ROVAC Board Meeting
March 11th, 2010
Cromwell CT.
Meeting called to order by President Anthony V. Esposito at 10:05 AM.
MEMBERS PRESENT: VOTING: Anthony V. Esposito, Nancy A. DePietro, R. Michael Wyman, Anne-Marie Mastroianni, Melissa J. Russell, Barbara Brenneman, Mary E. Clark-Wilson, Sue Burnham, Pamela M.Rapacz, Karen Doyle Lyons, Marie M. Fox, Amelia K. Waldron, Karen Cheney and Susan J. Luginbuhl.
NON-VOTING: Monita Hebert, Judith A. Beaudreau, Marie Greene, Robert L. Sherman and Daria K. Hart.
Guests: Linda B. Cultrera
MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Lorraine A. Elliott, Carmela N. Apuzzo, Kevin T. McCarthy, Louis A Decilio Urania Petit and (Darlene F. Burrell).
Motion made by Barbara Brenneman to accept minutes from January 21st 2010 meeting at Jacoby’s in Meriden. Seconded by Pamela M. Rapacz. Motion Passes with abstentions by Karen Doyle Lyons, Marie M. Fox and Susan J. Luginbuhl.
TRESURERS REPORT: Deputy Treasurer: Monita Hebert: $1500.00 more has been received for registrars dues. The Fall Conference report has not been completed as of yet.
PRESIDENTS REPORT: Anthony V. Esposito: Counties are moving forward holding meetings and elections. Reminder, that all counties send minutes and members on committees to the secretary. A letter has been written and will be sent to the Secretary of the State with regards to DOIT terminating the vr .any town e-mail addresses now used by registrars. We will be moving to an Internet based e-mail system details will be in the next newsletter.
Fairfield: Karen Doyle Lyons: Held a meeting on February 22nd, 2010. A copy of the minutes and election results will be sent to the secretary.
Hartford: Marie M. Fox: Well organized and well attended meeting elections held and all committee spots filled.
Litchfield: Amelia K. Waldron: Meeting to be held March 23rd, 2010 in Bethlehem at 10:00 AM.
Middlesex: Karen Cheney: Meeting held new officers elected a great organizational meeting.
New Haven: Carmela Apuzzo: Meeting held with four speakers and held elections. Anthony Esposito discussed error message with town committee primaries election cards.
New London: Lorraine Elliott: Mary E. Clark-Wilson reporting: Meeting held on March 4th, 2010. Well-received meeting and elections held.
Tolland: Susan J. Luginbuhl: Meeting held on March 9th, 2010. A speaker explaining the new Probate Court Districts and elections were held. R. Michael Wyman was elected chair and all committee spots were filled.
Windham: Kevin T. McCarthy: Will be holding a meeting on March 25th, 2010.
Audit Margaret A. Byrnes: Report received by Anthony V. Esposito and secretary audit held on February 12th, 2010 found all in order.
Legislative: Pamela M. Rapacz: SB 287 received a joint favorable to add candidates to restrictions when aiding voters in the polls however they will be allowed to aid immediate family members. There is a public hearing on Friday March 12th, 2010 at 10:00 AM at the GAE regarding other legislation we are supporting. The SOTS (SB389, SB 421 and SB 423) Technical Bill and the Town Clerks FOI. The chair requests that all county chairs via E-Mail inform the membership of the legislation being supported by the ROVAC Legislative Committee. ROVAC DAY AT the Capitol will be on April 21st, 2010 in the private dining room in the LOB from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Nominating: Robert L. Sherman: The slate is set for the April Convention and the Ballots are being prepared by Judith Beaudreau. Candidates President: Anthony V. Esposito. Executive Vice-President: Nancy A DePietro and Melissa J. Russell. Vice-President: Barbara Brenneman. Secretary: Katherine A. Palazzi. Treasurer: Sue Larsen. Board of Directors two for three positions: Peter Gostin and Aleta Looker. Audit: Margaret Byrnes, Patricia Byer and Mary Moury.
Technology: Urania Petit: Will be holding a meeting March 17th, 2010 in Cromwell at 10:00 AM.
Convention: Judith A. Beaudreau: Members of the committee have arranged the meals for convention and Judi has requested we have coffee and tea. Motion made by Susan J. Luginbuhl to have coffee and tea provided by ROVAC at convention seconded by Melissa J. Russell. Discussion ensued Roll call vote requested by Susan J. Luginbuhl. Motion passes 11 yes and 2 no (note correction in number eleven not ten as originally stated). West Hartford on Wednesday evening April 14th 2010 a possible debate of the Secretary of the State Candidates will be held for registrars to attend. Education classes may be recount canvass and nominating.
Ways and Means: R. Michael Wyman: PASS
Certification: Judith A Beaudreau :Information on the first classes will be coming soon via E-Mail.
Mary E. Clark-Wilson: Data clean up going very well.
Recess so we can move to room 219 and continue.
Meeting reconvenes at 12:03 PM.
NEW BUSINESS: Budget presented by Nancy A. DePietro.There was a lengthy discussion regarding how to increase income and hold the line on expenses. Motion made by Barbara Brenneman to approve budget as presented and discussed. Seconded by Susan J. Luginbuhl. Motion Passes UNANIMOUSLY.
Motion made by Susan J. Luginbuhl and seconded by Sue Burnham to adjourn the meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 PM. by Anthony V. Esposito.
Respectfully submitted by Anne-Marie Mastroianni Secretary
All ROVAC Board meetings are held on the second Thursday of the month in Cromwell unless otherwise notified. Our next meeting will be April13th, 2010 time and place to be announced