 yearsago he isthedirector of themixedchoir Contrapunkt of the Gesangverein Sängerbund Mainflingen, and has performed e. g. Gabriel Fauré‘sRequiem, Charles Gounod‘sSt. Cecilia Massand Ralph Groessler‘ssymphonicrhapsodyOurFather in Heavenwith them. Of specialinterest to Stefan Weilmünster arecrossoverprograms, linkingclassicchoirtradition and modern elements of jazz ans pop. Amongthemarethenumerousperformances of Duke Ellington‘sSacred Concertforchoir, big band, soloists and stepdancers in theRhein.Main-area, Franconia, the Black Forest and theAlp-DonauCounty as well as the double concert featuringHandel‘sMessiah, which he performedwiththechoir Contrapunkt in thebaroque original version and afterwards in thesouladaptionSoulful CelebrationbytheamericanGrammy-award holder Quincy Jones. Anotherhighlight was theperformance of Contrapunkt withthe German soul legend EdoZanki (e. g. Producer of Herbert Grönemeyer and Xavier Naidoo) and thebig band East 17.
Stefan Weilmünster isthelong-standingdirector of severalmen‘schoirs and also directschildrenchoirs.
He isinvited on a regularbasis as a juror in competitionslike Jugend Musiziert, theStudyFoundation of the German People, the international Saxophone festival in Przeworsk (Poland) and the European Sax Forum Breslau (Poland).
He teaches on twoUniversities Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Frankfurt and Hochschule für Musik Mainz and isviceheadteacher of the Musikschule Seligenstadt, a publicmusicschoolwithabout 800 pupils.